Our Own Episode 4



  • Go on, it's not that bad! We need more active storytelling. ^^

    ItsGabee posted: »

    I really want to add to the story but im afraid that people wouldn't like it.

  • ItsGabeeItsGabee Banned
    edited March 2014

    Clementine gasps as she slowly steps backward,

    "I said, DON'T... MOVE.." Carver points a gun at Luke and Clementine, before Carver could add in another sentence, he gets hit on his neck with a katana,

    "Urgh... uh.. Y..you.." Carver places his hand on his neck while slowly falling into the ground

    Clementine sees the silhouette starting to move forward and as light hits it, it showed a face of a person with a mask covering the mouth area of the face, Luke starts to grab Clementine and brings her into the RV

    "C-can I come?" The person looks at Luke,

    "We don't have much time! Let's go!" Luke gets in the RV and so did the person

    Everyone remained silent for awhile,

    "Clem, who's that?" Sarah whispers to Clementine

    "I don't know, but I... I'll talk to him" Clementine starts to go near the person

    "Uh, Hi. What's your name?" Clementine catches the attention of the person

    "Oh... Uh.. Hi.. I'm G..Gabe.." Gabe looks out seeing walkers by the side of the road.

    "Gabe... huh.. Where are you from?" Clementine was a little skeptical

    "Im from Macon, I survived on my own when IT happened." Gabe looked sad and so did Clementine.

    "So, How old are you?" Luke dusts off his shirt

    "Im.. 13.." Gabe removes the handkerchief off his face

    Nick wasn't sure about keeping another stranger, "13? No one that age could survive years alone!" Nick was doubting Gabe but Carlos calms Nick down.

    Clementine goes up to Rebecca, "How are you?" Clementine looks at the baby,

    "Im fine but, uh... It's hard not to forget what happened back there.." Rebecca looks at the baby

    Gabe grabs his katana out and grabs a piece of cloth and cleans it, After the katana was clean Gabe goes up to Clementine, "Hey." Clementine was startled by Gabe

    "Oh! Sorry! Didn't mean to scare you." Gabe holds out his hand, "Let's be friends!" Clementine slowly pulls her hand out and does a handshake.

    "Gabe.. was it? How did you survive on your own? I mean what did you eat to last long?" Carlos scratches his beard

    "I eat ... zombies.. " Everybody was shocked to hear that, "So, you're a cannibal?" Luke adds

    "Yes." Nick points a gun at Gabe, "Woah! woah woah Woah!" Luke exclaims

    "Nick!" Clementine glares at Nick, "Don't." Nick looks down and Luke gets the rifle from Nick

    "Look, we can't trust that kid." Nick was angry

    "Why not?" Clementine defends Gabe

    "It's just..." Nick looks out of the window.

    "Clementine, do you want me to stay?" Gabe looks at Clementine


    Let Gabe stay with the group


    Leave Gabe on the side of the road

    (I made a poll : http://strawpoll.me/1418754)
    (The first choice that reaches 5 votes will be chosen)

    nodenaatti posted: »

    Winner: Risk putting the baby down, so you can save Luke. 5 - 4 Clementine quickly places the baby down, and takes the revolver. She s

  • Winner choice: Leave Gabe behind

    "Sorry.. But.. You're gonna have to stay behind." Clementine looks sad

    "It's ok." Gabe slowly walks off the RV after Shel stops it.

    "You know Nick, He could be useful.." Carlos watches Nick

    "Fuck that. I don't like that kid." Nick angrily answeres Carlos

    "sigh.." Carlos goes back in the RV

    "You're gonna be okay on your own?" Luke looked at Gabe

    "Yeah, I hope I see you guys again.. I won't forget you Clem." Gabe smiled and runs off into the woods

    Kenny places his hand on Clementine's shoulder, "He'll be okay Clem."

    Clementine looked at her left and right, She looks back again to where Gabe went and saw 2 silhouettes,

    "Who are they?" Nick points his rifle

    The other silhouette rushed and Clementine saw someone, someone she knew


    "... Christa?!" Clementine rushes in and hugs Christa, "I thought I wouldn't see you again!"

    "I'm glad I saw you again Clem." Christa starts to tear up.

