Red or Yellow eyes? TWAU EP 3 SPOILERS
When Bigby started to turn wolf, he either gets Red or Yellow eyes.. Im guessing he gets red eyes if you have played relentless Bigby in the past and he gets Yellow eyes if you have played Good Bigby in the past... Maybe it has something to do with if you ripped of Grens arm or it depends on how you have played Bigby Or this is just a random glitch, what do yo think? What eyes did you get at this scene?
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Something like that looks deliberate. Red is definitely not a peaceful colour - if anything, it makes him look evil.
Your first screenshot was taken while on PC when the second was taken while on a console. Perhaps that's the only reasonable explanation.
I changed it, now they are both on PC so thats ruled out.
My BIgby was good and got red eyes.
Did you make ANY bad decisions during the game? Maybe it depends on a few particular decisions or maybe even one, like ripping off Grendel's arm or not.
Maybe it depends on your answer to Snow at the start of the episode regarding how Bigby feels about shit going down?
All I know is I play my Bigby as a nice guy , but with HUGE anger issues. He's all cool and gentleman ... until someone starts joking around. Then shit hits the fan.
I played Bigby as pretty nice for almost the whole game. The only mean things I did was break two things in Georgie's club and punch him (in both Episodes 2 and 3). I got red eyes, despite leaving Gren his arm, not interrupting the eulogy, things like that.
maybe the punch in ep 3 triggered it, its pretty cool how they pay attention to the small things.
I've played as good Bigby, the only "bad" choice I've made was burning down that chick's tree in Episode 3. Anyway, I thought the red eyes were cooler (though I didn't know that they could be yellow in that scene), so doesn't bother me!
I think that it definitely has something to do with the way that you play Bigby.
Red eyes are much, much cooler. IMO, anyway.
You know...the red eyes Bigby looks awfully similar to the Big Bad Wolf of the comics before he could turn into a man. Coincidence?
"I beg of you, great and terrible beast, show mercy!"
"I've none in me, girl." - The Big Bad Wolf.
Edit** Linking some pictures so you can see what I'm talkin about.,ikj15mW,d0teVZ2#0
In the comics he has red eyes when he's in a rage mode so to speak, but usually he has yellow. If snow is around he's almost always has got yellow eyes.
Weird. It's probably related to the paths you took during episode 3.
Weird. It's probably related to the paths you took during episode 3.
What did you say to Snow at the beginning of the episode about the things going down? Because I all those things you did, except punching Georgie, but when Snow asked the question, I didn't say yes or no, I did the one where he doesn't have to say...
I threaten everyone in the episode.. even the little girl (witch) only person i was decent to was flycatcher..
And i had red eyes..
I really wonder what triggers it? i punched Georgie... slapped and broke Ichabond nose i wil burn the tree next playthrough
This is really interesting. I got the red eyes. Then again, I was pretty much an ass during the episodes, or it depends only on ep 3 alone? Still, it's pretty cool to see a little detail like this.
His eyes always go red to my knowledge. Could be wrong though.
I'm fairly certain i got red eyes even though i'm a saint.
No limbs were torn off, no fat detectives were murdered and bigby was always patient and friendly if i could choose it.
Didn't even burn the old bitch' tree, how's that?
Red eyes here too and i played good Bigby, except that bottle i smashed on Dee's head and kinda broke some of Georgie's stuff.. When i saw him like this i thought 'shit just got real'!
Maybe a better question is "Who actually got this scene with yellow eyes, and what did they do?"
I played as good Bigby all the way through. (Never punched anyone, spared everyone's lives, didn't burn the tree etc.) and got red eyes..
Nope I didn't break anything in Georgie's club or punch him in either episode and still got red eyes. Didn't do anything mean to anyone.
Guy's got a point.
Well, I don't think this guy is lying, though. In this video:
at around 8:58, he gets yellow eyes, weird/
I try to play as a somewhat nice guy, but with serious anger-issues.
I broke Crane's nose, not slapping him though.
I hired the witch. I did punch Georgie because no one treats Bigby's girl with such disrespect.
I ended up with yellow eyes.
I didn't really do anything evilish i think, i may have talked a little rude when i got pissed but never took things to the extreme...except killing Dee, but that was AFTER Bigby opening his eyes.
(BTW I got red eyes)
I avoided the question and asked why she brought it up. Maybe that's it. If so, I'm glad, because the red eyes were just so badass.
I was surprised to get red eyes, for the same reasons
They make him look like one evil son of a bitch (literally)
But I played as good Bigby (the way I see it)
I guess it's a glitch, Bigby's eyes are supposed to always be red, but one or two games accidently used the 'old' game files, as Bigby always had yellow eyes, and red eyes probably mean:
'Now you're fucked, pal.'
Maybe you should try and check what he did in past episodes?
Yes in the beginning he got yellow eyes but in the end he got red eyes. I'm starting to think it's just a sort of glitch
Both my "good" Bigby and my "bad" Bigby had red eyes during this scene. So, it doesn't seem to be related to that.
Could it be dependent on whether you try to jump out of the way of the Tweedle's shotgun blasts or not? I noticed in the video posted above he didn't try to jump out of the way and ended up with yellow eyes.
In a YouTube video someone had yellow eyes, but I had red (which made him look cooler).
If you continue to watch until about 11:00 his eyes are red.
Also his eyes are more narrow when they are red so maybe it was meant to be.
Haha, true
I just hope it doesn't mean anything too bad, because I try to be as kind to everyone as possible in this save :P Maybe he just has yellow eyes when he wants blood and yellow when he wants revenge...?
I found that if you throw the electricity box his eyes will become red durning the battle between the brothers. You can best see them while you are deciding Dum fate.
I checked it and that wasn't it, still got red eyes
But good idea
I'm positive it's a glitch. I replayed the scene and when bigby opens his eyes for the first time they are red. Later, while trasforming in the grey
werewolf, they turned yellow, and immediately after they were red again.
I think it's just some sort of colour glitch. His eyes are supposed to be red but sometimes maybe the colour fails to load correctly