Who do you think is more bad



  • I don't think he was a pedo, We have Danny for that

    Yes, but why does he even need to say that to his brother unless he thought Danny would pick the kid.

  • Well I look at it this way : They are both bad people, They both have done horrible things, The better way to decide is to see who had better reasons to do such things And Survival is a much more understandable reason than a sexual or "paternal" obsession.

    I would agree with you if they weren't living on a farm. As it was, there was just to much food around for me to consider it pragmatism. I do agree that this has been a good discussion though.

  • I do agree that the obsession is worse than just trying to survive, but come on, they were on farm lol.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Well I look at it this way : They are both bad people, They both have done horrible things, The better way to decide is to see who had bette

  • But there was just one cow there lol and they weren't gonna kill her since it was a much better idea to keep her alive for the milk, the butter, and those biscuits or whatever. Im not gonna get into small details though because its gonna seem like I approve what they did :P I just think Danny had much more reasons to be a twisted son of a bitch than Carver does.

    I do agree that the obsession is worse than just trying to survive, but come on, they were on farm lol.

  • I know they only had the one cow, but in terms of having enough food to survive, they had acres of vegetables, and access to fresh dairy products. The Motor Inn group was surviving by rationing basically nothing, and the farmers with all of that food decided to be the cannibals. It's just twisted irony.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    But there was just one cow there lol and they weren't gonna kill her since it was a much better idea to keep her alive for the milk, the but

  • That just brings me back to my first point, They are bad people, But trying to figure out whether they had enough food or not to decide if their actions can be justified is not the solution. What they did can never be truly justified it just happens to be more understandable than Carver's actions.

    I know they only had the one cow, but in terms of having enough food to survive, they had acres of vegetables, and access to fresh dairy pro

  • Alright, well with the St. Johns out of the way, onto Carver. Assuming Rebecca's baby was conceived from consensual sex with Carver, would that make his situation more understandable? Concerned father stopping at nothing to find his kid?

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    That just brings me back to my first point, They are bad people, But trying to figure out whether they had enough food or not to decide if t

  • Not in my eyes, I mean right know 90% of the people assume the baby is Carver's and that still hasn't made his situation any easier to understand.

    Alright, well with the St. Johns out of the way, onto Carver. Assuming Rebecca's baby was conceived from consensual sex with Carver, would that make his situation more understandable? Concerned father stopping at nothing to find his kid?

  • Was just wondering. I personally think he's an ass, and want to kill him lol.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Not in my eyes, I mean right know 90% of the people assume the baby is Carver's and that still hasn't made his situation any easier to understand.

  • Agreed, I wish I could do to him the same I did to Danny. Someone else Im gonna put my hands on if I see him is Vernon

    Was just wondering. I personally think he's an ass, and want to kill him lol.

  • For me the number one is Lilly, and then Vernon. Getting to find either would be great, but especially Lilly.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Agreed, I wish I could do to him the same I did to Danny. Someone else Im gonna put my hands on if I see him is Vernon

  • I completely agree with you ! And I know those two fuckers are still out there and one of them is gonna show up this season I just don't know who

    For me the number one is Lilly, and then Vernon. Getting to find either would be great, but especially Lilly.

  • I sure hope they do. The best scene for both would be they show up, it's a situation like when the group is arguing with Kenny, and you just shoot them right in the face.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I completely agree with you ! And I know those two fuckers are still out there and one of them is gonna show up this season I just don't know who

  • He included himself in the murder list!. lol

    Ben...he's the worst! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e861UaYRDLE

  • Lilly would be much more entertaining but Christa doesn't know her Vernon on the other hand would be the easier to throw in there since even Clementine knows him and what he did

    I sure hope they do. The best scene for both would be they show up, it's a situation like when the group is arguing with Kenny, and you just shoot them right in the face.

  • Do you mean even Christa knows what Vernon did? Clem witnessed what Lilly did too, and probably got blood on her from the shot.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Lilly would be much more entertaining but Christa doesn't know her Vernon on the other hand would be the easier to throw in there since even Clementine knows him and what he did

  • No I mean Christa doesn't know Lilly, Meanwhile they all know Vernon and Kenny swore if he ever saw him again he would kill him

    Do you mean even Christa knows what Vernon did? Clem witnessed what Lilly did too, and probably got blood on her from the shot.

  • Ah, gotcha. I think that'd be why they would be more likely to put Lilly though. Lilly was such a controversial character, whereas I think everyone unanimously hates Vernon lol.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    No I mean Christa doesn't know Lilly, Meanwhile they all know Vernon and Kenny swore if he ever saw him again he would kill him

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited March 2014

    Well the old bastard did take our boat and leave us to die in that city full of zombies :P But I don't think he's truly a bad guy it all comes down to what I was talking about, Survival, Our group took food from an abandoned car as well

    Ah, gotcha. I think that'd be why they would be more likely to put Lilly though. Lilly was such a controversial character, whereas I think everyone unanimously hates Vernon lol.

