Season 2 is a bit short, isn't it?
Don't get me wrong, I like most of what happened in Season 2 so far.
However, after playing E1 I thought that it was over very quick. First I thought like "may you just enjoyed it so much that the time passed fast". But now E2 went by just as fast. So I looked the timer in Steam, it says I played 3 hours, this is 1,5 hours for one episode... So I started Season 1 over again. After the same 3 hours that I spend playing S2 E1 and E2, I only finished E1 of S1.
So as I said, I enjoyed Season 2 thus far, and some of the scenes were fucking awesome. But I just can't get rid of the feeling that I was scammed a little bit, paying the same price for Season 2 as for Season 1 but getting a game that is only half as long.
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What? There is no way s1e1 could take 3 hours.
Season1 Episode1 toke you 3 hours? Where you searching for batteries for an hour? lol
Personally I'd put the shortness down to the lack of hubs, the ability to walk around and get to know the characters could add on a significant amount of time, I'm hoping we get one in ep 3 so we can finally learn something about the cabin group and any new character(s) we meet along the way
lol loved that episode
I honestly like Season2 style of gameplay alot more! The episodes might be shorter, but i always thought walking around and solving little mysterys wasn't really needed in Season1.
We had alot of interactions and character development for the cabin group in Season2 episode2...i don't know what you are talking about.
Haha i know right? If he finished ep1 in 3 hours , i wonder how long it will take him to finish ep4. maybe around 6 hours
Damnit...were is that fucking car battery?
Some hours later...damnit, where is that goddamn thing!?
Sure we got to interact but in season 1 we actually got to learn the back story to the characters, what they did before, where they came from small little things that got us attached to those characters
Carlos: He is a spanish doctor and has a 15year old daughter.
Alvin: He is a black history teacher and has a pregnant women.
Luke and Nick: Were running a business together during their college time.
Pete: He died at the end of episode1 or at the start of episode2...we didn't have the time to find out about his job, but we found out alot about his past. He maybe was a farmer or hunter, because Carver said he is looking for two farm boys and an old man.
... Well I think I got outplayed there but I still don't have the attachment to these characters that I did in season 1
That's just your own opision...
I am very attached to some of those characters. I didn't care to much about Alvin, he didn't play a very important role in my eyes. Uncle Pete was a badass and a true friend, he was the only person that trusted me right from the Gecko, i was very sad to see him die! I promised uncle Pete to watch on Nick, before he sacrifised himself to save my life. That made me care alot about Nick. Sarah is my BFF! I gave her the unbreakable Pinky swear. Rebbeca was a bitch to me in episode1, but she became nicer and i care about her because she is pregnant and will deliver a baby very soon. Luke is a nice guy and acts like an old brother towards Clem, so i care about him aswell. Carlos well...i care about him to, because he needs to stay alive to deliver Rebbecas baby and to watch on his daughter aka my BBF!
But maybe that's just my opinion...
No don't get me wrong I am attached to these characters and I will go to almost any length to save them but to me it just isn't the same connection we had with some of the season 1 characters and I think it was the hubs that helped make and improve those connections
Well i have to agree with isn't the same connection as we had with a certain someone of Season1. I will never get attached by any character, as much as i got attached by my Bro Kenny (exept Clem herself ofcourse...). But Kenny is back again, so i don't have to worry about that nomore!
I can agree with you on that, as long as Kenny has his stache he'll be fine
His Stache evolved into a even more godlike and breath taking hobo beard!
i thought the same after playing s2e1. the ending just felt off. after getting more or less the same ending for ep 2, i figured out what's been bugging me about season 2. it's not set up in the same episodic style as season 1. season 2 would be closer to a 5 part movie format, with the way they keep cutting off immediately after making certain decisions. there's no proper ending, just a big middle finger followed by "next time, on the walking dead."
if you compare to season 1, each episode ends after the group arrives at a destination, or chooses their path, with the only real cliff hanger at the end of ep 4, but even that had a finality to it. they had fixed up the boat. sure, the end of episode 5 left alot to be desired (the field with the tree), but the game itself still ended on an ending, lee's. looking at season 2 ep 1, we end right after picking who to follow. in s1e1, that'd be like getting a fade to black "next time" screen after getting decked by larry and the last thing you see is the walker crawling towards you. there's no kenny to the rescue or motel, just imminent death and then "next time..." episode 2 would probly be comparable to runnin from the walkers after the fences fail at the farm. you just see them run away. no mention of returning to the motel, no finding the car with supplies, just them fleeing for their lives.
imo, episode 1 should have ended at the 5 day time skip. they had a destination, and were heading there. the end. episode 2 could have ended with them walking up to the entrance of carver's camp and a feeling of "well, looks like we're gonna be stuck here awhile..."
