A theory about Clem and Carver's relationship in episode 3
Clem and the others arrive at Carver's stronghold. It turns out Carver has his own physician working in the compound - someone who screens any new arrivals for communicable diseases. While Clem is having her blood analysed, Carver's doctor discovers Clem is infected with rabies, thanks to the bite she received from Sam in episode 1. Under normal circumstances, Carver's ruthless policy would ensure Clem is put down, but Carver decides to make a rare exception with Clem. Thankfully, the disease hasn't advanced in Clem's body to the point where it's untreatable, and the doctor has sufficient resources on hand to give Clem the injections she needs.
Clem learns that she now owes Carver her life. Worse yet, this discovery casts Carlos in an unfavourable light. Having already locked Clem away in a shed because he failed to identify a human bite from a dog bite, Carlos's medical ignorance would have resulted in an agonizing death for Clem if Carver's doctor hadn't intervened. Carver predictably uses this development to his advantage to win over Clementine.
On top of everything else, Clem now HAS to stay at Carver's compound in order to be given the mandatory 14-day period of vaccinations. During this time, Carver puts Clem's group through increasingly brutal work routines, making Clem's personal struggle all the more unpleasant as she watches everyone she knows endure the lash of Carver's whip, while weighing her own sense of gratitude to the man who spared her from certain death.
I'm so glad this isn't to do with pedophilia(nothing to do with you, but I'm sure you know the weirdo's on our forum)
Remenber that in this game you always have a choice so you could still help the group.
Yeah, let's...let's not go there.
Clementine has rabbies, you say?
I will still murder him
me too, I wont even have to think twice about it. iw ould do it the most slowest and painfull way possible.
Imagine if Vernon turns out to be Carver's doctor...
Its been about a week since she was bitten by a dog, and possibly another week until they get to the camp. Would the rabies have already killed her long before then?
If i got the option to shoot him or let him get eaten by walkers i would choose the walkers.
Eh? Vernon's dead bud
It's obviously " Zombie Rabbies " a much stronger and more effective form of rabies, but it takes a longer time untill it affects the human body!
Vernon was referred to as "lost" in 400 DAYS, not dead. If we learned anything from Kenny, it's that "lost" gives Telltale a lot of leeway with a character's fate.
Morgan, that idea is amazing.
This seems cliched, but based off the episode 3 scenes Carver seems to want to make Clem his protege, or at least persuade her to join him instead.
Actually it isn't cliched, considering it would be easy for Carver to see that Clementine is the smartest person in that camp barring possibly Carver himself, and he might think she would be the easiest to win over to his side due to her age.
Besides, no matter how villainous you are, who could possibly not want Clementine as their advisor/second in command?
Nobody, that's who. She's just too awesome.
I share your concern over some of the shit going around the forum, just try not to derail threads by bringing it up, I don't want discussion about that sick stuff spilling over into the good threads like this one. If you are concerned, make your own thread about it, I'd gladly join you to talk about how weird some of the forum discussions have been getting.
Man that would suck. Still, we would get to call him out on stealing our boat and leaving our (and Clem) group to die.
"So where's Lee, and Christa, and Ben, and Omid?"
"They're all dead. Maybe if we had a boat..." #Deathglare#
Well, yeah, Carver "saved" her life, but he took away other's people life, so I'm not forgiving him.
Carver knows she is smart and resourceful since she is just 11 and 2 and a half years into the apocalypse.
Are there any other dog-bite-transmissible diseases that could fill the same role?
EDIT: or just any other diseases that you get from having your arm ripped open in a damp, cold environment for an extended period of time?