I need some Help... any info on that Freakishly Disturbing movie "Saw?"

So here's the deal... I lost a bet with a friend. I had no idea she was so good at UNO. Anyways, whoever lost had to watch a really scary movie that the other picked, from two choices. (Both of us are cowards who had never seen a scary movie)

If I won, she would've had to watch Psycho or Bloody Mary (I let her choose) If she won, I'd have to pick between Saw I or Saw II

So I lost, Obviously, and it really sucks. I know nothing about Saw except it's awesome theme music, Hello Zepp. So I'm screwed.

That's why I'm here to ask you all- which Movie is less Violent/Gory? I think I'm leaning towards Saw I, cause other friends told me it was way less violent than the sequel. Anyways, Could anyone now tell me what really ugly, bloody stuff happens in it? I'm not allowed to look it up on the internet, but this doesn't really count.

I'm freaked out, btw. We're not allowed to close our eyes. Good thing is, if I make it through, without screaming or anything, I get $40 bucks.

So, what parts of the movie are really creepy/scary? Lay it on me! (plz don't)


  • Anyone? I have to see it tonight, so quickily, quickily! I don't wanna vomit all over my popcorn when I watch it. (At my house, that is)
  • edited September 2008
    Umm, no screaming?I recommend masking tape. I don't know much about the movies, but that jigsaw puppet still makes me crap my pants. But, you know a REAL HORROR???!?Manos The Hands of Fate.
  • The puppet doesn't really scare me. More along the lines of what the dude CONTROLLING the puppet is going to do.
  • edited September 2008
    I think there was one part with some deadly gas and they had to operate on some corpse for the antidote......
  • edited September 2008
    Psst... hey, psst...
    Is Rifftrax cheating?
  • I think there was one part with some deadly gas and they had to operate on some corpse for the antidote......

    ... Uh... uh... O.O


    (lol at the Rifftrax thing. I love those guys) So it's about Two Guys trapped in a bathroom, hmm? Well that's a start. =/
  • edited September 2008
    Saw 2 is definitely gorier. Stick with the first one. (besides, you'll just be confused if you start with the sequel)
  • edited September 2008
    I agree, go with the first one. None of the Saw movies have actually been scary, just violent. Frankly, I'd say you're getting off easy.
  • Thanks, I finally chose to watch the First, and I did.

    It was pretty frightening. Especially when the Pigman attacked Adam in the flashback... and when the girl with the Reverse Bear Trap thing on her head was disecting the guy... and when Dr. Gordon cut off his foot...

    *runs to a Toliet to vomit*

    Anyways, I did get my $40, so yay. =D
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