Best walker kill of the episode?
In the last episode which walker kill was your favourite?
I think mine was Clem's kill with the knife under the picnic table
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In the last episode which walker kill was your favourite?
I think mine was Clem's kill with the knife under the picnic table
Taking the big one.
On the bridge, when you pick up the pipe instead of Luke's machete, and get to choose to attack the walker's head, stomach or leg, which of course the head results a smooth and satisfying one hit kill.
Wait, you actually can take the big one? Luke just says that I'm crazy and forces me to take the small one.
When Clem's approaching the small one, you can drag your cursor to the big one.
Yeah, you can.
I'd certainly recommend it for your next playthrough. Quite a funny scene.
You can turn around to the big one and smash his knee (or his head, but then you'll need one additional hit)
I like the 'picknick table' kill.
When you pick up Walter's knife and smash it into a zombies head
Liked hacking at the walker with the machette.