    "Uh, It's nice to meet you and all but incoming walkers!" Luke starts to shoot walkers in the distance

    A zombie grabs onto Sarah and Carlos was busy, "Clem! Get to Sarah!" Clementine starts to run but another zombie grabs onto Christa's leg

    Clementine grabs her pistol and shoots the zombie that grabbed Sarah, and Gabe rushes back and kills the zombie that grabbed Christa,

    "Your here again." Clementine's eyes open widely as more walkers come in.

    "Here Clem! Hold this and get to the RV!" Clementine and the others rush into the RV and Shel drives off,

    Clementine looks at Gabe being surrounded by walkers and looks away,

    Gabe was killed and eaten by walkers, Clementine starts to cry and everyone was silent.

    "Im sorry Clem.." Luke pats Clementine on the back

    Clementine opens the note attached to Gabe's Katana:

    Take Care! :) -Gabe

    Clementine crumples the note and starts to tears up more.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Clementine gasps as she slowly steps backward, "I said, DON'T... MOVE.." Carver points a gun at Luke and Clementine, before Carver could

  • edited March 2014

    Everyone was now in the RV and shel was driving back to her camp.

    Shel was up in the front driving and catching up with Becca

    Shel: Ok camps only about 15 minutes away, Russel should be waiting back at camp..

    Luke: Finally... somewhere safe.. and with Carver gone we finally dont have to sleep with one eye open anymore..

    Rebecca: As long as i have my baby everything will be fine.. I just.. I just wish Alvin were here.. she said tearing up and holding her baby closer.

    Carlos was comforting sarah in the back of the Rv

    Carlos: Its ok sarah, Carvers finally gone, you dont have to worry anymore, everything is going to be okay.

    Sarah: I know dad.. Im just... are you sure hes not still somehow alive?

    Carlos: No sweetie hes gone for good.

    Nick: We have been in hiding for so long, God this feels good.. another day in that camp.. and just... I would of lost it in there..

    Wyatt: I didn't know that Carver guy much but he seemed fucking nuts

    Eddie: Yea I regret joining him after what he did.. I definitely do not want that guy in my life man..

    Bonnie: It just feels good to be out of there.. I had my doubts about Carver.. but i saw his true personality come out when he killed that poor man..

    Clem: Luke we never thanked you for coming back for us, Without you drawing all those walkers we might not have made it.. Thank you Luke..

    Luke: Its okay Clem.. after... Carver found you guys.. I... I didn't know what to do.. I was just lucky i ran into Shel's group.. They offered to help me and i couldn't of done it without them..

    Christa walked up to Clem feeling a little on edge seeing all these new people..

    Christa: So it looks like its not just going to be me and you anymore huh?

    Clem: Yea i guess.. These people are really nice once you get to know them..

    Christa: Look i know you are close to these guys.. but wellington is still our best bet at survival..

    Clem: Yea i know Kenny told me about about it a whi-

    Clem gasped, she had realised after all the ruckus with carver and that cannibal kid Christa still didn't know about kenny... Where was kenny??

    Christa: Kenny told you?? what that must have been 2 years back before he die-................

    Kenny came out of the mini restroom in the RV

    Kenny: Hey clem how you holding u...

    Kenny and Christa were both just staring at each other speechless

    Clem: Yea Christa i kinda forget to mention something...

    Kenny: Christa... But.. but Clem told me you were gone...

    Christa: I thought you were dead... I saw... i didn't think you made it out.. Lee said you were gone..

    Christa then sat down on the RV bench with s stressed look on her face.

    Kenny: Whats wrong?

    Christa: Its just.. The last time i saw you i was with Omid and.... its just bringing back a lot of memories..

    Kenny put his hand on Christas shoulder..

    Kenny: Hey its gonna be okay, we are gonna leave the past behind and move forward.. Look i know about this placa called wellington.. Clem told me you guys were heading there

    Christa: Yea.. we were before we got separated.

    Kenny: then thats the plan.. I dont know about the rest of these guys in this truck.. but.. You, me and Clem should head there.. If the rest dont come.. then so be it..

    Christa: Sounds good to me.

    Clem had a doubtful look on her face.. she wanted to go with them but she also cared about Luke and the rest of the Cabin group she had spent time with..

    Shel: Alright everyone! we are here.. lets get on out!

