got this yesterday for my tablet and words don't show up on the screen for me so I had to press randomly on the screen till I hit the right stuff for the game to load but when these questions come up the words are invisible like the rest
got this yesterday for my tablet and words don't show up on the screen for me so I had to press randomly on the screen till I hit the right stuff for the game to load but when these questions come up the words are invisible like the rest
I got it yesterday for my tablet, the game run very well!!! I love to have it on my tablet because I can bring Lee and Clementine with me when I'm traveling
Playing it I found 2 small bugs, one in the episode 1 and other in episode 2:
Episode 1: when we are locked in the drugstore I do everything that I can do (get the energy bars, batteries, fix clementine finger, get the remote control, take the picture...) then I go to talk to Doug and he turn on all the TV and I look Lee brother, then I go inside the drugstore and there was no cutscene about Gleen in problems, I only talk to Carley and she ask me to go outside to help him but Gleen never speak to Clem in the walkie talkie...
Episode 2: I begin to fix the swing I only get the materials but never fixed it... When the bandits attacks Mark and then the people come to the farm the swing was fixed and Kenny was pusshing duck on it...
Probably a Galaxy Tab 3. I think it's a problem with non power-of-two textures on that particular GPU. There's not much to be done about it from a user perspective, it's just broken. (Again, I don't control patches. But I personally would really like to try to fix it).
Thanks for the super useful feedback. I'm less than attached to the current system for distributing binary data, and especially the save data location. I do apologise for that. I actually did originally save to the external SD card (/sdcard/Telltale/blahblah/), but it was bugged by one of our test groups, so I moved it to internal storage. It is a rule that we are not allowed to save data in the obb directory though:
It seems to me that to be completely compliant with Google's rules right now, we are somewhat forced to use the /data/data directory. Which unfortunately requires you to root your phone to backup your save data. But I've been meaning to contact Google about that, and see if there's actually any issue with saving data to a user accessible location.
I'll check and see if there's anything we can do about the obb data directory, but I wouldn't hold your breath. When downloading from the play store, the obbs automatically get downloaded there, so I'm not sure how useful it would be.
Hi everybody. I haven't visited these forums for ages, but a first Android port is a very welcome reason to come back!
Uhm...I'll skip mo… morest of the niceties. I enjoy the game on Android. A lot. A lot more than I cared for the PC version that I tried to play with a XBox360 gamepad. The touch controls are a very natural fit and this makes TWD the only PC port that I consider superior to the PC version. OK... enough about that.
The one issue I'm having is that the game will eventually have to be uninstalled, because 2GB is just too much when even a high-end device like my Xperia Z Ultra has only about 10GB available on internal storage.
Of course I have a microSD card with more than enough space, but like most games (pretty much every game besides Broken Sword 5), you seem to be using getObbDir to find the OBB file, which is convenient, but sadly broken (and Google doesn't want to change the behavior, see AOSP bug #62953 : https://code.g… [view original content]
You're right of course. The 320 can handle them. The problem is purely that we don't have a good way of dropping the asset quality for devices that can't at the moment. I do apologise for the inconvience.
Hi, been watching some videos of the android version on youtube and there seems to have graphical differences depending on the GPU.
Could y… moreou confirm that?
I have a Xperia Tablet Z (Adreno 320 GPU) and I have no trees on the first scene (inside the car), there is only a green field and some houses. On youtube, some users have the trees...
Is something wrong or does adreno versions have less details?
I thought the 320 could handle them =P
No need to apologize... as I said, it's a very good port.
I wasn't aware that you're not allowed to drop stuff in the OBB directory... I'm not an active Android developer so far, just an interested user.
And from the feedback that I've gotten on AOSP, it seems like Google hasn't really figured out the right way to do things either
About OBBs... well, the situation is less than ideal. It seems that Google will at some point encourage developers to use getObbDirs, while introducing a new permission into Android which will allow GooglePlay to install to secondary storage. Right now, all it would do is allow users to move files manually... in my opinion that's an improvement, although admittedly a very minor one... but on the other hand I can find few drawbacks
Thanks for the super useful feedback. I'm less than attached to the current system for distributing binary data, and especially the save da… moreta location. I do apologise for that. I actually did originally save to the external SD card (/sdcard/Telltale/blahblah/), but it was bugged by one of our test groups, so I moved it to internal storage. It is a rule that we are not allowed to save data in the obb directory though:
It seems to me that to be completely compliant with Google's rules right now, we are somewhat forced to use the /data/data directory. Which unfortunately requires you to root your phone to backup your save data. But I've been meaning to contact Google about that, and see if there's actually any issue with saving data to a user accessible location.
I'll check and see if there's anything we can do about the obb data directory, but I wouldn't hold your … [view original content]
Does anyone else think it's (and don't get me wrong im not complaining per-say - i love to have a portable version of the walking dead) a little unfair that it costs so much.
