Telltale AMC TV show adaptation?

CEO of Telltale accidentally leaked in a Joystiq interview last week that they have been offered the TV show as source material.
If this is true I can not wait, this could give Telltale the sales it needs to make a full length game with real graphics. Like Battlefield esque. However I hope they dont get distracted with what made them popular in the first place . If they go down this path, they have to remember where their fans are. And that means that they should not abandon the Sam and Max franchise. Share your thoughts below


  • I think that would be awesom

  • Also they should do the tv show adaptation with the comic book style graphics we have all come to love

  • Also we should be able to play as daryl or carl, im sock of rick

  • Alrihht someone comment im waitin

  • That would ruin the whole idea behind this adaptation. It was based off the comic books and has this art style for a reason, switching from Comic to TV would be unnecessary. Also, link for proof?

  • edited March 2014

    It would be cool. But it would make no sense. It's all about choices so what would they do? Get the most popular choices? And I know they could get actors that looked like the characters but matching the voices of Dave Fennoy and Gavin Hoffman's epic voices would be hard. And finding the right Clementine would be a bitch. Also, would it be a mini series or something? Or would they split the episodes in half to make it a 10 episode season 1. It might be cool. But overall I think it wouldn't work. It also destroys the purpose of getting the first game.

  • I also think they should not put in hershel's farm dat was really boring

  • They should also make a breakig bad and american horror story game with the same graphics

  • edited March 2014

    To cook, or not to cook? Find out, on the next Episode of, Breaking Bad.

    They should also make a breakig bad and american horror story game with the same graphics

  • Clementine should meet up with carl and hook up and they can make a new season with them protecting children

  • Idk how to respond to ppls comments but yeah kissaki lets cook meth i love breakn bad

  • edited March 2014

    NO! But i wouldn't mind for a Telltale based TV Show. (a man can dream...)

  • Maybe season 3 will be a crossover, they can name the first episode "crossroads"

  • But i still say clementine over daryl. Even though they are awesome main characters

  • But i still say clementine over daryl. Even though they are awesome main characters

  • But i still say clementine over daryl. Even though they are awesome main characters

  • But i still say clementine over daryl. Even though they are awesome main characters

  • But i still say clementine over daryl. Even though they are awesome main characters

  • edited March 2014

    Calm down Satan and use EDIT button.
    Alt text

    But i still say clementine over daryl. Even though they are awesome main characters

  • They should
    Have linkin park do the soundtrack for season 3

  • They should make you choose to prengnanate lori or not

  • That would be awesome

    They should make you choose to prengnanate lori or not

  • Sub to me on youtube: CrazyNightsPsn. Sub to me or fave the concequences

  • Real art style...? IMHO the comic style that they have right now is gorgeous and like no other game out there really. And this game will definitely not turn into an FPS type. Oh, and the edit button is a thing. You should try it sometime.

  • They needa do a mission in atlanta, im sick of stupid outdoors

  • The city would be a nice change

  • Good idea man

    They needa do a mission in atlanta, im sick of stupid outdoors

  • why can't people accept that the game has nothing to do with the show? seriously

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