Conversations that don't include Clem.
Has anyone noticed something that rarely happened in Season 1 that is happening in Season 2 is that people are constantly having these conversations not directed to the main character?
For example, we first see this was in the first episode, its actually Luke going to talk to Nick while we were talking to Carlos. Obviously, Luke said something to convince Nick to apologize or realize Clem isn't a bad person.
Or in the second episode when Carlos talked to Luke alone after the whole bridge incident. What were they talking about and why then and there? Obviously it couldn't wait.
Lastly, right after we found Kenny. When we are walking away, we see Alvin and Rebecca talking while everyone was going into the lodge for a split second. Why would they put this in? What did they need to talk about? The safety of the new group they encountered?
These could just be minor things. Maybe to give a example that we ourselves are not the only one affecting the game as far as sharing opinions on certain things.