    (everyone then starts to pile out of the RV)

    Eddie: Wow... Nice place..

    Shel: Where the hell is Russel? anyway.. come on guys lets get you settled in and get some dinner.

    Becca: that would be good.. that bastard Carver rationed the food horribly..

    Sarah: Yea im starving, a little food would be good.

    Nick had gone ahead a little bit and was checking the place out..

    Luke: So clem what do you think about this place?

    Clem: Its really nice..

    Luke: You think this a long term solution for us? A place we could stay for a while.. well of course if shel lets us.. im sure she will..

    Clem: I dont know.. maybe we cou-


    (Clem and the whole group rushed over to nicks voice)

    Shel: What is it!

    Kenny: Jesus fucking christ...

    Clem was speechless and had a look of sorrow in her eyes while she looked at the body.

    Luke: Fucking hell..

    Sarah started to pant heavily and Carlos was trying to calm her down..

    Carlos: Dont look sweetie dont look.

    There lied russel's corpse dead on the ground with five gunshot wounds to the stomach and one to the head..

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Winner choice: Leave Gabe behind "Sorry.. But.. You're gonna have to stay behind." Clementine looks sad "It's ok." Gabe slowly walks o

  • Overall, the story seems great, it was also hard to kill myself in the story, I died in a group of walkers just to save the cabin and 400 days group. I wish I lasted longer... haha.. Nice job writing the story guys! :D

  • edited April 2014

    Luke: Oh god... Oh god. What happened? ...Carver?

    Wyatt: But they are dead, right?

    Carlos: Not all of them. Remember Josh? He was in Carver's camp. (Episode 3)

    Clem: Josh wouldn't do it.

    Vince: You don't know him. Carver killed his wife and daughter a week ago. He's so depressed right now.

    Eddie: Yeah, Josh said something about killing... Killing to find happiness.

    Luke: Whoever it is, we need to leave, now.

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Everyone was now in the RV and shel was driving back to her camp. Shel was up in the front driving and catching up with Becca Shel: Ok

  • carver kills and tortures clems group which clem gets angry and kills him and uses his blood as the war paint

  • edited April 2014

    The group rush back to the RV

    Suddenly they are stopped by a few people with rifles

    Shel recognizes one of the people

    Shel : YOU BASTARD!

    Luke : Who?

    Shel : Russel's 'friend'. His name's Nate.. Bloody Psychopath

    Nate : Shel.. Shel.. Shel.. Don't you try anything or one of you will be shot

    While Nate is talking to Shel, Clementine runs to a wall, climbs over it and sneaks into the RV

    Wyatt : Shel. You never told us about Nate.

    Shel : Russel said he was as good as dead!

    Eddie : CUT IT OUT! BOTH OF YOU!

    Clementine uses Matthew's knife and stabs Nate in the shoulder

    Nate : YOU F---ING B--CH!

    Nate quickly signals his friend

    Nate : CARL! NOW!

    Carl : Yes Sir.

    Carl shoots Becca

    Becca falls to the ground screaming in pain

    Rebecca : JESUS!

    Nick aims his rifle at Carl



    Meanwhile Clementine runs from the RV and hides somewhere, she hears the groups exchanging words.

    Christa looks around to see where Clementine is

    Christa whispers to Kenny : Where's Clementine?

    Kenny : Three..

    Kenny : Two...

    Kenny : One.

    Kenny : NOW! ALL OF YOU!

    The group pull out their firearms, Shel shoots Nate in the head

    Carl : NATE'S DOWN!

    The group run to cover while Nate's group fires at them

    Kenny : Nick! Give me that rifle!

    Nick hands Kenny his rifle

    Kenny shoots Carl in the chest

    Clementine is on the roof

    Clementine realizes that they are near Macon, and that they are at the Travelier Motel

    Kenny shoots one of Nate's group in the head

    Clementine sneaks on one of Nate's group that are on the roof and Clementine pushes him off

    Kenny : This place seems familiar.

    Clementine climbs down to Kenny

    Clementine : I think it's that Motel that we were staying in heaps of months ago.

    Kenny chuckles

    Kenny : You think she's still alive?

    Clementine : Huh?

    Kenny : Do you think Lilly is still alive?

    Christa : Who's Lilly?

