Georgie--Yes. One could argue that he's just a businessman, but the look on Nerissa's face as he's practically forcing her to dance makes me think he treats them badly. I don't think he's an actual antagonist in the game, just a scumbag.
Bluebeard--Based solely on what we've seen so far, not really, though torturing the prisoner at the beginning of act 2 makes this one kind of fuzzy to me.
Tweedles--Yes. Threatening Toad and his son, shooting Gren, Holly, Snow (potentially), and Bigby, and they're clearly working for whoever the antagonist is.
Gren--No, but I don't like him, and I ripped off his arm. I think some people feel pity for him and Holly, but they both get on my nerves and can ram it as far as I'm concerned.
Woody--Yup. I don't think he's involved in the murders but the game does open with him beating up a prostitute. After that the writers seem to be trying to redeem him but beating on small women for no reason until they bleed is kind of a big hurdle to overcome.
Jack--No, probably the last person on this list I'd qualify as "a bad guy."
Crane--I was going to say no because I don't think he's involved in the murders, but he is an embezzler, and it's largely due to him that Fabletown is falling apart. So yeah, he's at the very least an unpleasant person.
Crane: He's a perverted old creep and an embezzler, but I don't think he's evil. He's also the whole reason why Fables who aren't living in the Woodlands get treated so poorly. But do I think he committed the murders? No. He's too much of a spineless coward, he'd never have the courage to do anything like that.
Grendel: Nah, I think he's an alright guy. He's grouchy and rather disagreeable, but I think he has good reason to be, with how badly underprivileged Fables like him and Holly are treated. He cares for Holly and Lily, so at least he's not entirely a jerk.
Georgie: He's utter trash and a complete douche, especially towards Nerissa, but not evil. He knows more than he's letting on about TCM, I can say that for sure.
Jack: Eh. He's a slippery character. Don't know what to think about him just yet, though he seems to act mainly in his own self-interest.
Bluebeard: Yes, definitely. He takes too much pleasure in torturing whoever you bring in as prisoner, and he burns Crane's possessions if you allow him to go to the apartment first, which I find very suspicious. His 'high-and-mighty', arrogant attitude pisses me off. I think he has an ulterior motive, which is taking over Crane's position and acquiring more power over Fabletown.
Woody: No. For the most part, I pity him. He's a low-life, yeah, but I don't think he deserves a lot of what he's been through.
Tweedle Dee/Dum: Yes, the fact that they're working for TCM and Bloody Mary pretty much confirms this. They're sneaky bastards for sure, and they would not have gone through most of the trouble they did had they just been polite towards Bigby and not obtrude in his investigation.
Georgie is more than a megadouche...he appears to be either working for, or is an ally of the Crooked Man. When Bigby and Snow go into the back room of the Pudding & Pie to confront Crane, George gets on an old school 1980s cell phone and tells whoever is on the other end "we have a problem." Presumably that phone call was either directly to the Crooked Man or to one of his henchmen (like Bloody Mary), since Bigby then gets ambushed by Bloody Mary and the Tweedles on the way out.
Georgie - Scum, but not antagonist material. Might be in collation with them, though.
Bluebeard - A sadistic, self-entitled, well-connected psychopath without a doubt. Definite bad guy, but also not an antagonist as long as he's "investing" in the good guys.
Bloody Mary/Crooked Man/The Tweedles - Thugs, amoral, also definite bad guys. Might be the main antagonists, but I doubt it. Mary is batshit and needs to be put down, and the entire business might have to go with her.
Gren - A bit of an ass, but a more or less decent and very loyal guy at heart. I like him.
Woody - I think he's exactly what he seems like. A bad-tempered, self-hating drunk who's trying to get by with what good friends he can keep. Highly sympathetic, mostly because he's more sensitive and vulnerable than Gren. Bloody Mary probably took his axe when he couldn't pay his debt to the Crooked man, I don't think they're allied.
Jack - A cheeky, selfish, shameless, opportunistic asshole. Technically a bad guy, as he'll always try to screw the heroes over to his own benefit, but not outright evil or very effective.
Crane - Pathetic incompetent, but not a bad guy. A huge liability, though.
Georgie : I don't think he is truly evil or a villain, He's just a douchebag that has an uncanny ability to get on people's nerves but much like Crane he doesn't have the balls to do anything more than that.
Bluebeard : Yes, He is a bad guy but he is not a villain in this game so his evil ways have nothing to do with what's going on here.
