Rank these characters from best to worst

ImSnowWhiteImSnowWhite Banned
edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

Vernon, Larry, Carver, Andy St. John, Danny St. John, Stranger


  • edited March 2014

    Larry- not a bad guy just had anger issues

    Vernon- he stole our boat but wasn't completely bad

    Andy-Cannibal and sick guy but not as bad as danny

    Stranger- He kidnapped clem and basically got lee killed

    Danny-Cannibal and sick guy who showed no remorse for his actions and a possible a pedophile basically he was a kinds of F'ed up

    Carver- Cold blooded and hurt clem and killed an innocent man. not to mention he beat up carlos and showed no remorse for it ethier.

  • edited March 2014

    The worst is Danny i dont like him at all

    5-Andy St. John
    6-Danny St, John

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited March 2014

    Larry : Probably my favorite douchebag in Video Games History.

    Vernon : He's a thief but he didn't kill anybody or do anything crazy, Like Lee said anyone would've done the same for their own sake.

    Stranger : Hate to say but the guy who got Lee killed actually had more reasons to be nuts then the ones left.

    Andy : He's not as sick as his brother, He didn't enjoy eating And killing people like Danny did.

    Carver : Cold blooded bastard has no qualms about shooting people in the head just to get what he wants and hurting a kid.

    Danny St. John : The worst of his family by far. He made Brenda and Andy seem like normal people. Unlike them he didn't show remorse over his actions and just tried to find excuses for them.

  • Mine are Larry, Vernon, Andy, stranger, Danny, Carver

  • Vernon, larry, andy, stranger, danny, carver

  • Larry, Vernon, Carver, Andy, Stranger, Danny

  • Larry, Vernon, Andy, Stranger, Carver, Danny

  • Vernon, Larry, Andy, Carver, Stranger, Danny

  • edited March 2014
    1. Larry: A dick but nothing more
    2. Vernon: Had his reasons but basically betrayed everyone. Plus his hypocrite attitude was pretty stupid.
    3. Carver: (so far) Yes he's crazy but I still dont really know the full reasons yet. He might not be a full psychopath he only killed people when Kenny started shooting.
    4. Stranger: Have no sympathy for him but I get his motives
    5. Andy: Cannibal, only cared about his family
    6. Danny: Cannibal, only cared about his family and he even seemed to enjoy it
    1. Larry: He was a jerk, but I understand that he was only acting that way because he was trying to protect his daughter.
    2. Vernon: He betrayed us by stealing our boat, and he's forever on my shit list for it.
    3. Andy: He didn't seem as psychotic as Danny personality wise, but that didn't stop me from kicking his cannibal ass into the fence.
    4. Stranger: I understand why he had a need for revenge against my group, but he had obviously snapped after the death of his children & wife.
    5. Carver: He tortures Carlos for answers, gut punched Clem in my playthrough, and shot Walter. I think it's safe to say he's a pretty dangerous man.
    6. Danny: I think that he's the worse out of the rest because he took actual joy out of the sick things he did.
    1. Larry: He's a jerkass, but I don't think he has evil intentions. He actually becomes a little pleasant while at the St. John's farm.
    2. Vernon: He's not that bad of a guy, but he stole the boat, so.
    3. Stranger: He's a broken man, and he's lost pretty much everything important to him. I can cut him some slack because of that, though I'm furious at him for inadvertently causing Lee's death. And I think he made Lee out to be a lot worse than he actually is. In the ZA, you have to make difficult decisions for the sake of survival and protecting your loved ones that would normally seem morally wrong under everyday standards. Plus it's not like Lee could shield Clem from absolutely everything... Carlos tries to do that but Sarah notices some stuff anyways.
    4. Carver: Cold-blooded and ruthless. Will torture people for answers, kill without showing any remorse, and would hurt a child. Is obsessed with Rebecca & her unborn child, and has subsequently spent 5 days tracking the group just to find her. That's pretty damn stalkerish.
    5. Andy St. John: Cannibal and willing to hurt a child. Not as bad as his brother though, and certainly more affable.
    6. Danny St. John: Sadistic, creepy, cannibal, and a possible pedophile. He's pretty much gross in every aspect possible, and doesn't mind eating people.
    1. Vernon: I understood his motives and never considered the boat a great plan anyway. Stealing it wasn't nice, but who can honestly blame the guy?
    2. Larry: Attempted to kill Lee, advocated killing a kid in front of his mother. Still, he had justifiable reasons for doing both.
    3. The Stranger: I felt really bad for him actually. Definitely comes off as a tragic villain. Still no excuse to go crazy and kidnap Clem.
    4. Danny: Seems like he would've been a nice guy, pre-apocalypse. Another good person driven to do the unspeakable by the circumstances.
    5. Carver: Implied rape, hitting a little girl and god-knows how many counts of murder. Only saved from the bottom tier by the fact that he's affable and reasonable enough to take prisoners.
    6. Danny: He was a sadistic bastard, but he ain't shit no more. Felt bad about traumatizing Clem, but running that shitbag through with a pitchfork was immensely satisfying.
  • Yeah I'm going to with
    1. Larry - I can't stand the guy but like Lily said he's been through a lot and she was all he had left so even if he was a complete dick and didn't go about things in the right way, He had good intentions.
    2. Vernon - He betrays us by stealing the boat... Real nice.
    3. Stranger - I don't think he's a bad guy... not really but he's lost EVERYTHING and it's clearly made him go insane. That's no excuse though.
    4. Andy St. John - He doesn't seem to like what they are doing and is just trying to survive. However there has to be other - better and more humane ways of getting food so it doesn't excuse his actions. We all know they powered up the fence with Lee and Mark on the other side just so they could get some fresh meat.
    5. Carver - I don't trust him at all but at the same time, we don't know his past so there could be a reason why he's the way he is but taking everyone hostage against their will and torturing Carlos score him pretty low. I haven't included the shooting incident because he only killed when Kenny shot his people.
    6. Danny St. John - He's a sadistic cannibal who seems to take joy in killing and eating people. He shows no remorse and even tells Lee he has to keep him alive so they can eat him o.O

