Killed.. it was fairly easy choice.. they tried to kill me and Gren etc and the funeral
I don't get why people decided to not kill him because of Snow..
She is incredibly bitchy.. i don't care what she thinks anymore.. I tried to be nice with her.. and all you get is the "i am not yours to lose" crap.. So i do what i want now.. don't care about snow
My first playthrough I'm trying to be nice but sometimes my demeanor just slips...the wolf in me you know. Seriously now, I spared Dum's life as others have mentioned, I want the fables to see how much Bigby is trying to help and be the good guy. But in my second playthrough, I killed Dum because I want to know what consequences that will lead to later down the road. I'm sure as Snow says, the other fables will think Bigby is losing control and going back to how he was in the Homelands.
In fact I think Snow's personal question is quite interesting. I didn't answer because it caught me off guard since I never thought of things like that so I remained silent.
Same for me. I'm honestly trying my best to not take every ''Badass'' or ''Angry'' option, but when my Bigby gets harassed, attacked and annoyed TOO much, he loses control, especially while in one of the various stages of wolf-form. I was thinking more clearly at the bar scene (I didn't tear Gren's arm off.) but during this scene I got caught up in the excitement and anger and ripped the Tweedle's throat out, something I definitely do not regret. He asked for it, and had no redeeming quality's at all.
The next episode I'll do my utmost best to please Snow by listening to her orders and by not being so aggressive all the time. We'll just have to wait and see how that plays out...
I killed him. The scene was just too badass, and all I saw were Dee and Dum with their shotguns. I hesitated for a second, but then he said … more"Fuck you, Wolf" and I tore him a new one. Literally. It just felt so right.
Funny enough, I was trying to play the good guy up until this Episode. But I just couldn't resist the badassery...
I want people to think he's changed, so no. But i DID try and killed him, just for teh lolz.
I actually fucking hate Dum.
Snow is a friend and a possible love interest. In the world of TWAU she also seems somewhat averse to violence (regardless of the supposed lore established by the comics, a lot of us haven't read them). Having her witness you ripping someone's throat out is something quite a few people wouldn't want to do. And most people don't consider women "bitches" simply because they state that they are not your property, I'm sorry if such an insinuation offends you and makes you not care about someone.
Killed.. it was fairly easy choice.. they tried to kill me and Gren etc and the funeral
I don't get why people decided to not kill him be… morecause of Snow..
She is incredibly bitchy.. i don't care what she thinks anymore.. I tried to be nice with her.. and all you get is the "i am not yours to lose" crap.. So i do what i want now.. don't care about snow
I want people to think he's changed, so no. But i DID try and killed him, just for teh lolz.
I actually fucking hate Dum.
I killed that fat ass because that guy was really annoying, and he could just runaway when things gone wrong, but he didnt. Also I want to see more dramatic story at the end.
My whole play style revolves around Snow, acting the way she'd want me to act when she's around, and even when she's not around I act the same if there's a way for her to find out. Like when she's like "Be nice", I am nice.
If Snow wasn't Snow, I'd probably play the game the exact opposite way, talking trash to everyone, threatening them, hitting them, and of course killing them. So yeah...Snow. Snow Snow Snow.
I didn't do it.
My whole play style revolves around Snow, acting the way she'd want me to act when she's around, and even when she's not … morearound I act the same if there's a way for her to find out. Like when she's like "Be nice", I am nice.
If Snow wasn't Snow, I'd probably play the game the exact opposite way, talking trash to everyone, threatening them, hitting them, and of course killing them. So yeah...Snow. Snow Snow Snow.
I played the episode twice, one where I killed him one where I spared him and the results are pretty much the same, Bloody Mary just calls you a pussy.We wont really know till episode 4
I want people to think he's changed, so no. But i DID try and killed him, just for teh lolz.
I actually fucking hate Dum.
I chose not to kill him almost immediately, because as bad ass as that moment was... I didn't want Bigby to be a monster.
But.. Well, I created a thread on here before about Bigby maybe being punished for being "too nice" just like how in the comics Bluebeard tries to call him out on never acting on his threats, and it looks like I may be right, because in the previews, Sow says something about her thinking that Bigby might not be able to stop them(talking about Bloody Mary and the Crooked Man?). I don't know if this changes if you kill Dum, but it seems to be that they're starting to think that Bigby is going soft. At least, that's how I took it.
