Achievements not unlocking on Steam

edited March 2014 in Game Support

Hi there!

So I have the full version of Season 1 of Walking Dead, along with 400 Days and Season 2. I am about halfway through Episode 4 of Season 1, but there's a bunch of completion achievements I didn't unlock.

I am missing:

  • Complete chapter 1 of episode 2
  • Complete chapter 2 of episode 2
  • Complete chapter 3 of episode 3
  • Complete chapter 4 of episode 3
  • Complete chapter 5 of episode 3
  • Complete chapter 6 of episode 3

    So I literally have a five chapter gap of no achievements there, and I have know idea why, or how to fix it. I'm on episode 4, so I don't see any reason why it should be an issue... Thanks for your help!

  • Noodle


  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    I apologize for the issue you are experiencing with The Walking Dead achievements not unlocking. Due to the Steam architecture, achievements cannot be acquired while playing in offline mode or without an active internet connection. For more information on Steam’s policy regarding achievements, please see the following thread:

    Unfortunately, the only way to unlock the achievements would be to replay the episode while connected to Steam in Online mode (Compared to Steam's Offline Mode) and reacquire the achievement while playing online. Please note that Steam will sometimes go offline, and if you were playing that episode while Steam was offline, this may be the reason you did not acquire the achievements.

  • -chuckles- That'd do it. I forgot that I played it at my girlfriend's house a couple of times without being hooked up to internet. xD Thanks so much!

    I apologize for the issue you are experiencing with The Walking Dead achievements not unlocking. Due to the Steam architecture, achievement

  • TelltaleMikeTelltaleMike Former Telltale Staff

    You're welcome, enjoy the game!

    -chuckles- That'd do it. I forgot that I played it at my girlfriend's house a couple of times without being hooked up to internet. xD Thanks so much!

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