activateing Walace and Gromet retail
Hi I got Wallace and Grommets Grand Adventures, the brown box version, for Christmas a couple of years back and I have just now got around to installing it (Ive been busy). I have since thrown away the box so it would take up less space but I kept the insert and instruction booklet. I cant seem to find the activation code anywhere. I would appreciate some help locating the activation code or otherwise activating the product somehow. I tried emailing support but the email never went through
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I apologize for the inconvenience. Please contact/email our Support Staff at for further assistance regarding this specific issue. If you are unable to reach our Support email, I suggest trying a different web browser to send the email from, or clearing the cache of your default browser and try again.
I guess i can try it with a different email. Can someone at least tell me where the code is located in the retail brown box version?
My apologies, after emailing, they will be able to assist you further with finding your codes, and activating the game.