I have been introduced to Anadel and Alela Diane, some pretty zen music comes out of those two.
Any music that you have been reminded of as a result of thinking about TWD? For me, that would be this:
So guys, what music and genre's have you been reminded of, or introduced to as a result of TWD?
I don't know if you're including the TV show, besides the game?
I'll say it anyway, always thought Clutch went well with TWD (and Clutch being my favorite band, EVER), you could imagine my surprise when I heard one of their songs in the show.
Season 2, Episode 8 "Nebraska"
The song that plays where Clementine is climbing up the Ladder in S2E2 right before you meet Kenny kind of reminded me of The last of us soundtrack.
Don't know if this counts, but the song from the credits is pretty awesome.
'Little girl, little girl, don't lie to me...tell me where did you sleep last night?'
The end credit song for season 1 episode 5 made me a fan of Alela Diane, I listen to her music almost every day now