Do you think Ben and Duck get too much hate?
I can't say that these two are exactly my favourite characters, but holy shit. I've seen my share of playthroughs and I just can't believe how many people genuinely hate Ben and Duck. Why?!
Some of the playthroughs I've seen had the commentator cheering after finding out that Duck was bit, and cheering even more when he died! This had to be one of the most emotional moments in the game, and they ruined it for themselves just because that hate this kid.
Most of the common complaints that everyone has about Duck is that fact that he's annoying, and he gets people killed.
First off: I'd be lying if I said I didn't find him annoying in episodes 1 & 2, but the main reason people found him annoying was the fact that he just came off as obnoxious. My guess is the reason why a lot people found this kid character to be a pain in the ass was because the first kid character that was introduced to us wasn't. But hey, not all kids are like her.
Besides, it's not like he's a bad kid. He's just a kid. He's got good intentions. I actually started liking him in episode 3 when he wants to help you solve the mystery.
Second: If your main reason for hating Duck was the fact that he got Shawn killed at Herschel's farm, then you should hate Clementine even more. It least what Duck did wasn't intentional. If you saved Ben in episode 4, then make that 2 people that died trying to find Clementine after she ran away.
Keep in mind, I'm not hating on Clementine. In fact, she's like top 3 of my favourite characters in tv, games and movies (maybe number 1). I'm only saying that Duck isn't the only kid that got someone killed.
As for Ben? Good God.
I liked this character, but he didn't deserve to die. Yes, he did put the group in jeopardy by giving their meds to the bandits. Yes, he did lie to the group about it. Yes, he did leave Clementine for dead on the streets (I was fucking pissed by the way). Yes, he did let her wonder around outside UNSUPERVISED (I wanted to sack him). And yes, he removed the hatchet that was keeping the walkers away from the group.
And yet after all of those fuck ups, I still couldn't let him die. When he tells me to stop wasting my time saving him and get everyone to safety, he had earned back most of my respect for him. So I saved him.
Then he stands up to Kenny's verbal abuse, and starts to become a great character. So yeah, I was pretty sad when he died. The guy made a lot of mistakes, but he had good intentions. He might have even saved some people. If he had not made the deal with the bandits, they might have just attacked the motel head on.
Like I said, they aren't my favourite characters (though Ben comes very close), but I don't hate them. I don't think neither of them deserved to die just because they made mistakes when others have done the same.
Duck Duck did annoy me through the first episode but I think it's horrible to cheer when he fucking gets bit. That's just horrible, I mean he's just a kid. I agree, people did hate him to much but yeah, he was only a kid and he didn't seem to know and be aware of everything that was going on. I felt bad that Duck had to die (even though I did see it coming) It made me cringe when I had to shoot him because it was just a little boy.
Ben I did like Ben to be honest. I know a lot of people hated him but I think his intentions were in the right place. He fucked up a lot I admit to that, but after all he does seem like he's suffering from depression and he basically has no one and hasn't had anyone ever since it started. I know Ben wanted to redeem himself and even though he never actually physically did or anything I personally think he redeemed himself. I tried to look at it from Lee's point of view through the game and I couldn't just drop Ben, I don't see Lee as that type of person. I think Ben was a good kid but everything he knew was taken away from him and unlike the others he had no hope.
duck I did not hate I mean seriously he was just a kid no need for all the hate and I only started hating ben when he left Clem to die in episode 4
Why are there multiple versions of this thread? Am I missing something...?
*Edit - it seems there are only two. I thought there were more, I was getting very confused... sorry!
People hate Duck cause he is annoying and immature and Ben cause he messes things up
No, they both get just the right amount of hate. Duck was there to be the awful counterpart to Clem and Ben was The Walking Liability.
I feel like Ben is hated a little too much.
In reality, i bet a lot of people on this forum would fuck up in a zombie apocalypse and be scared at times!
Hell, i know i wouldn't be perfect.
But i really dislike him when he leave's clem surrounded by walkers in Savannah!! You just don't do that maaaaaaaaaan. Thank god for Chuck.
... Considering the fact he was like 10 I think Duck had a pretty normal maturity level.
I can't bring myself to hate Ben. Especially since I found out the simply made him for you to hate. He apparently wasn't supposed to leave Clem behind in episode 4, but they made him so that people would really dislike him and drop him in that clock tower. That just made me angry for some reason. If they at least would have made it so that he could or not could save Clem depending on your choices, but no...they downright made him a coward. I just felt bad for him.
I tolerated duck and admired his enthusiasm (And his Batman and super dinosaur knowledge)
I hated ben however Loathed him! He killed so many people accidentally and almost killed clementine. thank god for Chuck.
I tolerated duck and admired his enthusiasm (And his Batman and super dinosaur knowledge)
I hated ben however Loathed him! He killed so many people accidentally and almost killed clementine. thank god for Chuck.
I was actually okay with Duck, but when Ben said "Fuck you, Lee!" After I was trying to not let his ass get killed, that's when I got pissed. Luckily, for Ben, I'm to much of a nice guy to drop him down the bell tower.
I think they get far too much hate.
I didn't love Duck but I honestly don't understand why so many despise him so much. Yes, he did get Shawn killed (I tried to save Shawn instead of Duck) but how many characters in the Walking Dead world haven't gotten atleast one character killed?
So yeah, I do find Duck annoying but I couldn't say that I really dislike him too much.
About Ben, he was a pretty big screwup but I didn't really hate him either. He was a good kid with good intentions, it just never worked out. I felt more sorry for him than dislike and I don't see myself every being able to drop him from that tower. + Let's face it, alot of the people who hate him (and people who like him) would be a Ben if a zombie apocalypse actually happened. Not everyone can be as badass as Lee, Lilly, Molly or Kenny.
So supposedly there is this big hate going on for Duck.. I never experienced any of that, I agree with @Bombummie on Ben.. Damn, he was one big screwup, when in that tower I just couldn't let him drop.
People hate Ben because he fucks up a lot. I actually pittied him more than I hated him, but with many people it was the other way around.
People hate Duck because he acts like a kid and that can be annoying. Personally, I liked him because, stupid as he was, he was Kenny's kid and nothing seemed to get to him. On the contrary, Clem was too smart and observant and nothing got past her, so I was constantly worried for her.
I know but I meant compare to Clem's maturity level -_-
NOT ENOUGH HATE (?)pumps shotgun
I never outright hated Duck, but I did find him annoying. I was still in tears when he died, though.
As for Ben, he deserves quite a bit, if not all of the hate he gets. I hated him for a good while myself. He got so many people killed and put the group in danger so many times that I would understand people not forgiving him for it. I stopped hating him when I realized he hated himself as much as Kenny did. He never meant for anyone to get hurt. For some people though, that isn't enough, and given the damage Ben did it's hard to blame them.
That's a big post. I'm going to reply, simply, to the title only.
Duck gets too much hate, Ben gets just the right amount.
I think Lilly gets a lot of hate too. But yeah, Duck was just a little boy, and so was Ben in fact.
They don't really get any hate on the forums, although they do on Youtube. Lilly gets more hate than both of them combined, but it is justified.