Season One Case File

edited October 2008 in Sam & Max
Any chance of getting the Season One Case File?

I became a fan because of SBCG4AP so, I never was able to buy Season One case file. Any chance of getting one?


  • edited September 2008
    They're long sold out, sorry :(
  • edited September 2008
    It's true. If it wasn't sold out, I wouldn't have paid $50 on eBay for it. =p
  • edited October 2008
    What was in it?
  • edited October 2008
    Prototype Hyno-specs, Alien Love Triangle Times, Ted E. Bear's Mafia-Free Playland and Casino Fridge Magnet, "One Rabbit, One Law!" Campaign Badge/Button, Bosco-Tech Biological Weapon (on a serviette), and a Postcard from the Blister of Tranquility on the moon.
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