Episode 3 news?
Im sure people have posted stuff about episode 3 but i haven't found anything. Just wondering, what news of episode 3 so far?
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Im sure people have posted stuff about episode 3 but i haven't found anything. Just wondering, what news of episode 3 so far?
That it's coming soon.
The Wolf Among Us' third episode comes out this Tuesday, and Telltale are likely to let it shine for a couple of weeks as they work on TWD. We may get a vague tweet later this week, though. Nothing concrete until we are close to release, which most people think is going to be closer to May.
there is nothing everything has been focused on the wolf among us since it is that game's turn for a release we most likely won't get episode 3 until may
Clementine will be in it
Please keep all discussions for episode 3 in the season 2 episode 3 thread. Thanks http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/61134/season-2-episode-3-release-date-discussion-nothing-yet
My apologies, i get on here once maybe 3 or 4 days and forgot there was already a thread for it
Jill, you make the mods proud.
It's okay I just saving the mods some work lol. Yea it's okay just remember to post in there