The Tweedles : They are basically hired guns, but they do seem to enjoy doing all this sick shit so I do think they are bad people, not necessarily evil.
Grendel : He was and always has been a villain but he has some redeeming qualities and We've seen that in this game.
Woody : Not a bad guy at all, Just a drunk caveman who has no Faith in himself whatsoever. I actually feel bad for him most of the time.
Jack : Nah, He just wants to be rich, who doesn't ? Though sometimes he may come up as a JACKass he is just a harmless Joker.
Crane : No. Crane is a creep and has done some fucked up things but he doesn't have the stones to do something truly evil. ( Like decapitating prostitutes ).
Georgie: He is a total dickhole and i wish he would just shut up. I mean, i realize he is only trying to make a living... Out of a strip club... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Anyways, he wouldn't have the guts to do anything BAD. As in, murder or stuff like that. He only wants to seem cool, a smart ass. He is harmless.
Bluebeard: Yeppers. He is. I know that mostly from the comics. But, truth is, he actually is kinda scared of Bigby, as he is a real coward when faced with him or some real challenge (OH, THE IRONY). I mean, he DID (comic spoiler) fight Charming, but only because he thought Charming sucked dick at sword fight, but turns out he didn't, and Bluebitch paid for that. Huehuehuehue. Anyway, he only goes for people that can't actually fight him back. Like Crane. Or some girls. Stuff like that. But he's bad, like, for real.
The Tweedles: I like 'em. They seem chill. The thing that prevented me from killing Dum was their relationship. It's so weird, seeing such true brotherly love in a game like TWAU, that's about murders and broken systems and all... It's something that seems alien. I wanted to keep that. Because i know how it is to have a bro you care about. I really like them. Yeah, they're into kinky shit and they seem like dicks, but i think there's some good in them. They only headed the wrong way... But i think we can turn them around. They are funny, in a weird way, and childish, but they are not evil. They are only hired thugs. They are not bad guys themselves. Their bosses determine if they are bad or not. Or, yeah, they may seem bad guys because they accept such bosses, but i don't think they truly are evil.
Grendel: Totes not. He mah bro. He only cares about his friend because that's all he has left, and they are practically abandoned, so they only have each other. He is a good guy. I like him.
Woody: No. Not a bad guy. A confused goofball. He's sweet. Woody only does not know what to do. He's confused. Again. And it's not easy knowing you are a fallen hero, a pathetic nobody, conscious of the fact that your ex-arch enemy has more power than you. I dunno, i like him, i don't think he's a bad guy. He is, too, my bro.
Jack: Nah, he is only a, lemme just quote, "harmless smartass". He goes to extreme measures to get what he wants, though. Yeah, he's annoying, but not a bad guy. Nope. Just a thinks-he's-so-cool-and-important kinda guy. I sorta like him... Even though i don't...
Crane. He is just a pathetic liar. A coward. A loser. He fucked up. And it all started since the incident with the Headless Horseman. He is haunted by his shameful memories every day, i bet. He is selfish and wants to be respected and loved, but he is not. I pity him, in a way. And then i think again... I don't think he deserves pity anymore. He's not a bad guy, though. He only does what's best to benefit himself.
Georgie, I would decapitate him and wipe my ass with his face
Bluebeard he is a power hungry douchebag coward fuck and I'm sure he will become a pain in the ass in the upcoming episodes
Tweedle brothers... as Bigby would say the least said about them the better. Snow watching was probably the only reason I didn't rip Dum's fucking head off
Grendel no, definitely not. He is just a guy suffering because of the broken system and I was an asshole for ripping his arm off. I really regret that. He's a nice guy
Woody nope, I wouldn't call Woody a bad guy, he's nice after all, he made some mistakes yeah, but everyone does.
Jack he is just plain stupid so yeah as long as he keeps himself out of trouble he doesn't become a threat. (I mean c'mon "Crane is paying me to water his flowers" what kind of retard would fall for that?)
Crane... Crane is just a piece of shit. He feeds himself lies and is also a disturbing fuck for what he was doing with Lily, glamouring her as Snow... He probably tries to prove himself (especially to Snow) but fails terribly at that
The TweedleDipshits aren't bad people, just people trying to make money! Eventually they will get betrayed by Bloody Mary and the Crooked Man, and they will join Bigby. That's why the choice to kill Dum was so important.
Georgie: Definitely a scumbag, and he does work for The Crooked Man, albeit in a lowly and somewhat removed way, but aside from being scum, I wouldn't call him an antagonist.
