...must stand there for five seconds, until Marzipan returns from her epic journey to save Homestar, and yells at you for tricking her. Once she is done yeling at you, the...
Which will trigger a scene where the hipo comes in and loudly admits guilt by saying "I did it! I did it! It was meeeEEE!" and begins hopping up and down on top of whatever item is most precious to Strong Bad at this point in time. To defeat him...
*note: To Continue: Set Volume to MUTE so Your Wii/PC isn't Awesome-itized too badly.
Once done, the King of Town should be here, packing a machete & Hockey mask.
(Endorssing the new Friday the 13th movie, eh?)
Once Luigi, Robotnik, and Captain Falcon are dead, you must summon Freddy Kruger by...