Most bizarre Sam & Max moments

edited August 2008 in Sam & Max
... as there's a pleasant abundance of them, I though it would be fun to pick the most memorable ones. Trying to keep the spoiler level down.

Mine are:
Sam & Max Hit the Road: the ending, of course
S1E1 Culture Shock: the Brady Culture dream sequence
S1E2 Situation: Comedy: Max's toothpaste insert (and what happens before... ouch!)
S1E3 The Mole, the Mob and the Meatball: the showdown with Sybil
S1E4 Abe Lincoln Must Die: Superball and co. comes forward to sing the War Song
S1E5 Reality 2.0: the money laundering scene
S1E6 Bright Side of the Moon: selling... ummmm... something to Canada for 100 trillion Celine Dion dollars
S2E1 Ice Station Santa: Max jumping down the chimney going "Ho ho ho". This one would stand its own in any drug-induced hallucination :)

What are yours?


  • edited August 2008
    well, looks like it's not that much fun, after all :o
  • edited August 2008
    Don't let it get you down, I've started many a thread on many web sites where none replied. I guess I'd have to say the most bazaar scene from a Sam and Max game would be the text only part in "Reality 2.0".
  • edited August 2008
    well, yes, that was a bit... ummmm... unexpected :D
    And also, the return of the Shambling Corporate Presence in S2E1 was more than a bit weird!
  • edited August 2008
    In Night of the Raving Dead, I stopped at one point and realised that I was watching a 6ft anthropomorphic dog ask the decapitated head of a hypnotic/robotic Abe Lincoln Memorial Statue about the whereabouts of a zombie factory. Interesting.
  • edited August 2008
    RobD wrote: »
    In Night of the Raving Dead, I stopped at one point and realised that I was watching a 6ft anthropomorphic dog ask the decapitated head of a hypnotic/robotic Abe Lincoln Memorial Statue about the whereabouts of a zombie factory. Interesting.

    Why? The whole thing seems perfectly normal to me.
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