top 3 eps so far out of the 8 eps

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

I wanted to know everyones top 3 ep so far and the reason I said 8 ep is bc I am counting 400 days as one ep.

starting with number

season 1 ep 3 a long road ahead- this was a great ep both in story progression, surprises and actual gameplay since it really is the last ep with true adventure game gameplay aka train puzzle. I love the stuff with duck both the humor and tragedy, the rocky road relationship between lee and kenny and who cant forget what happened to carly, I mean really this ep had everything plus this is where clem stopped just being a small girl and started to become the clem we see in season 2. great Ep. plus we get to meet omid lol. 4/5

season 2 ep 2 a house divided- as this is the newewst ep its also one of the best with true decision making good character development and a cool action scene to boot. Carver is a great villain, it helps that mike madison is his VA I loved his character in kill bill the movie. The relationship between clem and luke is great its one step below that of clem and lee but could get there by season end. in fact I liked all the character growth of the new group, my only problem ks with rebbecca she did a complete 180 outta nowhere, I understand the writers wanted to soften her up but they needed to do it gradually I felt like she went from a mega biotch to a marshmellow outta nowhere. I like that they brought back kenny and im excited to see where his character goes. the only other small mistake that I think they made was killing off walter bc he was a very multi dimensional character one of the best written and did so much with so little screen time. overall I give this ep a 4.5/5

season 1 ep 2 starving for help- this by far is my fav ep from the entire mood it had everything great heroes great villains, great mood and setting and great storytelling and gameplay. this is where lee and clem became one of my fav videogame duos of all time and their bond truly started. this is also the ep where laughed out loud at kenny to lee" well you know your urban". while carver is a good villain, the cannibal family was better bc it was a slow burn that built the tension slowly, while carver is subdued you can tell he is evil, the family seemed at first like any other survivors, so when their true intentions are revealed its all the better. Plus who can forget the part where you had to divide up the food, killing larry, and the final 30 minutes of gameplay in the thunderstorm. or hell even the slow creak up the stairs as lee. to see what they hiding. not to mention the final decision rather to take the food from the car or not, this is the ep that made me a fan of this game truly. 10/5 one of the best stories in a videogame and it was only 2 hrs.

what do yall think?


  • edited March 2014

    Mine are:

    1. No Time Left
    2. Starved For Help
    3. A New Day
    1. A House Divided
    2. No Time Left
    3. Around Every Corner, and yes... I know that's a rather unpopular one among most people here, I loved that episode though.
    1. No Time Left
    2. A House Divided
    3. Long Road Ahead
  • edited March 2014
    1. Starved for Help

    2. Long Road Ahead

    3. A House Divided

  • edited March 2014
    1. A House Divided

    2. Starved For Help

    3. No Time Left

  • 1: Long road ahead

    2: Starved for help

    3: A house divided

  • 1.A House Divivded
    2.Around Every Corner
    3.No Time left

  • seems to be a couple of consistent winners so far

  • edited March 2014
    1. Starved for Help
    2. Around Every Corner
    3. Long Road Ahead
    4. A House Divided

    I had to make a Top 4, sorry.

  • its cool what are some of yalls reasons behind your selection

  • edited March 2014

    3 - Starved for Help. This episode first really showed us how much Telltale can accomplish, and had the first introduction of the gut-wrenching decisions we know and hate today (Save Larry, that is.)

    2 - Around Every Corner. It may as well have been filler. Crawford was only one episode, and it was Molly's only appearance, but I loved the Episode because it was focused around my favorite character from Season 1, Ben.

    1 - A House Divided. I might be saying this because it's the newest one, but geez. This was the first Episode that had me hating myself for the things I did. Aaand it assured me that Clementine was a good Player Character at first. (I was a little iffy when it was announced)

    1. Long Road Ahead

    2. A House Divided

    3. Starved for Help

    1. Around Every Corner
    2. No Time Left
    3. Starved for Help
  • My personal favourite was "Starved For Help" because while you were thinking that actually you found a pretty well protected base with good people but then,when you realize that the meal they made was out of the actual body of Mark,well that was disgusting!

    My second favourite is "No Time Left" the first time I played it I was so sad because I thought that Clementine was dead but hopefully she wasn't.I also liked the part where he grabbed the one of the broken glasses and went through the street filled with zombies,he was such a badass!

    And last but not least,"The First Episode" because you get to meet Clementine and babysit her while her (dead) parents were in Savannah,Georgia!

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