Sexy Bigby Bod admiration thread
Omg, my eyes nearly popped out! Well done, Telltale: I know what I am going to dream about this night - hrrr hrrr hrrr ))
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Omg, my eyes nearly popped out! Well done, Telltale: I know what I am going to dream about this night - hrrr hrrr hrrr ))
His body, man his body!
Please don't think I'm a perv, but I'd love to see a Nerissa Pole Dance gif with sexy Bigby, instead. Who can do it?
The body of a Saint! melts

Wheres Azlyn to talk about da sexy Bigby.
Apparently not everyone admires his heavenly body
are you even a girl???
Does that even matter? I'm not...
I love your avatar
I love it too! Bigby is
because if you're not
What the hell are you talking? You're homophobic? If yes, than that's not good and I'd rather you go somewhere else to spread hate
As a man, I'm offended and scandalized by the sexual objectification of men in video games. I plan to create an association and sensibilize people with a TV ad paid by public money.
Or not.
That's nice but it'd be much preffered if you kept those comments to yourself people really might get upset about it....
what is wrong with u ppl I was just kidding. how old r u
Now I know what women probably feel when they see a thread like this about a female character in the game, I ain't even mad, but it's kinda weird.
Well I kinda suspected that when you had "THATS BAD" all caps I just don't know how some people might act you know... nothing against you I was half expecting it to be a joke anyways but I don't know how everyone would react lmao.
It wasn't very funny. There have been to many situations were trolls did something like that.
Hell, I'm a male and I had a man crush on Bigby right from the beginning! So yeah, I don't find this thread weird at all. I know some people here wouldn't complain if we got a shirtless Snow White....
it's cool bro. i understood ur reply I meant to direct it to the one above ya.
anyway it was supposed to be a joke and nothing else, but yeah, not everyone takes it as a joke.
I haven't played yet.
but wow he is kinda hot!
Kind of? Lolz
It's fine all in good fun!
Well ok then
This scene was such hilarious fanservice for the ladies. I guess it's only fair after topless Nerissa last episode.
yes. thanks telltale
I'm a guy, and even I have to say that Bigby was pretty hot. Besides, it's only fair that the ladies get something like this after Nerissa in the Pudding and Pie.
The very second I saw shirtless Bigby I thought of this forum and how much some of the players would appreciate it. XD
Oh no, you didn't!
Well played.
Funny, I thought Azlyn posted this.
Bigby well remember that
Thank you! Someone who thinks the same as me xD Jk, but still. Dem abs....(Wish they had more issues of the comic where they showed all...nicely and stuff...)
You see anyone laughing?
I feel like Bigby should go down as one of those dudes that it's totally not gay to have a man crush on. Like Hugh Jackman, or Jon Hamm.
It'd make me feel a little more sure about myself, anyway.
lol, I love Snow in the first screen...