Ideas For a New Telltale Game

edited March 2014 in The Walking Dead

It can be a Tv show, Movie, Game ect.
You guys listed some great ideas! Let's carry them out!
Keep the ideas coming and I will edit them in!

Doctor Who
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Idea submitted by CathalOHara

  • You could either play as the Doctor or the Doctor's Companion

  • The story could take place on New Earth

  • The Doctor could be the 10th Doctor?

  • The plot could involve the Dalek or Cybermen

Breaking Bad

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Idea submitted by Bubadoo and VinceOrKenny

  • Plot could be about Mike Ehrmantraut when he was a cop
    or it could be about what happened to Jesse after Walt's story

Grand Theft Auto

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Idea submitted FireZenoel

This one has endless possibilities.

  • Plot could be about what happened to Niko, Tommy, or CJ and Grove Street.

  • I would really like to see how Grove Street lost there home turf. Would make a excellent game.


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Idea submitted by Jeremy Jahns? and DaveTheArakin

I'm not familiar with the Firefly series. Can someone think of something? ;)

Blade Runner

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Idea submitted by pata1with1butter

I'm not familiar with the Blade Runner series. Can someone think of something? ;)

Harry Potter

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Idea submitted by Grable424

This would have so much potential

-You could answer questions and get put in the corresponding house

-Setting would be Hogwarts

-Time period could be after the movies

The plot ideas are endless. Have any ideas?


  • [removed]

  • JenniferJennifer Moderator

    I moved all discussion I could to the Telltale should make thread. Please keep all discussion in there, since it's harder to follow conversations when the same topic is being discussed in multiple threads.

    Also, for future reference, this subforum is just for discussion of The Walking Dead. If you want to talk about Telltale in general (or anything outside of Telltale's games), please post in Telltale Talk.

This discussion has been closed.