Lets face it we're 2 years down the line now and most people who would buy it have by now done so on some platform or another. I for one am a proud owner of the season pass for season 1 and 2 of the TWD and season one for the TWAU on XBOX 360. A little tiny drop in price wouldn't hurt surely? - £5....even £6 or £7.....
(EDITED OUT - i was misinformed)
Also why did it take this long to be released on android - can we expect season 2 or TWAU in the future? ....maybe even some old classics (Jurassic park etc) being ported to android? @dbrady
Does anyone else think it's (and don't get me wrong im not complaining per-say - i love to have a portable version of the walking dead) a li… morettle unfair that it costs so much.
Lets face it we're 2 years down the line now and most people who would buy it have by now done so on some platform or another. I for one am a proud owner of the season pass for season 1 and 2 of the TWD and season one for the TWAU on XBOX 360. A little tiny drop in price wouldn't hurt surely? - £5....even £6 or £7.....
(EDITED OUT - i was misinformed)
Also why did it take this long to be released on android - can we expect season 2 or TWAU in the future? ....maybe even some old classics (Jurassic park etc) being ported to android?
"You should save your unpacked files in the directory specified by getExternalFilesDir()."
is what it says on the play page... (specifically, they're talking about extracting files from the OBB file, but I think we can apply it to add-ons as well)
No need to apologize... as I said, it's a very good port.
I wasn't aware that you're not allowed to drop stuff in the OBB directory... I'… morem not an active Android developer so far, just an interested user.
And from the feedback that I've gotten on AOSP, it seems like Google hasn't really figured out the right way to do things either
/data/data is in my opinion fine for save data (after all, there is a backup system now), but additional data like DLC downloads should probably go to one of the storage directories. /storage/*/Android/data/id/ ( getExternalFilesDirs , see again ) seems like the obvious choice, but I'll have to read up on that when I get home from work.
About OBBs... well, the situation is less than ideal. It seems that Google will at some point encourage developers to use getObbDirs, while introducing a ne… [view original content]
Seems like getExternalFilesDirs is fine:
"You should save your unpacked files in the directory specified by getExternalFilesDir()."
is… more what it says on the play page... (specifically, they're talking about extracting files from the OBB file, but I think we can apply it to add-ons as well)
No problem. Question would be how to handle existing installations when/if the higher ups allow you to work on another patch. Personally, I'd just leave the data in the /data/data directory if it's already there, but allow users to delete it from within TWD. New downloads would go into /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/id/ . That way people could free up their internal memory without loosing their savegames by deleting the episodes, then re-downloading... if you'd mention it in the update notes the people who care about that sort of stuff would notice, but you wouldn't hassle average users with an additional dialog that asks them where to store the data (which is hard to explain to an average user). And experienced users could move the data manually to one of the paths returned by getExternalFilesDirs (plural).
We do already allow users to delete episodes from within the game. My current thought is to simply move the save directory, but I need to test and see if that actually works across partitions.
No problem. Question would be how to handle existing installations when/if the higher ups allow you to work on another patch. Personally, I'… mored just leave the data in the /data/data directory if it's already there, but allow users to delete it from within TWD. New downloads would go into /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/id/ . That way people could free up their internal memory without loosing their savegames by deleting the episodes, then re-downloading... if you'd mention it in the update notes the people who care about that sort of stuff would notice, but you wouldn't hassle average users with an additional dialog that asks them where to store the data (which is hard to explain to an average user). And experienced users could move the data manually to one of the paths returned by getExternalFilesDirs (plural).
Ah, I overlooked that... was too busy playing the game ... finished it yesterday.
Storing savegames on anything but /data/data/ is a bit outside the norm on Android... it's what I prefer, actually... but it isn't common. Since external storage is seen as untrusted, savedata is usually kept on /data/data (to make it harder for cheaters), while implementing the backup service callbacks is supposed to keep that backed up (never worked reliably for me, but that's the idea).
So, just so that we have no misunderstandings:
for data that should be at least a bit secure. Always available, but hard to back up. Should implement BackupService if used.
getExternalFilesDirs -> /storage//Andoid/data/com.telltale./
For anything that's big, but doesn't have to be secure. DLC seems like a good example.
getObbDirs -> /storage//Andoid/obb/com.telltale./
The base resources
We do already allow users to delete episodes from within the game. My current thought is to simply move the save directory, but I need to test and see if that actually works across partitions.
My opinions are mine, and mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Telltale.
But why on earth would I want to lock down any of the data? The save files are yours, and if you want to cheat ahead in the game, I think that you would only be depriving yourself of content that you paid for. I'm perfectly fine with storing everything in public.