Bluebeard: If we're basing this solely on his appearances in the game, he's just a violent control freak. However, my perception of him comes primarily from the Fables comics, wherein he did try to have Bigby and Snow assassinated by Goldilocks and was going to betray Prince Ambrose (Flycatcher) with Shere Khan. So, yes, definitely a villain.
The Tweedles: They're just low-rent thugs. Probably fancy themselves as having some kind of governing code of conduct, but they've shown that they won't hesitate to kill (or at least try to), so I'd say that they are bad guys.
Gren: No, I don't think he's a bad guy. He's a jerk toward Bigby and Snow, sure, but that's because he feels disenfranchised. He seems to genuinely care about Holly, so I think he's probably a decent enough guy, jerk-ish tendencies notwithstanding.
Woody: No, he's just a down-and-out low-life, but not particularly villainous. He admits to planning to rob Red Riding Hood, but that was pre-amnesty anyway.
Jack: Your typical "rogue" character. Shady and self-interested, but he's never done anything outright evil.
Crane: Weasely bureaucrat and embezzeler... a white collar criminal at worst, but his primary motivations are greed and fear. In the comics, he was willing to sell out Fabletown to the Adversary (or so he thought) when he was entrapped by Cinderella and Bigby in a "sting" operation, but even that was motivated by petty self-interest (and lust toward Cindy) rather than any allegiance to the Adversary.
Crane - embezzlement is horrible and destructive to those victimized by it. He's the typical greedy political. Yes he is bad.
Jack - maybe a hypocrite about this but he does "steal" from Crane. Assuming he was not hired to get some stuff from him, I don't think of him as a bad guy.
Grendel - he's loyal to his friend. He fights for her memory. He is not bad even if he fights Bigby. I'm sure his assessment of the sheriff's office is accurate.
Woody - he's scum and a dick. He assumed privilege over Faith to get away with not paying her, beats to her. He uses Lily's occupation to cultivate a relationship with her. That's kind of dickish. So yeah he's bad.
Dee/Dum - threatened TJ's life. Regardless of everything else, that makes them bad.
Bluebeard - considering what I know about him in the comics (from first 3 volumes) and his backstory, him as a whole is bad. In the game, not really other than the music they play around him to get the feeling that he's bad. He has not done anything that my Bigby has not.
Georgie - he's in the grey area. In one hand, he exploits women who don't have much other means to make money and keeps them broke to control them. On the other hand, they chose this route to go through. But yeah, he's bad.
Georgie--Yes. One could argue that he's just a businessman, but the look on Nerissa's face as he's practically forcing her to dance makes me think he treats them badly. I don't think he's an actual antagonist in the game, just a scumbag.
Bluebeard--Based solely on what we've seen so far, not really, though torturing the prisoner at the beginning of act 2 makes this one kind of fuzzy to me.
Tweedles--Yes. Threatening Toad and his son, shooting Gren, Holly, Snow (potentially), and Bigby, and they're clearly working for whoever the antagonist is.
Gren--No, but I don't like him, and I ripped off his arm. I think some people feel pity for him and Holly, but they both get on my nerves and can ram it as far as I'm concerned.
Woody--Yup. I don't think he's involved in the murders but the game does open with him beating up a prostitute. After that the writers seem to be trying to redeem him but beating on small women for no reason until they bleed is kind of a big hurdle to overcome.
Jack--No, probably the last person on this list I'd qualify as "a bad guy."
Crane--I was going to say no because I don't think he's involved in the murders, but he is an embezzler, and it's largely due to him that Fabletown is falling apart. So yeah, he's at the very least an unpleasant person.
Crane: He's a perverted old creep and an embezzler, but I don't think he's evil. He's also the whole reason why Fables who aren't living in the Woodlands get treated so poorly. But do I think he committed the murders? No. He's too much of a spineless coward, he'd never have the courage to do anything like that.
Grendel: Nah, I think he's an alright guy. He's grouchy and rather disagreeable, but I think he has good reason to be, with how badly underprivileged Fables like him and Holly are treated. He cares for Holly and Lily, so at least he's not entirely a jerk.
Georgie: He's utter trash and a complete douche, especially towards Nerissa, but not evil. He knows more than he's letting on about TCM, I can say that for sure.
Jack: Eh. He's a slippery character. Don't know what to think about him just yet, though he seems to act mainly in his own self-interest.