    There isn't much between Larry and Vernon really. Vernon is more tolerable than Larry but then he steals our boat. At least Larry doesn't pretend to like us. He lets you know exactly what he's thinking.

  • I have these listed in the order I like them in.

    1. Danny St. John - The worst of these selected few. He annoyed me for some reason every time his presence was near. Like I hated him with me when we checked the bandit camp and found Clem's hat. The only thing I liked about his character is his fascination with his gun. I found that to be interesting in a good way.

    2. Larry - Even when I helped this asshole, he hit me, he FUCKING HIT ME! He wouldn't stop either, but at least his presence is bearable compared to Danny's.

    3. Vernon - Eh, he's an alright character. I don't really hate him, but I don't like him either. He's a bit neutral with me. I hope he hasn't been killed off screen because I still want to explore what's left of his story.

    4. Andy St. John - CANNIBALS!!! Ah, I'd resort to cannibalism if it meant more food, plus I found Andy to be a little funny. "Who the fuck do you people think you are? All we wanted was some god damn gasoline!". Not exact quote, that's just from memory, but that was a funny line for me.

    5. Campman (The Stranger) - I like Campman's character. The whole revenge aspect, I LOVE it! I myself love getting revenge on people, so I can relate to Campman in some ways. I loved how he explained everything to Lee and the line that really stood out for me was (Lee - "It was cold... We were starving"/ Campman "So MY family starved in the COLD!") Something about that, I just love it!

    6. William (Bill) Carver - I can't decide, Carver may possibly be my favorite character of Season 2. I just have trouble deciding if I like Luke better or not, and Kenny doesn't count because he is a Season 1 character. Carver is so damn interesting, and really intrigued me as an antagonist. I always love me an antagonist. There's a reason why Philip Blake (The Governor from the TV series) and Negan (from the Comic series) are my favorite characters of the show and comics. They are VERy interesting and I love their personalities.

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