Make sure your email matches exactly, check that the image you are using is rated G or safe for this site, log in/log out of both accounts to refresh them. Try these out see if that helps
Thanks ! I'll explain to you exactly when I copy the Link for the picture and paste there it says "Choose an image" and only two blank images show up and when I tap on them that error message pops up
Make sure your email matches exactly, check that the image you are using is rated G or safe for this site, log in/log out of both accounts to refresh them. Try these out see if that helps
Thanks ! I'll explain to you exactly when I copy the Link for the picture and paste there it says "Choose an image" and only two blank images show up and when I tap on them that error message pops up
Make sure your email matches exactly, check that the image you are using is rated G or safe for this site, log in/log out of both accounts to refresh them. Try these out see if that helps
I got it to work look at my beautiful avatar but ya try what JonGon said
Thanks ! I'll explain to you exactly when I copy the Link for the picture and paste there it says "Choose an image" and only two blank images show up and when I tap on them that error message pops up
I think you have to save an image to your computer and upload it to Gravatar so it can work, i don't think links work.