Fables Comic
I've seen some scenes of the comic, and think that the nature of the characters is pretty different. I really like the characters in the Wolf among us and would only buy the comic if they are like the ones in the game. So my question is: Would you recommend the comic to me or not?
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I would absolutely recommend the comic but if you want the characters to act and look exactly they way they do in the game in every way, I cant guarantee that. Essentially they are the same but since the games are prequels, there is some characterization they are building up to. So, I dont know what you would want except a novelization of the games or something like that.
I just want the characters to be at least similarto the ones in the game. And I hope that the artstyle isn't too dark so that there can be some well placed jokes.
There is plenty of humor, believe me. Especially where Jack Horner is concerned.
The Fables comic isn't a noir detective story like TWAU. It's much more light and more about the community. Storylines and protagonists shift, Bigby is a main character but rarely the protagonist. Some storylines are about Flycatcher, some about Boy Blue, others about the witches etc.
The characters are similar, but Telltale did retcon some stuff. In the comics, Bigby says he never lost control for centuries and the sheriff job was kinda boring (he only ever chased less than 5 people). Also Snow says Bigby never showed any interest in her before. In the game, Snow seems to be building up to the ice queen personality she has in the comics.
Bigby is much more like a wise spymaster, not Renegade Shepard. He can shapeshift in and out of wolf form without any of that controlling your rage crap. He only works on one case and solves it instantly. Flycatcher never actually had a job as a janitor, Bigby kept him on constant community service for minor infractions. As far as I can tell the game takes place like 20 years before the comics, which is more like 20 months for a fable.
try some volumes online if you like it then go ahead
That doesn't sound too good to me. I really dislike the bad personality that Snow is building up. And i really like Bigby. i don't want him to be the sensai wolf. I would find it more fittinng if he had some flaws and rage. Also I don't really think that any of those other characters would be a appropriate choice for an protagonist.
All I can say is try it for yourself first. I'm usually very picky about the books I read, I didn't like The Walking Dead, but Fables is great.
Well, that's not entirely accurate, for example, the time when Bigby tracked down Jack during the Wild West era wasn't what you can call calmed.
Alright, I am going to try it. Thanks for your advise
But I really hope that Snow isn't a asshole.
You should definitely give it a try. It is one of the best comic series I've ever read. The thing is Snow is a pretty complex character. She's not one way all of the time. She has several sides to her and as you read the comics and learn about her and her experiences, the way she acts makes more and more sense.
You'll find out Snow's caring and vengeful. Beauty chooses a wrong time to be angry at Beast, and than mentions the dwarves which makes Snow furious and bossy. Basically there are two sides to Snow, caring and vengeful. Snow cares about Bigby and their children. Vengeful for everyone she cares about as well as herself.
It is like this, when Snow is bossy and icy, you don't like her. When she is caring and strong, you like her.
Don't stop reading Fable because of Snow's attitude, she gets character development like the rest of the ensemble cast.
Also, if there is a nitpicking I have with the comics, it is the sometimes changing art style. Sometimes they change artist to tell a side story or they just wanted the plot to briefly have a different art. I usually don't like this, because it confuses me and some characters really changes their appearance. However, you will get used to it.