I ripped his throat out almost immediately. He shot me about fifty times, threatened to kill Toad Jr. and also interrupted a funeral with shotgun shots. He deserved it.
I'm not killing another Fable. That's where I draw the line. I'll yell at them, threaten them, beat them up, rip their fucking arms off if they piss me off enough...but I won't kill them. That's not who I am anymore.
I killed him without hesitation. Dum had it coming, and as gr8sk8jake said; he had threatened to kill Toad Jr, threatened to shoot Snow in the face, shot Bigby countless of times, shot the troll... how much mercy must be granted to the Tweedle Dee brothers until they actually end up killing someone for real? I'm pretty sure people would have a different outlook if Dum (if allowed to live) kills an innocent later on.
i don't see them as killers though but just thugs, but I do reckon, and quite clear from the events that have unfolded, that they are very much capable of killing if the need arises. I would find it personally out of character for Bigby after getting shot up to bits to not kill in the heat of the moment. At that point the only thing that would be going through his head would be to protect snow and to stop the brothers, not anything else or any promises made to snow about keeping calm.
It's going back to the instinct of To Kill or Be Killed.
Also while the OP wonders if its a 'mistake' I don't think any of the choices you can make throughout the series can be considered a mistake, just a different outlook/path.
For some reason I'm trying to prove Grendel and Holly wrong and I know all I would hear from them him I killed him would be, "You're a terrible sheriff, it's you're fault she died, and now you're just going around killing fables. Who knows maybe you're the killer." IDK I have a good save and a bad save so might as well......
Well I don't think Gren and Holly would really be mad at Bigby for killing Dum. Dum shot Gren and Holly at Lilly's funeral, the brothers would not leave even if you agreed to their deal; then they just antagonize Holly and shoot her. Moreover, if you are playing good Bigby, it seems that Holly, Gren and the Woodsman begin to trust you more. Holly and Gren have seen and know what the Tweedels are capable of; also, I doubt they would blame Bigby for Lilly's death since Holly has already admitted that her sister got mixed up with the wrong crowd. Crane is a more likely target for Gren and Holly's frustrations concerning Lilly (the Woodsman is already).
For some reason I'm trying to prove Grendel and Holly wrong and I know all I would hear from them him I killed him would be, "You're a terri… moreble sheriff, it's you're fault she died, and now you're just going around killing fables. Who knows maybe you're the killer." IDK I have a good save and a bad save so might as well......
Well, after my first confirmed kill in this awesome game I had to make an account to talk about it.
I'm gladly surprised that so many people are playing the game as they see fit. It's a welcoming change after I've seen so many people hellbent in playing Bigby either as a boyscout or a psychopath. Granted, the game punishes you every time you let the wolf show up for a bit (no matter what the game says, tighten up some handcuffs does not qualify as torture) but I think that's the essence of Bigby, or at least my Bigby.
It's one thing to prove that Bigby has changed, and another is not doing his job. It has been established that execution isn't out the books in the "Fable moral code" if the crime is bad enough (judging from Snow comforting Crane with "Relax, we won't kill you" and the existence of the Witching Well).
Clearing that up, I've tried to be nice with everyone who deserves to be treated that way. I've gladly thrown a few punches to Woody, Gren and Jack, when they acted like dirtbags. But that's as far as I'm willing to go with them. They're strays, and so is Bigby, they can give and take a few hits, but at the end of the day, they are just people trying to get by in a very dark world. They deserve help if needed.
Dee and Dum are a different thing. They were rotten to the core, a threat to everyone in Fabletown, and I was decided to kill them once they shot Holly and Gren in the middle of a funeral. Putting fifty shotgun shells through Bigby's chest was just a bonus. To me this wasn't a "Killing is bad, are you bad?" type of choice. To me this was "Are you willing to let a murderous scum walk, and hurt more innocent people just to be a good pup in Snow eyes?".
Sure, Bigby will be called a killer, a monster, and whatever they like. But that's the thing about Bigby. He's not doing it to be loved by everyone. He does it because he's the hero Fabletown deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so they'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a Bad Wolf.
So, Dum has gotten his share in this episode. And if the next one let's me, the same fate awaits for Bloody Mary and The Crooked Man.