I agree with the OP. The two episodes in Season 2 so far have been way too short. Only bought the game last night, and I'm already finished by mid-morning the following day.
Hell, I might even be forced to go outside and do things like food shopping, talking to real people...yuk.
Love the game, but I really want the experience of playing through it to last longer.
How long before we get our next hit?
I'm sure we'll have a lot to do in EP3.
I'm expecting more free-roaming than there ever was in the past. It'll take us quite some time to go through everything to be done in the community.
It's our first visit to such a massive, secure place, isn't it?
that's assuming we see more of it than cutscenes, a locked or guarded room, and wherever carver's leash takes us.
Yeah, I'm just shooting in the dark here xD
Wishful thinking, I guess.
Yeah, but maybe the story requires events to move at a hectic pace and be done with it in an hour and a half. Also, prepare for more possible time skips if the idea is to show our characters will be there for a while.
It makes sense that the upcoming episode somewhat slows down. Personally, I hope for a more intrigue oriented episode with a possibly bloody finale that marks the mid-season milestone. Oh, and a bloody cliffhanger.
Hopefully they can reconcile the plot they have written with some more character oriented moments that I feel have been missing from this season.
Patience is short; expectations, long, which is why it only seems that way. Less 'cluttered,' optionally explorative settings in relation to Season One add to this impression held by many, despite current-season episodes only being negligibly briefer in actual duration.
I would argue length is only one part of what people are feeling different about this season. I'm starting to sound like a broken recorder, but I really think those "cluttered" environments that were mixed with character interaction not only prolonged the episodes' running time, but also provided some necessary development and distinction to the characters.
It's most definitely interactions with the environment and NPCs that most are mistaking for actual (straight run) length, and that, I find a legitimate complaint.
I'm not attached to any of them because now that clem is on her own and now that she has all this experience living in this fucked up world I find it's much harder to just step into a group and make close ties like it was before I knew how terrible people could be. I don't trust anyone at this point, not even kenny, I mean I gave that dog my beans and that bastard ripped my arm open, that was basically my last straw for trusting anyone. If someone wants to prove they are worth being trusted they are gonna have to go a lot farther then "oh, I'm sorry about locking you in the shed". So far all I can say is screw this group, they are there because I need them, not because I want them.
In season one there was that feeling of we are all in this together, like as Lee sacrificing my life to save others was worth it because we were all scared and lost, plus I felt a needed to redeem myself and make this second chance at life a righteous one. Now as Clem I've seen all the evil this world has brought about and I've been around long enough to know not to get too close, and I'm supposed to jump onboard and fall in love with these assholes that lock me in a shed and leave me to die. Nick being a trigger happy psycho ben style fuck up, You got Carlos who is paranoid and dillusional and his stupid daughter with her floating around attitude ITS BEEN LIKE 2 FUCKIN YEARS, at what point does survival mode and the realization of everything being screwed kick in. Miss preggo and her corny ass man seem kind hearted but are fuckin useless. Luke is alright because he respects clem's strengths but at the same time is too gung ho and immature. The only trustworthy and seemingly genuine good intentioned people so far have been Peter, Mathew, and Walter, and look what it got them. I trust Kenny more then any one because of our history, plus he mistakenly called clem duck which shows he sees her as his child, but at the same time Kenny is Kenny and his hot headed nonsense is gonna boil over and I don't want to be involved in the shit storm when it does.
even still, by the end of s1e1, we had a fair idea of who each person was. in s2e1, all we really saw was a handful of people channeling the deceased spirit of larry, and a few others that darwinism says should have died off a long time ago. we got a little insight into luke, saw that nick is a screw up, and that alvin is whipped, but that was about it. hell, carver told us more about some of these people in one breath, than we've found out after 2 episodes. the only people to really get a backstory was nick and luke, everyone else is still a complete unknown. well, everyone but kenny, i guess.
imo, episode 1 should have been about clem discovering a need for other people. a reason why she would even consider staying with these people that don't like her, wont trust her, have already shot at her, and have a person that scares the hell out of them and is willing to chase them to end of the friggen earth if he has to, because these sound like big red danger signs tellin me to GTFO. there's just things missing. they completely brushed over who killed pete. i'm hoping that gets answered in ep 3.
i suppose in summation, season 2 just feels abridged, and that's what people don't like.
It's more focused. Not necessarily a bad thing. It'd be nice to have hubs back though.
I feel the Season 2 has been to short because the episodes so far have lacked hubworlds and significant character interactions. I made this really explicit in a thread I posted, but I won't advertise myself here.