Mario vs. Sonic



  • edited October 2008
    1. He's practically the best character to have because during a Slow-Mo time item is in effect, he goes WAY faster than the other characters.
    2. His kick in the air will make it so he can easily run away from the opponent before they can get up.
    3.He's freaking IMPOSSIBLE to beat on his stage. *as long as he's not on difficulty level 1-4*

    Ohh. Cheap, as in taking "cheap shots". However, you must also remember that this is making up for his special attacks, oh which 1 does no damage, 1 is only effective in extremely close range, and 2 are almost exactly alike.
  • edited October 2008
    kingdom hearts is my favorite game.
    I love both Kingdom Hearts (the chain of memories one is 50-50 for me.) games.
  • edited October 2008
    actually... Sonic is in a bit of a decay.
  • edited November 2008
    Gman5852 wrote: »
    I love both Kingdom Hearts (the chain of memories one is 50-50 for me.) games.

    thread revive!!!!
    did you hear that they're coming out with a ps2 remake of chain of memories?
  • edited November 2008
    I really don't give too much of a crap about the rivalry. Though SEGA and Nintendo can make great games out of those franchises (SEGA not so much though).
  • edited November 2008
    Sonic is the villain, I never understood why the series focused on him so much...
  • edited November 2008
    Zootch wrote: »
    Sonic is the villain, I never understood why the series focused on him so much...

    I know, right?
  • edited November 2008
    Let's look at the facts-
    He collects Chaos Emeralds with the intent of harnessing their radiation. He uses this to power a friggen' huge laser. This is obviously an attempt to create clean, perpetual, and free energy. The laser clearly has two functions, it is to put the power source through a stress test and as defense against extraterrestrial threats (What would he gain from blowing up the planet?).

    In a completely unwarranted fit of jealousy, Sonic consistently runs in, causes massive amounts of gratuitous property damage and scatters the emeralds across the planet. Understandably, the Doctor eventually lashes out at him.

    Another criticism Sonic uses to justify his asshattery is how Robotnik puts woodland animals into robots in a process called 'robotonization'. This is an unjustified statement, the process actually creates a mechanized shell that is bio-chemically powered. The animals are so grateful for this mechanical suit that they sympathize with the Eggman and try to defend him and his research from the blue hedgehog.

    From these truths, we can make the inference that Sonic participates in corporate espionage for an unscrupulous oil company employee.
  • edited November 2008
    I agree with Zootch. Mario FTW
  • edited November 2008
    Mario is more original, plus we're both Italian. So I'm voting for him.

    I wonder what Sonic would look like if he was infected by the Flood?
  • edited November 2008
    He'd probably wouldn't be able to run anymore...
  • edited November 2008
    He'd probably wouldn't be able to run anymore...
    Maybe if Robotnic infected him he wouldn't be able to ruin his wonderful plans for this Earth.
    Snicklin wrote: »
    Mario is more original, plus we're both Italian. So I'm voting for him. [/URL]?
    Same here :). Well, I'm only half Italian. Plus, I hardly look like an Italian. But still.
  • edited November 2008
    I would venture a guess that the hero of the Sonic series, Robotnik, is Russian. This is judged by his name, tendency to wear red, mustache and voice.

    I, however, am an Italian immigrant...
  • edited June 2009
    You wanna see who is better? Buy Mario and Sonic at the Winter Olympic Games this holiday. Because then...IT....IS....ON!!!!!!
  • edited June 2009
    If games are anything to go by, Mario (Even though I'm getting sick of him what with the fact we now have more than 4 new Mario games coming out...) but if by character, Sonic.
  • edited June 2009
    Brought up with SEGA.
    Chose Sonic by the fact he is my earliest gaming memory and legendary character.
    Hedgehogs are well better than plumbers.
  • edited June 2009
    Kinda hard for me to answer, because I had a Sega back in the early nineties, but today's Mario-games are obviously far superior to today's sonic games.
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