    Kenny : Shel, do you have anybody in your group by the name of Lilly?

    Shel : I think s-

    Lilly walks out of one of the rooms and stares at Kenny and Clementine

    Lilly : Kenny? Clementine?


    Clementine : Calm down! Please. Don't fight.

    Lilly : I never thought I'd be happy to see you.

    nodenaatti posted: »

    Luke: Oh god... Oh god. What happened? ...Carver? Wyatt: But they are dead, right? Carlos: Not all of them. Remember Josh? He was in C

  • Gabee, you should add more to the story!

    Your writing is amazing!

    (Nobody is adding onto it!)

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Overall, the story seems great, it was also hard to kill myself in the story, I died in a group of walkers just to save the cabin and 400 days group. I wish I lasted longer... haha.. Nice job writing the story guys!

  • How about... we will join together and make our own ending if Clementine dies at the end of this season...

  • Woww ! It's amesowe ! :D

    Tyranitar posted: »

    SPOILERS BELOW If you haven't read Episode 3. Here is a link. http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/63900/our-own-episode-3

  • I hope we get some information about the Telltale Tool, because I also want to make games like this.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    How about... we will join together and make our own ending if Clementine dies at the end of this season...

  • I don't think Lily should have come back.

  • I think she should, it's great too see her reaction to Kenny and Clem and i'm waiting for the next part of this episode to see ;)

    I don't think Lily should have come back.

  • edited April 2014

    I'm hoping we get the Episode 3 trailer next week.
    Then we might get the episode one or two weeks after it.

    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    How about... we will join together and make our own ending if Clementine dies at the end of this season...

  • Why thank you!
    It's nice to see that somebody didn't hate Lilly.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    I think she should, it's great too see her reaction to Kenny and Clem and i'm waiting for the next part of this episode to see

  • I don't hate her but I don't like it if they would bring back all of season 1 characters.

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    Why thank you! It's nice to see that somebody didn't hate Lilly.

  • Thank you. I'm quite busy writing my own story on wattpad. ><

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    Gabee, you should add more to the story! Your writing is amazing! (Nobody is adding onto it!)

  • Nice.

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Thank you. I'm quite busy writing my own story on wattpad. ><

  • It's our own story, and bringing Lilly back would make a large twist.

    I don't hate her but I don't like it if they would bring back all of season 1 characters.

  • edited April 2014

    Kenny: Happy? Answer my question!

    Lilly: You would have done the same thing in my place.

    Kenny: That does not give you the right to steal the RV! It was your lucky Lee forgive you ...

    Lilly: Speaking of Lee .. where is he?

    Kenny: Do not answer this shitbird she did not ...

    Kenny stop's talking when he see's Clementine crying *

    Clementine crying *: he ... he ... was bitten and it was all my fault.

    Suddenly everyone hears a huge noise *

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    The group rush back to the RV Suddenly they are stopped by a few people with rifles Shel recognizes one of the people Shel : YOU BA

  • Me too but usually when they release a trailer, it comes out like 3-4 days later :)

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    I'm hoping we get the Episode 3 trailer next week. Then we might get the episode one or two weeks after it.

  • To tell you the truth in season 2's trailer when Clem says "I thought you were dead" I thought that she was talking to Lily cause when she said it she didn't sound too thrilled.

    I don't hate her but I don't like it if they would bring back all of season 1 characters.

  • I write something in this story because nobody was saying nothing :s

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    It's our own story, and bringing Lilly back would make a large twist.

  • edited April 2014

    An explosion goes off

    The group rush to the noise

    Kenny : HOLY SH--! IT'S A TANK!

    Luke : Oh g- RUN!

    Kenny : Wh-

    The tank shoots at the wall next to them

    The group runs to the upstairs of the motel

    Lilly : Do you know these people?

    Kenny : Just because I'm back you can blame everything on me?

    Nick : Shut up, both of you.

    Christa : Will you explain who Lilly is and how you know her?

    Kenny : She's a psychopath!

    Clementine : Well she's staying with us for now!

    Christa : What did she do?


    Clementine : Oh no. I left my backpack in the RV.

    Shel is dragging Becca up the stairs

    Wyatt : I'll get it, what does it look like?

    Clementine : It's pink and it has a little flower on it.

