Moderation talk from "Make Max creepier" AKA "This is why we can't have nice things."

edited September 2008 in Site Support
just bringing this thread into today..............well.......... bye.


  • edited August 2008
    hey wait. the thread cheated! it said the last post was ten days ago. stupid thread. and it's cheating.
    P.S no longer am i a junior member. i am now a member! DOO DOO DOO DOOOOOOO!
  • edited August 2008

    back once again for my third reply in a row to say. AUUUUUUUUUGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! That green bunny will give me nightmares forever more. that third one wasn't so scary.
    no need to save the platypi now....... since they have lasers.
  • David EDavid E Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    Hi there, smellyman. Please don't reply to yourself.
  • edited August 2008
    David E wrote: »
    Hi there, smellyman. Please don't reply to yourself.

    says you.... and your ugly face.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    says you.... and your ugly face.

    That is not an appropriate way to respond when a staff member asks you to change your posting behavior. Consider this a formal warning, and please think before you post next time.

    Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions about forum etiquette and what is and isn't okay around here.
  • edited August 2008
    says you.... and your ugly face.

    ooooo busted.;)
  • edited August 2008
    Emily wrote: »
    That is not an appropriate way to respond when a staff member asks you to change your posting behavior. Consider this a formal warning, and please think before you post next time.

    Feel free to send me a PM if you have any questions about forum etiquette and what is and isn't okay around here.

    Don;t take it too seriously, Emily :p
  • edited August 2008
    Don;t take it too seriously, Emily :p
    Well, I don't know. Telltale employees are basically this forum's The Gods Themselves. You don't mess with 'em.
  • edited August 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Well, I don't know. Telltale employees are basically this forum's The Gods Themselves. You don't mess with 'em.

    guess things have changed a bit since i've been gone :( last time i was here the telltale staff on the forums were really nice and friendly with the community.

    I put down my opinion and bam i've got some type of warning.
  • edited August 2008
    guess things have changed a bit since i've been gone :( last time i was here the telltale staff on the forums were really nice and friendly with the community.

    I put down my opinion and bam i've got some type of warning.

    Dear presidentmax,

    You have received an infraction at Telltale Games Forums.

    Reason: Ignored mod
    Yeah, no. Listen to the mods, please.

    This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

    How did I ignore a mod? Jeez... all i did was say that guy was only joking. :mad:

    yes... how dare i speak my opinion, i must be shunned for my discontent :cool:

    Seriously, what the heck happened to this place while i was gone? :(
  • edited August 2008
    How was i messing with them? :(
  • edited August 2008
    guess nobody cares about this attack on freedom speech speech :mad:
  • edited August 2008
    1. Please don't put a whole bunch of posts like that.
    2. I wasn't telling you off. I really wasn't. I was just pointing out that, in this community, it's not really acceptable to tell off Telltale staff.
    3. This isn't an assault on your free speech, okay? Don't even try it.
    4. YOU weren't messing with them. I was just saying that it shouldn't be done.

    Look, some guy posts a message (I mean, we all know he was kidding, but still) writing off one of the TTG staff. Emily tells him not to do that. You say it's not a big deal. I say that it kind of is because that's just how things work around here. You misinterpret this and explode. There is absolutely no good reason for any of this, so let's try to be understanding, okay?
    The Telltale guys really are good and friendly with their fans, and that's pretty rare. Because of that, a certain amount of respect really is expected.
  • edited August 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    1. Please don't put a whole bunch of posts like that.
    2. I wasn't telling you off. I really wasn't. I was just pointing out that, in this community, it's not really acceptable to tell off Telltale staff.
    3. This isn't an assault on your free speech, okay? Don't even try it.
    4. YOU weren't messing with them. I was just saying that it shouldn't be done.

    Look, some guy posts a message (I mean, we all know he was kidding, but still) writing off one of the TTG staff. Emily tells him not to do that. You say it's not a big deal. I say that it kind of is because that's just how things work around here. You misinterpret this and explode. There is absolutely no good reason for any of this, so let's try to be understanding, okay?
    The Telltale guys really are good and friendly with their fans, and that's pretty rare. Because of that, a certain amount of respect really is expected.

    1. sorry i usually don't but i felt like my views were going to be ignored.
    2.I didn't mean you, i got a warning from TOBACCO for saying i 'ignored' emily when all i did was give my view.
    3.How isn't it? i made one comment that was neither abusive or rebelious and simply expressed my opinion (which forums are defined by.) and look what happened. If that isn't a threat against my freedom of speech then i do not know what is.
    4.Well they seem to think i was as i got a WARNING :mad:

    I understand your point but I dislike when administrators start throwing warnings in every direction for mere comments with no abusive or hurtful content. Forums are merely places for discussion and they don't have to be handled like some school with a teacher hitting someone with a ruler whenever he says a cheeky comment that was ment light-heartly.

    p.s *waits to be upgraded from a warning to a ban for writing his opinion.
  • edited August 2008
    Okay, okay, you're over reacting. I won't get involved any more than I already am, but I will say that the first amendment only protects you from the government.
  • edited August 2008
    TrogLlama wrote: »
    Okay, okay, you're over reacting. I won't get involved any more than I already am, but I will say that the first amendment only protects you from the government.