Ah, I overlooked that... was too busy playing the game ... finished it yesterday.
Storing savegames on anything but /data/data/ is a bit … moreoutside the norm on Android... it's what I prefer, actually... but it isn't common. Since external storage is seen as untrusted, savedata is usually kept on /data/data (to make it harder for cheaters), while implementing the backup service callbacks is supposed to keep that backed up (never worked reliably for me, but that's the idea).
So, just so that we have no misunderstandings:
for data that should be at least a bit secure. Always available, but hard to back up. Should implement BackupService if used.
getExternalFilesDirs -> /storage//Andoid/data/com.telltale./
For anything that's big, but doesn't have to be secure. DLC seems like a good example.
getObbDirs -> /storage//Andoid/obb/com.telltale./
The base resources
That's the way I see it ... but since people started paying to cheat (at least that's how I see all those shortcut-"items" you are supposed to purchase in F2P and even paid games) things got a little more complicated.
My opinions are mine, and mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Telltale.
But why on earth would I want to lock down… more any of the data? The save files are yours, and if you want to cheat ahead in the game, I think that you would only be depriving yourself of content that you paid for. I'm perfectly fine with storing everything in public.
It will probably take a while before s02 is released on android given that the first season was just released. S02 will probably be fully released for the major platforms, ps3, pc and 360 before it shows up on android.
it's an option on galaxy s3 with 4.3, that's why i mentioned. ( I was able to free 1,5 gigs of free memory from my internal storage with copying the asphalt 8, and all my cars, money etc.. remained.)
That option was actually removed in recent versions of Android (4.0 I think, but it could have been 4.2) . Some device makers have hacked it… more back in, but even then it will only move part of the internal data to sdcard0, which is internal storage too now, so... nothing gained.
But even then, the OBB issue would remain.
It will probably take a while before s02 is released on android given that the first season was just released. S02 will probably be fully released for the major platforms, ps3, pc and 360 before it shows up on android.
@puzzlebox wrote:
We recently launched The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season on Google Play (all 5 episodes in Season One, plus the 400 Days DLC), and we're planning to bring Season Two to that platform as well.
However, since they just released Season One on Android, it will probably be a while before Season Two is released.
According to Telltale's PR person @puzzlebox Telltale is planning on bringing Season Two to Google Play too.
@puzzlebox wrote:
We r… moreecently launched The Walking Dead: The Complete First Season on Google Play (all 5 episodes in Season One, plus the 400 Days DLC), and we're planning to bring Season Two to that platform as well.
However, since they just released Season One on Android, it will probably be a while before Season Two is released.
got this yesterday for my tablet and words don't show up on the screen for me so I had to press randomly on the screen till I hit the right stuff for the game to load but when these questions come up the words are invisible like the rest
I think there's little the poor guy can do until you tell him what device and firmware version you have
I got it yesterday for my tablet, the game run very well!!! I love to have it on my tablet because I can bring Lee and Clementine with me when I'm traveling
Playing it I found 2 small bugs, one in the episode 1 and other in episode 2:
Episode 1: when we are locked in the drugstore I do everything that I can do (get the energy bars, batteries, fix clementine finger, get the remote control, take the picture...) then I go to talk to Doug and he turn on all the TV and I look Lee brother, then I go inside the drugstore and there was no cutscene about Gleen in problems, I only talk to Carley and she ask me to go outside to help him but Gleen never speak to Clem in the walkie talkie...
Episode 2: I begin to fix the swing I only get the materials but never fixed it... When the bandits attacks Mark and then the people come to the farm the swing was fixed and Kenny was pusshing duck on it...
Probably a Galaxy Tab 3. I think it's a problem with non power-of-two textures on that particular GPU. There's not much to be done about it from a user perspective, it's just broken. (Again, I don't control patches. But I personally would really like to try to fix it).
Thanks for the super useful feedback. I'm less than attached to the current system for distributing binary data, and especially the save data location. I do apologise for that. I actually did originally save to the external SD card (/sdcard/Telltale/blahblah/), but it was bugged by one of our test groups, so I moved it to internal storage. It is a rule that we are not allowed to save data in the obb directory though:
It seems to me that to be completely compliant with Google's rules right now, we are somewhat forced to use the /data/data directory. Which unfortunately requires you to root your phone to backup your save data. But I've been meaning to contact Google about that, and see if there's actually any issue with saving data to a user accessible location.
I'll check and see if there's anything we can do about the obb data directory, but I wouldn't hold your breath. When downloading from the play store, the obbs automatically get downloaded there, so I'm not sure how useful it would be.
You're right of course. The 320 can handle them. The problem is purely that we don't have a good way of dropping the asset quality for devices that can't at the moment. I do apologise for the inconvience.