    Wyatt : Shel, do you have grenades by any chance?

    Lilly : No, we don't. Shel, what happened to Becca?

    Shel : Nate shot her.

    Lilly : Oh god, is she okay?

    Shel : I don't know..

    Lilly : Let me see her, where'd she get shot?

    Shel : There. Shel points to the wound

    Lilly : That's not harmful. She'll be fine.

    Shel : I hope you're right.

    Wyatt : Well, I'll go get that backpack for you.

    The tank has gone

    Wyatt goes into the RV and grabs Clementine's backpack

    Wyatt walks towards the entrance

    Wyatt : I've got the backpack!

    Clementine : Behind you!

    A Walker grabs Wyatt

    Wyatt : AHH!

    Eddie : Wyatt!

    Carlos pulls out his rifle that he super-glued to his back and shoots the walker

    Wyatt : Jesus..

    Wyatt runs to Clementine and hands her backpack

    Clementine : What about Molly?

    Lilly : Molly? Who's Molly?

    Kenny : We could go back to Savannah.

    Lilly : We should go to Atlanta!

    Wyatt : I agree with Lilly, we go to Atlanta.

    Eddie : Are you crazy? That's the first city that gone taken over! I'm going to Savannah!

    Shel : Clementine should decide. I'm going with her.

    Poll closed for now.

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Kenny: Happy? Answer my question! Lilly: You would have done the same thing in my place. Kenny: That does not give you the right to st

  • edited April 2014

    I voted for savannah, but i think wellington should be a choice since kenny and christa talked about it above.. and it would make the most sense since that is where the game is going.

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    An explosion goes off The group rush to the noise Kenny : HOLY SH--! IT'S A TANK! Luke : Oh g- RUN! Kenny : Wh- The tank shoo

  • edited April 2014

    Clementine: We can decide where to go later, im more worried about the tank..

    Christa: What about Wellington?? its our best bet.. why in the hell would we want to go back there? Its where the whole group fell apart?

    Kenny: I know.. I know... but maybe it could of sorted itself out.. maybe people have arrived there.. maybe there are boa-

    (Lilly cuts off kenny)

    Lilly: Look, whoever you are... Wellington is stupid.. think about how many people will be up there.. it would be a killing field..

    Christa: EVERYWHERE IS A KILLING FIELD! The cold will benefit all of us and slow the walkers down.

    Kenny: YOU KNOW WHAT! im done talking about this shit.. im gonna be in the RV...You know something else Lilly.. You wanna know what happened to Lee after you left and fucked us all over.. Let Clem explain it...

    (Kenny walks off)

    (Lilly looks at Clem too scared and guilty to ask)

    Luke: Look guys.. we better move before that tank decides it wants to come back..

    Nick: Yea fuck that.. Get us out of here

    Carlos: My daughter is not staying here..

    Rebecca: Look we appreciate the ride out of Carvers camp, but as soon as we get here there is a dead guy, a bunch of bandits, and a fucking tank.. We have to leave, I have to do whats best for my baby.

    Wyatt: Shel... shes kind of right..

    Shel: Ok fine, i have a smaller camp not far from here we can bunk down, but we gotta move now.. Hey you.. with the Hoodie??

    Eddie: yea?

    Shel: Help me carry my sister into the RV

    Eddie: Sure thing.

    Vince: Where the fuck is Bonnie??

    Clem: I.. I dont know, last i saw her was when those guys and the tank ambushed us??

    Eddie: I thought she was around here somewhere.. When those guys attacked she ran off and kept screaming SEALAND or LEELAND or something like that..

    Vince: Oh for fuck sake..

    Eddie: well we dont got the time to go looking for her.. we better just pray she's alright..

    Christa: We better load up.. im heading to the RV

    (Luke comes up to clem)

    Luke: Hey you alright..

    Clem: Yea.. I think so.. Just cant stop thinking about all of this.. im just feeling stressed.. Im okay though.

    Luke: You'll be okay, im sure we can sort this out ,Anyway.. Well you sure have been Miss popular lately, That woman is about the third person you have run into that you happen to know?

    Clem: Yea its strange, i never thought i would see her again..

    Luke: So who is she? she seems to know you well.

