Who's in charge of the season 2 group?
I first I thought it was Pete, he seemed the more obvious choice- then I thought it was Carlos, and Carver says: "You shouldn't have followed him" referring to Luke, so does that mean Luke's the leader, he's a little young and all. So, does anyone know who the defacto leader is?
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It seems to alternate between Luke and Carlos, as you said. There is no clear leader at this point. However, with Kenny's godlike beard now introduced, it seems clear to me who the new leader will be.
If they make it out of Carver's base, maybe Kenny will become the leader. Fingers crossed he doesn't die next episode.
I'm certain it is Luke. He invited Clem to stay, ordered everyone to pack up to move out, came up with the plan to split up at the bridge (despite Carlos's problems with it), and if you don't say they're cool to Kenny, the cabin survivors only put they're weapons down after Luke does.
Luke is the most charismatic out of the group, so it's probably him just because of that. It doesn't seem like they all look to him as a leader like Carver wants to be, but he keeps them together. When it comes down to some things though, he didn't seem in charge at all. In the beginning of episode 1 he refers to Pete as sir, and he also has no influence over Carlos' decision to lock Clem in the shed. So yeah, as I said, I think his charismatic hopefulness just keeps them together and moving.
Yeah, Pete and Carlos were probably calling the shots before hand. Carlos was the only one who stood up to Carver.
Should be Clementine, they make her do all the hard tasks.
I have to disagree there. They had her babysit Sarah while they went out to search for the rest of their group. You go with Luke on the bridge, so I guess that counts even though you went with him. He has you talk to Matthew because he thinks she has a good chance to make things go well since she looks like a sweet little girl. Luke has you climb the ski lift and look over the horizon, which to me isn't exactly a strenuous job, and his reasoning was that he could catch her if she fell. The rest of the group then tries to be diplomatic with Kenny's without even inviting her over, it just so happened that she knew Kenny. If she didn't, that situation would have been much different. Then during all the fighting they do the majority of the killing. She also has to turn off the wind turbine, which makes sense since she has a lighter. I would not consider putting a key in a button and turning it to be a difficult task. The tasks she performs aren't exactly anymore difficult than the tasks the rest of the group performs, she just happens to be utilized as a group member frequently.
Maybe they don't really have a leader, but actually a few people (namely Carlos, Pete and Luke) who often make the decisions. I mean, it's 7 people, not a country. Still, judging by "All That Remains" the rest of the group clearly has a say in this decisions, so I guess it would be a democracy. It just happens that certain people are more charismatic and/or respected than others, so they are the ones who usually make the choices.
In episode 1, there was no single leader - but we considered the leadership group to be Pete, Carlos, and Luke.
ok then
That made me laugh. My whole text wall, and then that little reply.
The groups leader is obviously Be- I mean Nick.... sorry, couldn't keep a straight face.