How do you think episode 5 of season 2 will end?

I think it'll be like the ending of episode 5 of season 1 where Clementine needs to kill Lee, then she would need to do the same with whoever is with her at the end. Credits roll and you can see Clem after the credits walking and sees a small camp in the distance which is where Christa wanted to go, Welltangon or however you spell it. She stares out at it and a voice comes from behind Clem, it's Christa, Clem runs to her and hugs. Screen fades to black with them walking towards the camp.


  • With Pizza and ice cream...but we can't have both of them!

  • Great answer....

    With Pizza and ice cream...but we can't have both of them!

  • I hope however it ends, that it does so with us in tears.

  • edited March 2014

    Look at previous seasons kill off most of cast no way sarah surviving every season want new cast for next but they love shocking ending i actually feel same as you lee but look at plothole's for people who shot lee. Know this might offend people but look at facts telltale of all these new games coming up borderlands and game of thrones and with delays making WAU plus WTD won't be possible to have 4. I see them killing off clem hope they don't but in way where you think happy ending she survives with sarah then she bites her screen goes black. I do not want her to die but know how telltale work

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