Back To The Future

I was gonna just try to send as a support question instead of on a board. So I was going through my game collection and I noticed something. I am not sure if there is much you can do because it has been too long but I don't believe I ever received my DVD collection for Back to the Future. I think there may have been something associated with it maybe not coming out after all. Again I know it's been 2+ years so probably not much can be done which is COMPLETELY understandable. Super inexpensive anyways. Thank you for any help guys. Love your games.


  • Macfly77Macfly77 Moderator

    The Back to the Future DVD was released (in two different editions, no less) but as with other Telltale games where you order/pre-order the digital version, you would have had to place a separate order for the DVD (even if it was free).

    The DVD is not available from the Telltale Store at this time (only digital stuff is available right now) and might not be back, but if you placed an order for the DVD itself, Telltale might be able to help you. In that case (and that case only), just send an e-mail to and include the order number (for the order that included the DVD, not the one that included the digital version) and the user name and e-mail address associated with that specific order.

  • Thanks for the help. Yeah I had purchased both. I think when episode 3 came out is when I bought it, episode 4 and 5 hadn't come out yet. I went ahead and purchased both the digital and the physical, two different transactions. Sent an email. Not sure what can be done and I understand. I like to collect gaming stuff so having physical items is also nice. Sent an email so will see what happens.

    Macfly77 posted: »

    The Back to the Future DVD was released (in two different editions, no less) but as with other Telltale games where you order/pre-order the

  • ALL SOLVED! and it was my fault. Someone took it into their office and never put it back in video game collection in the house. All good. But man now I am mad at myself for not buying the Deluxe Edition. Would be a nice add.

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