Anyone else notice these neat little things?
1) (I think most people probably have noticed this): All episodes released thus far have titles with three words in (A new day, no time left, in harm's way etc.). Technically 400 days doesn't, although if you write it out it says 'Four Hundred Days' so perhaps it still counts.
2) So far the names of the credit songs for episodes 1 and 2 have followed the same structure: 'In the x', with x relating to something in the episode.
In episode 1, the song is 'In the water', and Clementine is thrown into the river, and in episode 2 the song is 'In the pines' and it features the group travelling for days on end among pine trees.
I'm interested to see if this trend continues in episode 3
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Good thinking.
The next end song will be called "In the hardware store" XD
The episodes having three word titles is actually a reference to the comics, as each story arc/volume in the comics has a three word title.
And just like the comic titles they're really awesome. Better even.
You mean that classic by John Lennon " In the Home Depot"
Another thing about "In The Pines" is that it's an old song which people apparently used to sing for [beloved] individuals who are dead, missing, or were never to be seen again. Perhaps this is referring to the disappearance of Luke as well? It's very interesting!
The song may be called "In the pines" in the credits but it's actually called "Where did you sleep last night."
This. The game is based off the comics which explains that 3-word titles.
I know right? Every time a let's player says, "Oh that's Hershel from the show." I go "No! That's Hershel from the comics!"
Wikipedia says it's known under both names.
Well the lyrics talk about a "little girl" so I'm pretty sure it was meant to refer to Clementine. I think it's just supposed to hammer home the idea that we have no idea what's going to happen to Clem now that she's been taken to Carver's prison camp.
The same goes with Glenn
Comic Glenn and TV Glenn look way different
Hey its only three words man, "The Hardware Store"...has some manly ring into it
Well there ya go.
Next song
Yes want lee back so much please telltale
It could be a reference to many things. Here's a couple of threads that brought this to my attention:
But you may be right, haha.
I told Clem not to kill him. Maybe theres hope, maybe we can find a cure. I met this guy in a town run by a bald guy, he seems legit.
I dunno, Glenn looks way, way closer than Herschel.
Sure, close but not spot on.
Ah, did not know that. Thanks for the info!