    Clem: She was apart of our old group.. back when i was with Kenny and ... Lee.. anyway.. one day she snapped and she shot.. another member of the group because she thought she was stealing.. Lee forgave her, but she stole a car and left us.

    Luke: Well shit, thats a lot of baggage... can we trust her?

    Clem: I think she might be ok now but we will see..

    Luke: Ok well if you say she's good, Lets get in the RV.

    (Lilly walks up to Clem)

    Lilly: can i talk to her for a sec?

    (Luke gives clem a nod and walks to the RV)

    Lilly: Look, we weren't exactly on a good page the last time we saw eachother.. If your still angry i get it.. but i have to know.. Its eating me up.. what exactly happened to Lee? and where is Kenny's family?

    Clem gave a long sigh and looked down.

    Clem: Well.. Duck was bit in the raid.. Katjaa couldn't handle it and she... she took her own life.. Kenny tried to handle it the best he could.. Lee went into the woods to help Kenny.. I heard a gunshot.. I don't know which one shot Duck...

    Lilly: Holy shit... I was going to ask him about his family.. but im glad i didn't now..

    Clem: Everything fell apart after that, we were at savannah, we met that Woman you were arguing with earlier.. Her names Christa.. but her boyfriend and baby is gone.. We headed over to savannah.. We got surrounded.. i was dumb enough to think that this guy on the radio had my parents.. and he took me.. Lee died trying to get me back.. he ended up getting to me in time.. but he was bit.. I had to... (Clem started to breath heavily and tear up)

    Lilly: Jesus... Its ok Clem.. You dont have to explain anymore..

    Clem: and Lilly?

    Lilly: Yea?

    Clem: When you shot her...It wasn't her.. It wasn't Carley who stole the supplies.. she was innocent.. It was Ben.. hes gone now...Kenny and Lee tried to save him in savannah.. but they couldn't..

    (Clem walks away from her and to the RV)

    (Lilly is left standing there and has a shocked and guilty look on her face, she is at a loss for words, she then gets into the RV with the group and shel begins to drive to the smaller camp)

    Legendary12 posted: »

    I voted for savannah, but i think wellington should be a choice since kenny and christa talked about it above.. and it would make the most sense since that is where the game is going.

  • edited April 2014

    Shell: People, we have to go !

    Eddie: Yeah, let's hit the road.

    (Everyone gets in the RV)

    Vince: Do we have enought gasoline to made it to the other camp?

    Shell: I don't know for sure, but it's not far from here, so we can all walk if it happens !

    Vince: Okay. I... I don't know if your sister is gonna get better ..

    Shell: What do you mean ?

    Suddenly eddie shouts*

    Eddie: She's not breathing... God help us... she isn't breathing.

    Shell walks to where Becca body and Eddie are*

    Shell: NO... MY SISTER.. NO PLEASE...

    Eddie: I'm sorry... she lost very blood, there was nothing we can do...

    Shell turns to Lilly*


    Lilly: And it wasn't... I.. I don't know what to say, I thought she could stand it.

    Kenny: Lilly is a problem, like she always is !


    (Everybody looks to clem astound)

    Clem: Shell, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, and I know that Lilly fucked up, but I've seen this before, I've seen what it is to see a group falling down, I don't want this one to happen that to. So let's stick togheter !

    Luke: Clem's right !

    Nick: Yeah.... I'm sorry Shell.

    Shell cries *

    Wyatt: We're arriving people !

    Legendary12 posted: »

    Clementine: We can decide where to go later, im more worried about the tank.. Christa: What about Wellington?? its our best bet.. why in

  • good but Alvins dead lol

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Shell: People, we have to go ! Eddie: Yeah, let's hit the road. (Everyone gets in the RV) Vince: Do we have enought gasoline to mad

  • Is ? I forgot that xD

    Legendary12 posted: »

    good but Alvins dead lol

  • Aw.. You made Becca die, I was going to make her a crucial part of next episode :(

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    Is ? I forgot that xD

  • edited April 2014

    personally i think we have too many characters as it is and we could use a few character deaths, Thats why i made Bonnie go missing because no one could really fit her in, i will be adding another chapter by tomorrow my time so he has until then if he wants to change the death or anything.

    rtu2d2 posted: »

    Aw.. You made Becca die, I was going to make her a crucial part of next episode

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