Steam trading card

Will trading cards be available for The Wolf Among Us after the release of all episodes?


  • There's a possibility

  • I seriously have no idea why Steam trade cards exist or what you have to do to get them. Seem pointless to me.

  • I'd love to have a Bigby background so YES PLEASE!!! I'd even craft a foil for shirtless one. DO IT TELLTALE there is money to be had!

  • Yeah would be awesome. I mean they made some for Season 1 of TWD. Maybe when the game is fully released. Who knows...

  • They're used to level up your account and get discounts on items, games and the like. When you get all 5 cards you create a badge which gives you more exp on your Steam account. You can get a set of cards 5 times and then try and get what is called a shiny badge. I have the shiny Badge of TWD and I can use TWD emoticons such as a Clementine emoticon and the like. As well as get some cool Steam backgrounds. Here's my one:

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    Tips66 posted: »

    I seriously have no idea why Steam trade cards exist or what you have to do to get them. Seem pointless to me.

  • Thanks for clearing that up for me. Much appreciated. :)

    CathalOHara posted: »

    They're used to level up your account and get discounts on items, games and the like. When you get all 5 cards you create a badge which give

  • 21 hours? Wow, even I don't think I've played it for that long!

    CathalOHara posted: »

    They're used to level up your account and get discounts on items, games and the like. When you get all 5 cards you create a badge which give

  • edited April 2014

    @CathalOHara I love spider-man too

    here is my profile
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    @DragonButter My wolf is 112 hours ;D

    21 hours? Wow, even I don't think I've played it for that long!

  • 112 hours for just the 2 episodes!? Damn Shazam! That's a hell of a lot of times beating the shit out of the Woodsman and seeing Nerissa pole dance! Wowzers! And 200 hours for TWD as well? (faints)

    Justsomeguy posted: »

    @CathalOHara I love spider-man too here is my profile @DragonButter My wolf is 112 hours ;D

  • Nice! I've only played TWD 90+ hours. xD

    Justsomeguy posted: »

    @CathalOHara I love spider-man too here is my profile @DragonButter My wolf is 112 hours ;D

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