Lee to Clem - A Change in Perspective
One thing that is different this season from the last one is our new perspective of the zombie apocalypse. In season 1 we were Lee. He was a smart, tough man who was a convicted murderer. Now, in season 2, we are Clem. She is most definitely a smart girl and tough for her age, but she isn't as capable as Lee was. The apocalypse is a tough place for a little girl.
As Lee, I found myself asking "What can i do for these people?" when it came to other members of my group. As Clem, this question has changed to "What can these people to for me?" I felt strong and confident as Lee. I felt as though i could handle the challenges thrown my way. Now as Clem, my confidence is lost. I fear what challenge will come up next and if Clem can handle it.
How, if at all, has this transition changed your outlook?
With Lee, I was trying to do anything to protect Clementine. Now, while playing as Clem, I'm trying to do the same, so I guess it technically didn't change, but if you look it the other way... I've stopped caring about others so much and started caring about myself. I'm still nice and helping, but in the life or death situation, I'd choose myself. Unlike Lee, which chose Clem.
Clem and Kenny...i like most of the other characters aswell, but the sad truth is i can't protect all of them. I will do my best to protect Sarita and Sarah aswell, Sarita is like family to Kenny and i gave Sarah the unbreakable pinky swear! She's still just a kid and i have a bad feeling that Carlos won't make it alot longer. But you are right, Lee would have died to save Clementine and as Clementine my major priority is keeping myself alive!
I actually see clem as mini Lee as she went from scared innocent little girl learned off Lee and became little badass from her lessons and developed same mentality. But saying that feel in zombie apocalypse at end of the day doesn't matter if your as good as rambo or as stupid as ben all comes down to luck for survival. Think positives also as if saw Clem little girl people are more likely to spare her life as don't not see her as a threat but weakness is physically group of zombies or one would overpower her or Carver. Honestly wish Lee was back to protect her miss him so much seeing clem being bullied or abused annoys me so much
Yes, I want Lee to be back too, miss him to this day
Poor guy