  • Irregardless of whether or not he's good or bad, or what his reasoning is, I'd still like to put a bullet in each knee.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Well the old bastard did take our boat and leave us to die in that city full of zombies :P But I don't think he's truly a bad guy it all comes down to what I was talking about, Survival, Our group took food from an abandoned car as well

  • I would have more reason to beat him up than Lilly, I mean after all I at least killed her dad

    Irregardless of whether or not he's good or bad, or what his reasoning is, I'd still like to put a bullet in each knee.

  • We did kill her dad...

    Still, after shooting Carley I'm incapable of forgiveness. Either of the two show up, and they're getting a bullet in each knee and left to die.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I would have more reason to beat him up than Lilly, I mean after all I at least killed her dad

  • How about they both show up and we make them kill each other ?

    We did kill her dad... Still, after shooting Carley I'm incapable of forgiveness. Either of the two show up, and they're getting a bullet in each knee and left to die.

  • So long as they have to do so with shot kneecaps. I'm all for the idea, but I have to get this out of my system lol.

    SaltLick305 posted: »

    How about they both show up and we make them kill each other ?

  • Dammit, When did we turn this into a Lilly amd Vernon Hateppreciation thread ? Lol

    So long as they have to do so with shot kneecaps. I'm all for the idea, but I have to get this out of my system lol.

  • Carver is the guy that did this 20 years ago:


    Imagine what hes capable of now

    iorek21 posted: »

    Well, we still don't know Caver fully, so I'll say that the St. John brothers are the worst

  • Danny in terms of his morals, and Andy as in best villain. I would say Carver, but we have yet to see how he runs his home. Andy made the place a fucking venus flytrap.

  • edited March 2014


    • Bullied a defenseless little girl

    • Attempted to steal an item of sentimental value just to be cruel

    • Shot the the kindest, most optimistic man ever

    • Cried like a little bitch over it

    Yeah, I am still waiting for that torture simulator DLC for Michelle...

  • Spoiler

    In terms of repercussions I would say the Stranger because he is the cause of Lee getting killed. I know he went crazy but who the hell kidnaps someone in these sort of times? I just found him disturbing to be talking to her over the walkie and then to go so far as the kidnap her. Carver is probably worse but I'll wait til we see more of him.

  • Danny has a sexual attraction to Charlotte... a hunting rifle.

    FlyKittyFly posted: »

    Nope, I mean Andrew.. I thought Danny was alright.

  • Don't forget about his attempted murder against Clementine.

    Ben...he's the worst! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e861UaYRDLE

  • Danny had the worst mindset. I think it's too soon to fairly judge Carver.

  • True! That's the main reason why i decided to " let Ben go " in my playthough. I mean i understand that Ben never tryed to hurt anyone when he was giving the bandit's supplies. It was a retarded thing to do, but he thought he was helping the group. But leaving Clem to die like this, that's unforgiveable!

    Conduit42 posted: »

    Don't forget about his attempted murder against Clementine.

  • Spoiler

    I don't know about that. True, Danny is the worst, but less not forget about Carver pistol-whipping Clementine in the chest.

    Lahkesis posted: »

    Danny had the worst mindset. I think it's too soon to fairly judge Carver.

  • edited March 2014

    Danny he was the character i hated the most but Carver is by far the best villian and i felt kindda bad for the Stranger and Andy when he was defeated and Brenda was going to eat him

  • edited May 2014
    • Danny St. John: Cannibal, sadist, pedophile, (there is an unused line where he says he enjoyed seeing school-age girls wearing their springtime dresses while touring the farm) creepily obsessed with his rifle, and doesn't show any remorse for his actions. His mom and Andy might've just been pragmatists, but I really do believe that Danny enjoyed what they were doing. Andy and Brenda had a few redeeming traits, but Danny had none. He was an all-around amoral creep.

    • The Stranger: A broken man, plain and simple. I can imagine he was your average dad before the start of the apocalypse. I have sympathy for him, but that doesn't excuse his actions. Manipulating a young child for his desire to have a replacement goldfish for his daughter is despicable. However, I don't believe he is as disturbed as Danny nor is he as violent as Carver.

    • Carver: He isn't as fucked up as Danny, but is definitely a bad guy. His obsession with Rebecca and her unborn child is frightening. Traveling 5-7 days to track her and the cabin group? I admire his persistent determination to find his so-called 'family', but she obviously doesn't want anything to do with him, and probably for good reason. It'd be even worse if it turns out that their relations weren't consensual, but we don't know that yet, so I'll hold further judgement.

    While the chances are unlikely, Carver may have a better side that we haven't seen yet, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt for now until his character arc is fully finished. My gut tells me that only more of his bad side will be shown.

  • I'm not saying he's any less twisted, just that he might have reasonable morals.

  • what? he was the most fucked one out the three

    FlyKittyFly posted: »

    Nope, I mean Andrew.. I thought Danny was alright.

  • you could add lilly to that list, his shenanigan's sent her over the edge.

    Ben...he's the worst! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e861UaYRDLE

  • the only thing bad is that ur title says MORE BAD more bad isnt a word my friend....D- on ur paper....

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