In the end, does Bloody Mary say "He's not the killer" or "He's not a killer" (or he didn't kill them?)?
If Bloody Mary was the killer, she's cocky enough to admit it. After all, she knows they'll go after her anyway with very serious charges. They'll go after the Crooked Man or someone else she knew aswell, but it was not her place to reveal anything about him, and maybe that someone else.
If Telltale goes for the most shocking revelation, it is Snow. If the killer is among the characters we know, it's either the Crooked Man or Bluebeard (The brain if not the tool). If it's someone we haven't met yet, we have to wait.
Maybe there are hints in the book of fables, where most characters are shown in a two page picture? Maybe it's one of the characters in those pages.
I doubt that it is Snow, since the game is a cannon prequel in line with the lore in the comics. It is just not in snow to do so, she can be cold but she is no psychopath. Mary said Crane was not the killer, it could be Mary (it would be the most likely choice, which is not proof of course). In any case Mary is a psychopath, her MO is killing kids who say her name in a mirror...
I read in a thread that Bloody Mary is not in the comics, so maybe it's not that cannon.
In any case, why wouldn't Bloody Mary admit she's the killer right then and there? She already kidnapped a person under custody, attempted murder, assault, and probably lots of other charges that I am not familiar with. The murders would be too much? I think not. She also was planning to kill Bigby, so why say "He's not the killer" and not taunt him like "He's not the killer...I am". She has a very cocky personality.
Then again maybe I am overthinking this and Telltale is just trying to make an enjoyable story, not write a novel.
I doubt that it is Snow, since the game is a cannon prequel in line with the lore in the comics. It is just not in snow to do so, she can be… more cold but she is no psychopath. Mary said Crane was not the killer, it could be Mary (it would be the most likely choice, which is not proof of course). In any case Mary is a psychopath, her MO is killing kids who say her name in a mirror...
i chose not to kill him but i have all 4 save files going 1 i do wharever feels right 2 second choice for my answers 3 if i dont have anything nice to say say nothing at all and 4 im just a total prick so ill get around to it but, it didnt feel right killing dum in front of his brother i mean a shotgun blast to bigbys like a punch to the face for normal people although i did rip grens arm off. i wouldnt have killed gren if they gave me the option but, it was more to knock him down a peg like " lets hear you talk crap now." already played first and second choice tonight. im gonna be a prick first thing tomorrow. then right after nice bigby. so..... dum dies tomorrow ~
Killed.. it was fairly easy choice.. they tried to kill me and Gren etc and the funeral
I don't get why people decided to not kill him because of Snow..
She is incredibly bitchy.. i don't care what she thinks anymore.. I tried to be nice with her.. and all you get is the "i am not yours to lose" crap.. So i do what i want now.. don't care about snow
My first playthrough I'm trying to be nice but sometimes my demeanor just slips...the wolf in me you know. Seriously now, I spared Dum's life as others have mentioned, I want the fables to see how much Bigby is trying to help and be the good guy. But in my second playthrough, I killed Dum because I want to know what consequences that will lead to later down the road. I'm sure as Snow says, the other fables will think Bigby is losing control and going back to how he was in the Homelands.
In fact I think Snow's personal question is quite interesting. I didn't answer because it caught me off guard since I never thought of things like that so I remained silent.
Same for me. I'm honestly trying my best to not take every ''Badass'' or ''Angry'' option, but when my Bigby gets harassed, attacked and annoyed TOO much, he loses control, especially while in one of the various stages of wolf-form. I was thinking more clearly at the bar scene (I didn't tear Gren's arm off.) but during this scene I got caught up in the excitement and anger and ripped the Tweedle's throat out, something I definitely do not regret. He asked for it, and had no redeeming quality's at all.
The next episode I'll do my utmost best to please Snow by listening to her orders and by not being so aggressive all the time. We'll just have to wait and see how that plays out...
I hope letting him live does not open a book of fables entry so in every play through, I can continue to kill him.
I decided not to kill Dum, but mark my words, I WILL kill someone by the end of this story.
dem abs tho
I killed him because his face was so fucking annoying
How misogynistic.