    Sorry you're right. I overeacted but we put up with a lot of stuff in real life because that's life but i don't have to tolerate it on the net. :(

    I'm not bothered by the fact that i could be banned, it's a website in the end of the day not the end of the world. :cool:

    Thanks for being understanding and i'm sorry for coming across strongly.
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    we put up with a lot of stuff in real life because that's life but i don't have to tolerate it on the net. :(

    A lot of Telltale employees post on the forums. For many of them, it's officially part of their jobs. For those people, there isn't a line between "real life" and "on the net." Keeping this place open and fun but also civil and tolerable is part of our actual life.

    Things have been pretty fast and loose around here pretty much since day one, and they will definitely continue to be so, but in the last few months, an increasing number of threads have gone flying off topic (often deliberately by one or many newer members of the community), formerly heeded requests by TTG staffers are increasingly going unnoticed or deliberately ignored, etc, etc. Hopefully this will die down a bit after the shiny newness of this community wears off for all the folks who showed up here due to Strong Bad (or who landed here in rowdy exile after the wiki forum closed for a bit), but for now we're sadly tightening the leash for a bit.

    For years I was proud of this forum for being one of the few I'd ever joined that was handily capable of policing itself and behaving with little to no moderation. Now I see people making posts which deliberately contain nothing but an annoying troll, or a deliberately off-topic response, simply because "it doesn't say in the rules that I can't post this here." That is frankly total rubbish, and sadly, other than leading by example (which we all try to do at Telltale, and which many of the older community members continue to do), the only other action one can take is to up the amount of moderation which happens.

    This thread ("Make Max creepier") is maybe my favorite one in the last month, and it kills me to see it polluted with off-topic guff, so I'm splitting the mod talk into its own thread in forum support.
  • edited August 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    A lot of Telltale employees post on the forums. For many of them, it's officially part of their jobs. For those people, there isn't a line between "real life" and "on the net." Keeping this place open and fun but also civil and tolerable is part of our actual life.

    Things have been pretty fast and loose around here pretty much since day one, and they will definitely continue to be so, but in the last few months, an increasing number of threads have gone flying off topic (often deliberately by one or many newer members of the community), formerly heeded requests by TTG staffers are increasingly going unnoticed or deliberately ignored, etc, etc. Hopefully this will die down a bit after the shiny newness of this community wears off for all the folks who showed up here due to Strong Bad (or who landed here in rowdy exile after the wiki forum closed for a bit), but for now we're sadly tightening the leash for a bit.

    For years I was proud of this forum for being one of the few I'd ever joined that was handily capable of policing itself and behaving with little to no moderation. Now I see people making posts which deliberately contain nothing but an annoying troll, or a deliberately off-topic response, simply because "it doesn't say in the rules that I can't post this here." That is frankly total rubbish, and sadly, other than leading by example (which we all try to do at Telltale, and which many of the older community members continue to do), the only other action one can take is to up the amount of moderation which happens.

    This thread ("Make Max creepier") is maybe my favorite one in the last month, and it kills me to see it polluted with off-topic guff, so I'm splitting the mod talk into its own thread in forum support.

    Thank you for the informative response. It clears things up a bit. Overall, i took the warning the wrong way as i felt a bit threatened. I did not understand why the person was given a warning until your response so i ended up leaving a comment saying 'i think you're taking this too seriously' the next thing i knew i had a warning and this led to my thunderous amounts of annoying comments questioning my warning. I still think i shouldnt have been tossed a warning, but now i see why you guys felt it was needed to be done. So i like to apoligise for the outburst. :)
  • edited August 2008
    And I apologize for extending the conversation when it really didn't need it.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited August 2008
    And I apologize for being a bit terse and scary sounding in my original response. :p We do let a lot of things fly around here, but a moderator being insulted for trying to do his job (which is how I interpreted the statement I quoted) isn't one of them.

    We'll have some official forum guidelines up in a couple of days... nothing crazy, and most of it is stuff that most of the community is doing already, but hopefully the guidelines will clarify where we're coming from and make life on these brave new forums easier for everyone. :)
  • edited August 2008
    sorry it's a bit late, but: i'm sorry about what i said, i didn't realize it was a telltale person and thought it was someone who was just joking (is there a rule that you can't reply to yourself?). so, sorry.:o
  • edited September 2008
    On that topic, I should point out that all members with special priveledges on the forum have bold and/or italic usernames by their posts. Might be worth noticing.
  • edited September 2008
    Plus, there's the TTG logo next to staff members.
  • EmilyEmily Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    sorry it's a bit late, but: i'm sorry about what i said, i didn't realize it was a telltale person and thought it was someone who was just joking (is there a rule that you can't reply to yourself?). so, sorry.:o

    It's okay. I'm sorry I jumped to conclusions. :o

    Also, the forum guidelines I mentioned have now been posted here. Everyone, please read them! :)
This discussion has been closed.