Light Gun Shooters

edited September 2008 in General Chat
Light Gun Shooters always have two-faced popularity.Some people think of some games in the genre as the best in the world, while others see them as gimmicks made by companies like Sega and Midway to make a quick buck.Do you like this particular genre of games, and if so, what are your top 3 favorite games in the genre?I love light gun shooter games, and my favorites are:

3.Johnny Nero: Action Hero (the cheesiest game and title ever, but it had fun gameplay)

2.Time Crisis 3 (A fun game that's definetly worth playing in an arcade or tracking down the PS2 version and a guncon)

1.The House of the Dead 2 (This game is probably in my top ten video games.Extremely fun, addictive gameplay and some of the cheesiest so-bad-it's-good voice acting ever.That makes for an amazing arcade game in my opinion.The only problem is that it's almost never in arcades(I've never seen it in an arcade in my life).Even so, this game is worth your money buying the dreamcast port, the Xbox port (an unlockable in HotD 3), or The House of the Dead 2&3 Return on the Wii.


  • edited September 2008
    Best light gun game of all time:Jurassic Park 2, the arcade one.
    the game takes like 2 hours to play, and the bosses are crazy.
  • edited September 2008
    Best light gun game of all time:Jurassic Park 2, the arcade one.
    the game takes like 2 hours to play, and the bosses are crazy.

    That was a good game, but it broke the golden rule of rail shooters: Don't try to make the game take itself seriously.Even so, that doesn't at all make it a bad game.
  • edited September 2008
    Duck hunt only
  • edited September 2008
    Strong Max wrote: »
    Duck hunt only

    Gotta respect the classics.
  • edited September 2008
    I like light gun games, it was really sad to see them decline so much. Now we have the Wii though, so maybe some quality light gun games will rise again. The Resident Evil one was pretty good.
  • edited September 2008
    which one? there were three...i think. the only good one was dead aim..
    ..anyways, i totally love lightgun games. unfotunately there are only a few..and even fewer good ones.
  • edited September 2008
    Well I was talking about the on-rails shooter for the Wii. Kinda of a light gun game, if you use the useless zapper perph. I'd love to see the Wii actually bring back some decent shooters, as I couldn't see shelling out $80+ on Time Crisis 4
  • edited September 2008
    Kinda of a light gun game, if you use the useless zapper perph. I'd love to see the Wii actually bring back some decent shooters, as I couldn't see shelling out $80+ on Time Crisis 4

    1.I agree, and I could see the Wii becoming a home to a lot of on-rails light-gun shooters, because it costs less for the companies making them when they don't have to make a whole other gun to play it, and they could sell more copies when people don't have to go buy a $60 peripheral just to play it properly.

    2.I do find the Zapper pretty useless, but Nyko's Perfect Shot is a pretty authentic gun shell for the Wii, and with games with calibration you can turn off the crosshair and play it arcade-style with that gun.

    3.I'd like some other good arcade shooters on the Wii, too.But I would say Ghost Squad or House of the Dead 2&3 are at least worth a rent.(Don't even joke about Target: Terror, though, I played it in an arcade yesterday just to see if it was as bad as all the reviews say it is, and it is.In so many ways.)
    wisp wrote: »
    which one? there were three...i think. the only good one was dead aim..
    ..anyways, i totally love lightgun games. unfotunately there are only a few..and even fewer good ones.

    Umbrella chronicles on the Wii is pretty good.Kinda like House of the Dead but with better graphics, story, and VO (but that's not sayin' much).
  • edited September 2008
    Light Gun's Are Good. The only Trouble is when they Become Buggy and Make Games Near Unplayable. Other than That, When they Work fine, they are By far the Most innovative thing ever Since the Wiimote.
  • edited September 2008
    Light guns were made FAR before the Wiimote.As in the first light-gun was made sometime in the 30's.(I mean as in the shooting gallery light-guns.The first video game light-guns were made for the Magnavox Oddessy in the 70's.)
  • edited September 2008
    right...even the nes had a light gun.. is that done on the wii? do you have a seperate controller or do you just use the wiimote as a lightgun?
  • edited September 2008
    You just use the Wiimote's infared technology to point at the screen, so it's not a true light gun(the PS3's Guncon 3 also uses this technology, but it's a seperate peripheral).You can buy gun-shaped controller shells to make the experience more arcade-like, though.This is mine(yes, it does have a trigger, it's just in the shadow).
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