I got a reply (Regarding censorship in Australia)

Hey guys,

I'm not sure if you remember but about a month ago there was a thread about Ep 2 possibly being censored in Australia (this thread: http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/60243/episode-2-censored-in-australia-not-being-censored-confirmed-by-puzzlebox) and I sent a letter to the Classification Board that read as follows:

"To whom it may concern,

I am an adult living in Australia. As such, there is a R18+ classification for video games for games not suitable for children. However, according to your classification on 'THE WALKING DEAD: SEASON 2 - EP 2, A HOUSE DIVIDED', the game has been modified to fit into the R18+ rating. I am a working and paying man, and I do not see why R18+ games should be modified in the first place, there is a reason why it was given the R18+ rating. Here is a link for an interesting and relevant Youtube video I have found: On top of this, games like GTA V have not been censored even smaller games (compared to GTA V) such as 'THE WALKING DEAD: SEASON 2 - EP 2' and 'State of Decay' are censored.

It seems like your mentality is that people will just copy what happens in games. Does everyone who plays GTA V become a Pimp? No. Does everyone who plays 'The Walking Dead: Season 1' want to chop someone's leg off, and eat them? No. We are adults, we know the difference between right and wrong. People who do extreme things because of video games most likely have mental issues anyway, and the general Australian public should not be punished like this for one or two outcasts."

Anyway, I got a reply back.

"Dear Mr < insert my name here >,

Thank you for your email of 26 February 2014 regarding the classification of The Walking Dead Season 2 – Episode 2, A House Divided.

On 21 February 2014, the Classification Board (the Board) classified this game as R18+ (Restricted) with the consumer advice ‘High Impact Violence’. A game classified R18+ is legally restricted to adults. Some material classified R18+ may be offensive to sections of the adult community. Consumer advice lists the principal elements which have contributed to the classification of a game and indicates their intensity and/or frequency. Therefore, not all of the content in a computer game will warrant consumer advice.

Classification information, including the rating and consumer advice, is intended to be a guide when choosing computer games for themselves or those in their care.

When making decisions, the Board applies the Classification (Publications, Films and Computer Games) Act 1995, the National Classification Code and the Guidelines for the Classification of Computer Games (the Guidelines). The Guidelines set out a hierarchy of impact from ‘very mild’ to ‘very high’ and that the impact of material classified R18+ should not exceed high. The consideration of impact and context are essential principals in terms of the Guidelines. The Guidelines are available at www.classification.gov.au.

The Board noted that The Walking Dead Season 2 contained the previously classified episode 1 All That Remains which was classified R18+ High impact violence on 4 December 2013. In the Board’s opinion the modifications to this game, which include Chapter 2 in the series, do not contain any classifiable elements that alter the R18+ classification or exceed a high impact level and the consumer advice remains appropriate. For these reasons the game is classified R18+ with consumer advice ‘High impact violence’.

The Board does not modify or cut material, or direct that cuts be made to material. The Board classifies the material in the form in which the distributor has submitted it. When the material and the accompanying application form are sent to the office, the description of ‘modified’ will be marked if a title of the same name, has already been classified. Game developers and distributors may also make a commercial decision to develop or modify their product for release in a particular market and these questions are best directed to the relevant game distributor.

Owing to the widely differing views in our community it is not always possible to make decisions which satisfy everyone. The Board seeks to reflect current community standards when making decisions and takes note of the comments and views expressed in any correspondence received.

Thank you for taking the time to write; the Board appreciates your feedback.

Yours sincerely,

< insert name here >

A/g Director."

This letter is interesting and hopefully this can shed some insight to the game rating process and censorship in Australia.


  • If that whole classification thing didn't exist we would get episodes 2-3 weeks earlier.

  • edited March 2014

    The Board seeks to reflect current community standards when making decisions oh yea what a bunch of bullshit artists I actually hate our classification board even more now

  • Excuse my language but what in the fucking fuck in episode 2 could possibly be censored? Violence? Language? Maybe the option 2 share a drink with Nick?

  • nothing was censored

    Excuse my language but what in the fucking fuck in episode 2 could possibly be censored? Violence? Language? Maybe the option 2 share a drink with Nick?

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