Well first episode is free on iOS devices,but it finally came on android(find the hodden dirty joke)
No need to apologize... as I said, it's a very good port.
I wasn't aware that you're not allowed to drop stuff in the OBB directory... I'm not an active Android developer so far, just an interested user.
And from the feedback that I've gotten on AOSP, it seems like Google hasn't really figured out the right way to do things either
/data/data is in my opinion fine for save data (after all, there is a backup system now), but additional data like DLC downloads should probably go to one of the storage directories. /storage/*/Android/data/id/ ( getExternalFilesDirs , see again ) seems like the obvious choice, but I'll have to read up on that when I get home from work.
About OBBs... well, the situation is less than ideal. It seems that Google will at some point encourage developers to use getObbDirs, while introducing a new permission into Android which will allow GooglePlay to install to secondary storage. Right now, all it would do is allow users to move files manually... in my opinion that's an improvement, although admittedly a very minor one... but on the other hand I can find few drawbacks
Does anyone else think it's (and don't get me wrong im not complaining per-say - i love to have a portable version of the walking dead) a little unfair that it costs so much.
Lets face it we're 2 years down the line now and most people who would buy it have by now done so on some platform or another. I for one am a proud owner of the season pass for season 1 and 2 of the TWD and season one for the TWAU on XBOX 360. A little tiny drop in price wouldn't hurt surely? - £5....even £6 or £7.....
(EDITED OUT - i was misinformed)
Also why did it take this long to be released on android - can we expect season 2 or TWAU in the future? ....maybe even some old classics (Jurassic park etc) being ported to android?
It's £9 actually ... $15
But, you have a point. It was a bit steep... I mainly bought it to encourage more Android ports
Oops my bad lol. Agree'd though (same reason i bought it - to encourage further ports)
Finally they stopped offend Android owners
S01was just released
Seems like getExternalFilesDirs is fine:
"You should save your unpacked files in the directory specified by getExternalFilesDir()."
is what it says on the play page... (specifically, they're talking about extracting files from the OBB file, but I think we can apply it to add-ons as well)
doh. You're absolutely right. I misread the documentation on that.
No problem. Question would be how to handle existing installations when/if the higher ups allow you to work on another patch. Personally, I'd just leave the data in the /data/data directory if it's already there, but allow users to delete it from within TWD. New downloads would go into /storage/sdcard0/Android/data/id/ . That way people could free up their internal memory without loosing their savegames by deleting the episodes, then re-downloading... if you'd mention it in the update notes the people who care about that sort of stuff would notice, but you wouldn't hassle average users with an additional dialog that asks them where to store the data (which is hard to explain to an average user). And experienced users could move the data manually to one of the paths returned by getExternalFilesDirs (plural).
I know but I want season 2 too. Anyone?
We do already allow users to delete episodes from within the game. My current thought is to simply move the save directory, but I need to test and see if that actually works across partitions.
The edges are a bit fuzzy for me, but it runs very well. Better than it does on my PS3 actually.
Ah, I overlooked that... was too busy playing the game ... finished it yesterday.
Storing savegames on anything but /data/data/ is a bit outside the norm on Android... it's what I prefer, actually... but it isn't common. Since external storage is seen as untrusted, savedata is usually kept on /data/data (to make it harder for cheaters), while implementing the backup service callbacks is supposed to keep that backed up (never worked reliably for me, but that's the idea).
So, just so that we have no misunderstandings:
for data that should be at least a bit secure. Always available, but hard to back up. Should implement BackupService if used.
getExternalFilesDirs -> /storage//Andoid/data/com.telltale./
For anything that's big, but doesn't have to be secure. DLC seems like a good example.
getObbDirs -> /storage//Andoid/obb/com.telltale./
The base resources
My opinions are mine, and mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Telltale.
But why on earth would I want to lock down any of the data? The save files are yours, and if you want to cheat ahead in the game, I think that you would only be depriving yourself of content that you paid for. I'm perfectly fine with storing everything in public.
That's the way I see it ... but since people started paying to cheat (at least that's how I see all those shortcut-"items" you are supposed to purchase in F2P and even paid games) things got a little more complicated.
Sorry about over-complicating things, but I recently had to think about all that stuff for
It will probably take a while before s02 is released on android given that the first season was just released. S02 will probably be fully released for the major platforms, ps3, pc and 360 before it shows up on android.
it's an option on galaxy s3 with 4.3, that's why i mentioned. ( I was able to free 1,5 gigs of free memory from my internal storage with copying the asphalt 8, and all my cars, money etc.. remained.)
But I think s2 already have for ios. =(
They could put for Android too.
According to Telltale's PR person @puzzlebox Telltale is planning on bringing Season Two to Google Play too.
However, since they just released Season One on Android, it will probably be a while before Season Two is released.
Thanks! Now you gave me hope!