People Don't Read on the Internet

edited September 2008 in General Chat

This is a blog that has, for some time, stirred up controversy for saying that Spore is an abomination to God.

This is the most recent entry.

Read the whole thing. Read every single word. I promise you, this is completely worth it.

Then read the comments.

I'm telling you, sometimes, I wonder if the internet really allows for more communication. Sometimes I sit here and think that more people think of the internet as a soapbox. These people will merely scan other opinions, barely even paying attention to them, barely aware of them. And then they'll scream and cry foul and blurt out knee-jerk reactions, without even knowing every word spoken by the other side.

It's kind of sad.


  • edited September 2008
    You are Over 9000 percent right.
  • edited September 2008
    You realize that site was a big Rick Roll joke right?
  • edited September 2008
    I think that was the point :)
  • edited September 2008
    You realize that site was a big Rick Roll joke right?

    I think you're not paying attention, Scott. ;)

    I specifically said to read the whole blog post for a reason, I saw the joke and laughed out loud. Because this whole time, I didn't care whether or not it was real, because it seemed to be a great place to find videos of really wacky creature creations.

    But when I read the comments, I realize that a good 90-odd percent of the replies are these angry rants. And I'm sitting here, looking at them, and thinking "Wow, almost none of these guys bothered to actually read the whole blog entry before screaming about how stupid this guy is. That's...kind of sad."
  • edited September 2008
    Absolutely fantastic. I think people could learn a lot from that. Note that I use the word could and not will. ;)
  • edited September 2008
    Hehehehheh, I love a good hoax.
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