Snow is a friend and a possible love interest. In the world of TWAU she also seems somewhat averse to violence (regardless of the supposed lore established by the comics, a lot of us haven't read them). Having her witness you ripping someone's throat out is something quite a few people wouldn't want to do. And most people don't consider women "bitches" simply because they state that they are not your property, I'm sorry if such an insinuation offends you and makes you not care about someone.
Don't get to attached, he's not real
I killed that fat ass because that guy was really annoying, and he could just runaway when things gone wrong, but he didnt. Also I want to see more dramatic story at the end.
Don't come to the site until you played the game then. There problem solved.
I didn't do it.
My whole play style revolves around Snow, acting the way she'd want me to act when she's around, and even when she's not around I act the same if there's a way for her to find out. Like when she's like "Be nice", I am nice.
If Snow wasn't Snow, I'd probably play the game the exact opposite way, talking trash to everyone, threatening them, hitting them, and of course killing them. So yeah...Snow. Snow Snow Snow.
Dude that's.....uncospiciously creepy
Maybe that's how Crane started.
I killed him, purely so I could say, "Guess he's Tweedle Dead, now."
There's no reasoning with Wolfmode.
Man dont go full crane on us thats just ... not good ...
I played the episode twice, one where I killed him one where I spared him and the results are pretty much the same, Bloody Mary just calls you a pussy.We wont really know till episode 4
I let him live, it seemed like something the Bigby I'd been playing would do. Partially becuase he's at his nicest around Snow.
I was literally searching the forums waiting to find a comment by you commenting about his sexy shirtlessness.
I chose not to kill him almost immediately, because as bad ass as that moment was... I didn't want Bigby to be a monster.
But.. Well, I created a thread on here before about Bigby maybe being punished for being "too nice" just like how in the comics Bluebeard tries to call him out on never acting on his threats, and it looks like I may be right, because in the previews, Sow says something about her thinking that Bigby might not be able to stop them(talking about Bloody Mary and the Crooked Man?). I don't know if this changes if you kill Dum, but it seems to be that they're starting to think that Bigby is going soft. At least, that's how I took it.
he did say** [Ep 3 Ending Choice Spoilers]** in the title
I ripped his throat out almost immediately. He shot me about fifty times, threatened to kill Toad Jr. and also interrupted a funeral with shotgun shots. He deserved it.
I'm not killing another Fable. That's where I draw the line. I'll yell at them, threaten them, beat them up, rip their fucking arms off if they piss me off enough...but I won't kill them. That's not who I am anymore.
I killed him without hesitation. Dum had it coming, and as gr8sk8jake said; he had threatened to kill Toad Jr, threatened to shoot Snow in the face, shot Bigby countless of times, shot the troll... how much mercy must be granted to the Tweedle Dee brothers until they actually end up killing someone for real? I'm pretty sure people would have a different outlook if Dum (if allowed to live) kills an innocent later on.
i don't see them as killers though but just thugs, but I do reckon, and quite clear from the events that have unfolded, that they are very much capable of killing if the need arises. I would find it personally out of character for Bigby after getting shot up to bits to not kill in the heat of the moment. At that point the only thing that would be going through his head would be to protect snow and to stop the brothers, not anything else or any promises made to snow about keeping calm.
It's going back to the instinct of To Kill or Be Killed.
Also while the OP wonders if its a 'mistake' I don't think any of the choices you can make throughout the series can be considered a mistake, just a different outlook/path.
I sense that another troll funeral is in our midst...
For some reason I'm trying to prove Grendel and Holly wrong and I know all I would hear from them him I killed him would be, "You're a terrible sheriff, it's you're fault she died, and now you're just going around killing fables. Who knows maybe you're the killer." IDK I have a good save and a bad save so might as well......
Well I don't think Gren and Holly would really be mad at Bigby for killing Dum. Dum shot Gren and Holly at Lilly's funeral, the brothers would not leave even if you agreed to their deal; then they just antagonize Holly and shoot her. Moreover, if you are playing good Bigby, it seems that Holly, Gren and the Woodsman begin to trust you more. Holly and Gren have seen and know what the Tweedels are capable of; also, I doubt they would blame Bigby for Lilly's death since Holly has already admitted that her sister got mixed up with the wrong crowd. Crane is a more likely target for Gren and Holly's frustrations concerning Lilly (the Woodsman is already).
Well, after my first confirmed kill in this awesome game I had to make an account to talk about it.
