Insecticide glitch

edited August 2008 in General Chat
In the PC version of Insecticide I think I've found a glitch. has anyone else who's played the PC version experienced this glitch? I would describe it but I don't feel like it.
EDIT: The glitch was that in the level Pier Pressure after you put the missing part on the machine and then go onto the not stopped fan, when I try to jump onto the platform above it I just go right through it like its not really there.


  • edited August 2008
    How would anyone know if they've experienced the glitch if you don't describe what it is?
  • edited August 2008
    Yes I experienced the glitch too it's pretty bad I mean wow I didn't know Insecticide had its own Hot Coffee geez um I'd describe how I got it but I don't want to and besides you know how to get it anyway.
  • edited August 2008
    The glitch I experienced was that I couldn't get the game to run.
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