New talking tree format

I love the new format for talking to people. In season 1 you can keep going back to see everything they would have said in many cases, but so far in this season it seems like once you talk to some one the conversation you pursue is all there is. I like it this way, it makes the conversations more real feeling and also forces you to ask the right questions or say the right thing as there is no going back.

Hey ben, fuck you.-
go back.-
Hey ben, so how do you feel about snack crackers?

That format of talking to people always bothered me in season one and I'm very happy to see the way it's worked out now, plus it give more incentive to replay through the levels without already knowing every possible conversation.


  • I agree it's nice to not be able to say everything, however, I also feel not enough is said. I'd like to be able to converse with people more.

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