I'm gladly surprised that so many people are playing the game as they see fit. It's a welcoming change after I've seen so many people hellbent in playing Bigby either as a boyscout or a psychopath. Granted, the game punishes you every time you let the wolf show up for a bit (no matter what the game says, tighten up some handcuffs does not qualify as torture) but I think that's the essence of Bigby, or at least my Bigby.
It's one thing to prove that Bigby has changed, and another is not doing his job. It has been established that execution isn't out the books in the "Fable moral code" if the crime is bad enough (judging from Snow comforting Crane with "Relax, we won't kill you" and the existence of the Witching Well).
Clearing that up, I've tried to be nice with everyone who deserves to be treated that way. I've gladly thrown a few punches to Woody, Gren and Jack, when they acted like dirtbags. But that's as far as I'm willing to go with them. They're strays, and so is Bigby, they can give and take a few hits, but at the end of the day, they are just people trying to get by in a very dark world. They deserve help if needed.
Dee and Dum are a different thing. They were rotten to the core, a threat to everyone in Fabletown, and I was decided to kill them once they shot Holly and Gren in the middle of a funeral. Putting fifty shotgun shells through Bigby's chest was just a bonus. To me this wasn't a "Killing is bad, are you bad?" type of choice. To me this was "Are you willing to let a murderous scum walk, and hurt more innocent people just to be a good pup in Snow eyes?".
Sure, Bigby will be called a killer, a monster, and whatever they like. But that's the thing about Bigby. He's not doing it to be loved by everyone. He does it because he's the hero Fabletown deserves, but not the one it needs right now...and so they'll hunt him, because he can take it. Because he's not a hero. He's a silent guardian, a watchful protector...a Bad Wolf.
So, Dum has gotten his share in this episode. And if the next one let's me, the same fate awaits for Bloody Mary and The Crooked Man.
And Toad's son.
He's behind all of this, I know it.
(?) Azlyn won't forget that.
Not all who wonder are lost...
Same goes for you.
You have found my comment, i see, Emmy-Chan.
Well done.
I hereby promote you to the **SAN***.
Good job.
I did, now, thank you very much.
So guys who do you think is the REAL killer ?
Going by Occam's razor, I would say that it is probably Bloody Mary.
In the end, does Bloody Mary say "He's not the killer" or "He's not a killer" (or he didn't kill them?)?
If Bloody Mary was the killer, she's cocky enough to admit it. After all, she knows they'll go after her anyway with very serious charges. They'll go after the Crooked Man or someone else she knew aswell, but it was not her place to reveal anything about him, and maybe that someone else.
If Telltale goes for the most shocking revelation, it is Snow. If the killer is among the characters we know, it's either the Crooked Man or Bluebeard (The brain if not the tool). If it's someone we haven't met yet, we have to wait.
Maybe there are hints in the book of fables, where most characters are shown in a two page picture? Maybe it's one of the characters in those pages.
I doubt that it is Snow, since the game is a cannon prequel in line with the lore in the comics. It is just not in snow to do so, she can be cold but she is no psychopath. Mary said Crane was not the killer, it could be Mary (it would be the most likely choice, which is not proof of course). In any case Mary is a psychopath, her MO is killing kids who say her name in a mirror...
I read in a thread that Bloody Mary is not in the comics, so maybe it's not that cannon.
In any case, why wouldn't Bloody Mary admit she's the killer right then and there? She already kidnapped a person under custody, attempted murder, assault, and probably lots of other charges that I am not familiar with. The murders would be too much? I think not. She also was planning to kill Bigby, so why say "He's not the killer" and not taunt him like "He's not the killer...I am". She has a very cocky personality.
Then again maybe I am overthinking this and Telltale is just trying to make an enjoyable story, not write a novel.
i chose not to kill him but i have all 4 save files going 1 i do wharever feels right 2 second choice for my answers 3 if i dont have anything nice to say say nothing at all and 4 im just a total prick so ill get around to it but, it didnt feel right killing dum in front of his brother i mean a shotgun blast to bigbys like a punch to the face for normal people although i did rip grens arm off. i wouldnt have killed gren if they gave me the option but, it was more to knock him down a peg like " lets hear you talk crap now." already played first and second choice tonight. im gonna be a prick first thing tomorrow. then right after nice bigby. so..... dum dies tomorrow