Maybe Today?

okay, maybe we get news today about the release being next Tuesday.... but if not I'm still secretly hoping for a surprise release.


  • edited March 2014

    wow... my point was so moving that no one has anything to say about it.

    that's..... suprising.

  • edited March 2014

    Well I hope it happens soon they promised the wait wouldn't be as long

  • edited March 2014

    Lets hope my brothers(and sisters)

  • We'll probably get a info on release dates today or tomorrow.

  • Kind of a easy promise to keep when you have almost a 4 month timetable.

    Well I hope it happens soon they promised the wait wouldn't be as long

  • We all hope so.

    vivec posted: »

    We'll probably get a info on release dates today or tomorrow.

  • I think that if we don't get any news -at the latest- Friday; April 1st is not going to be the release date. I'm crossing my fingers it will be, but, now, I'm more or less leaning towards April 8th

  • if they release something- a tweet, a screenshot, a blog update- today, we have some hope. but if not... I don't know.

    hey895 posted: »

    I think that if we don't get any news -at the latest- Friday; April 1st is not going to be the release date. I'm crossing my fingers it will be, but, now, I'm more or less leaning towards April 8th

  • For The Walking Dead episode, they didn't really release anything until 5 days before the release date. I think they released screen shots 2 days before they said anything about the release date.

    if they release something- a tweet, a screenshot, a blog update- today, we have some hope. but if not... I don't know.

  • Reading the the thread title makes me feel excited :D I just hope it gets released soon.

  • nothing yet....... :(

    Gengar posted: »

    Reading the the thread title makes me feel excited I just hope it gets released soon.

  • edited March 2014

    I wish telltale would just make a blog post saying: hey it's not coming out April 1st.

    New thought: what if we get nothing all week and then it comes out as an April fools joke?

  • The first TWD episode 2 screenshot was put out over 2 weeks before the release of the episode itself.

    hey895 posted: »

    For The Walking Dead episode, they didn't really release anything until 5 days before the release date. I think they released screen shots 2 days before they said anything about the release date.

  • Thanks for clearing that up for me. I wasn't sure if it was right or not.

    The first TWD episode 2 screenshot was put out over 2 weeks before the release of the episode itself.

  • So far -my thoughts included- everybody has been saying that April 1st is our best bet for a release date. I think that if they really wanted to release the episode on April 1st, they wouldn't do it as an April fools joke. They might say: 'hey, new episode of The Wolf Among Us is coming out the 1st of April. No joke.' or something along those lines.

    Other people are saying that Telltale might say: 'sorry, there are some technical difficulties and the new episode of The Wolf Among Us won't be released until later this year' or something like that and then have it so that a few hours later they say April Fools and a new episode is released.

    Who knows, I think that if we don't get any news by this Friday, all hope is lost for April 1st and I'll be moving on to April 8th as the next release date.

    I wish telltale would just make a blog post saying: hey it's not coming out April 1st. New thought: what if we get nothing all week and then it comes out as an April fools joke?

  • we'll see.

    hey895 posted: »

    So far -my thoughts included- everybody has been saying that April 1st is our best bet for a release date. I think that if they really wante

  • What if a joke episode?

  • edited March 2014

    I would not be amused but quickly not give a fuck as I'm playing a new episode ^O^ lol

  • Episode 3???

    I would not be amused but quickly not give a fuck as I'm playing a new episode ^O^ lol

  • That's what I assumed the OP was about news-wise.

    KirstyJ posted: »

    Episode 3???

  • indeed indeed.

    That's what I assumed the OP was about news-wise.

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