(Poll) The Walking Dead vs The Wolf Among Us

edited March 2014 in The Wolf Among Us

Click on the link to vote.

(Posted this in both forums so it's even)


  • I voted via the link in twd forum.

    Tyranitar posted: »


  • This is like comparing apples and oranges. There's no point.

  • edited March 2014

    I love them both so I wont choose. They are quite different and give me a unique experience with each one. Also The Wolf Among Us is very new. WD has an entire season on it. I still dont think its a fair choice.

  • The point is to see how the numbers change through out the year. What you think i'm gonna close the poll tommorow?

    Gudmoore posted: »

    This is like comparing apples and oranges. There's no point.

  • edited March 2014

    Episode 2 of TWAU was a dissapontement to me, while TWD Episode 2 was amazing, so the choice is obvious.

    I really hope TWAU comes back with a great episode to get me hooked up again.

  • I chose TWAU even tho TWD Ep.2 blew away TWAU Ep.2. This game's a bit more intriguing to me, so I gave it the edge...for now.

  • edited March 2014

    Oh come on please don't make such polls it's ridiculous.Anyway the wolf among us has only released 2 episodes where as the walking dead has season 1 and season 2 with 2 episodes not a fair game so this poll is senseless wait till all episodes are released and then compare it with twd season 2 and twau (my opinion).

  • This poll doesn't have a life span. It will probably still be up by the time TWAU is finished.

    uncheckerz1 posted: »

    Oh come on please don't make such polls it's ridiculous.Anyway the wolf among us has only released 2 episodes where as the walking dead has

  • okay well you should have added that info then or probably wait,you know how long it takes to release an episode.by the time this thread maybe buried in depths just sayin :)

    Tyranitar posted: »

    This poll doesn't have a life span. It will probably still be up by the time TWAU is finished.

  • It's not exactly a fair choice, you should have only compared TWD S2.

    TWD S1 > TWAU > TWD S2

  • BOTH! i can't choose

  • I would've agreed with that before but I think A House Divided (TWD S2, E2) was my favorite episode Telltale have ever made since they started the series of choice thing (since The Walking Dead Season One) I'll admit though, I'm looking forward to both equally.

    DarthCaine posted: »

    It's not exactly a fair choice, you should have only compared TWD S2. TWD S1 > TWAU > TWD S2

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