SBCG4AP: math bros. freezes
Whenever I play the "Math Kickers" fun machine game in Strong Badia the Free (PC), the game (math kickers, not SBCG4AP) frequently freezes when I press X for right attack. This seems to happen every time I press X when enemies aren't on the screen, and sometimes when they are. I can't move in the fun machine game again until I hit Q twice and click the fun machine again. This is making "math kickers" pretty much unplayable for me.
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System is a DV9417CA HP Pavilion with an AMD Turion 64 x2 1.8ghz with 2 gigs of ram and a GeForce Go 6150 running Vista Home Premium after using the DirectX updater included with the installer for the game. Would it help if I attached a txt file of the full DxDiag report?
I had to get myself a green score by subtracting only.
Tried it before I posted, and oddly enough the first time I played I purposely missed with the add ball and it immediately locked up, so I had to quit. Then I ran it again and fired several add balls the wrong way and it played fine.
It occured when I used X.
Might the problem be that there must not be more then 6 Ninjas on the right side. (more then fit on the right side) I was only using the X-Key when this appeared since Z is a little bit too far away on the german Keyboard.
Maybe that helps.