Bluebeard: Yes, definitely. He takes too much pleasure in torturing whoever you bring in as prisoner, and he burns Crane's possessions if you allow him to go to the apartment first, which I find very suspicious. His 'high-and-mighty', arrogant attitude pisses me off. I think he has an ulterior motive, which is taking over Crane's position and acquiring more power over Fabletown.
Woody: No. For the most part, I pity him. He's a low-life, yeah, but I don't think he deserves a lot of what he's been through.
Tweedle Dee/Dum: Yes, the fact that they're working for TCM and Bloody Mary pretty much confirms this. They're sneaky bastards for sure, and they would not have gone through most of the trouble they did had they just been polite towards Bigby and not obtrude in his investigation.
Georgie is more than a megadouche...he appears to be either working for, or is an ally of the Crooked Man. When Bigby and Snow go into the back room of the Pudding & Pie to confront Crane, George gets on an old school 1980s cell phone and tells whoever is on the other end "we have a problem." Presumably that phone call was either directly to the Crooked Man or to one of his henchmen (like Bloody Mary), since Bigby then gets ambushed by Bloody Mary and the Tweedles on the way out.
Georgie - Scum, but not antagonist material. Might be in collation with them, though.
Bluebeard - A sadistic, self-entitled, well-connected psychopath without a doubt. Definite bad guy, but also not an antagonist as long as he's "investing" in the good guys.
Bloody Mary/Crooked Man/The Tweedles - Thugs, amoral, also definite bad guys. Might be the main antagonists, but I doubt it. Mary is batshit and needs to be put down, and the entire business might have to go with her.
Gren - A bit of an ass, but a more or less decent and very loyal guy at heart. I like him.
Woody - I think he's exactly what he seems like. A bad-tempered, self-hating drunk who's trying to get by with what good friends he can keep. Highly sympathetic, mostly because he's more sensitive and vulnerable than Gren. Bloody Mary probably took his axe when he couldn't pay his debt to the Crooked man, I don't think they're allied.
Jack - A cheeky, selfish, shameless, opportunistic asshole. Technically a bad guy, as he'll always try to screw the heroes over to his own benefit, but not outright evil or very effective.
Crane - Pathetic incompetent, but not a bad guy. A huge liability, though.
Georgie : I don't think he is truly evil or a villain, He's just a douchebag that has an uncanny ability to get on people's nerves but much like Crane he doesn't have the balls to do anything more than that.
Bluebeard : Yes, He is a bad guy but he is not a villain in this game so his evil ways have nothing to do with what's going on here.
The Tweedles : They are basically hired guns, but they do seem to enjoy doing all this sick shit so I do think they are bad people, not necessarily evil.
Grendel : He was and always has been a villain but he has some redeeming qualities and We've seen that in this game.
Woody : Not a bad guy at all, Just a drunk caveman who has no Faith in himself whatsoever. I actually feel bad for him most of the time.
Jack : Nah, He just wants to be rich, who doesn't ? Though sometimes he may come up as a JACKass he is just a harmless Joker.
Crane : No. Crane is a creep and has done some fucked up things but he doesn't have the stones to do something truly evil. ( Like decapitating prostitutes ).
Georgie: He is a total dickhole and i wish he would just shut up. I mean, i realize he is only trying to make a living... Out of a strip club... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Anyways, he wouldn't have the guts to do anything BAD. As in, murder or stuff like that. He only wants to seem cool, a smart ass. He is harmless.
Bluebeard: Yeppers. He is. I know that mostly from the comics. But, truth is, he actually is kinda scared of Bigby, as he is a real coward when faced with him or some real challenge (OH, THE IRONY). I mean, he DID (comic spoiler) fight Charming, but only because he thought Charming sucked dick at sword fight, but turns out he didn't, and Bluebitch paid for that. Huehuehuehue. Anyway, he only goes for people that can't actually fight him back. Like Crane. Or some girls. Stuff like that. But he's bad, like, for real.
The Tweedles: I like 'em. They seem chill. The thing that prevented me from killing Dum was their relationship. It's so weird, seeing such true brotherly love in a game like TWAU, that's about murders and broken systems and all... It's something that seems alien. I wanted to keep that. Because i know how it is to have a bro you care about. I really like them. Yeah, they're into kinky shit and they seem like dicks, but i think there's some good in them. They only headed the wrong way... But i think we can turn them around. They are funny, in a weird way, and childish, but they are not evil. They are only hired thugs. They are not bad guys themselves. Their bosses determine if they are bad or not. Or, yeah, they may seem bad guys because they accept such bosses, but i don't think they truly are evil.
Grendel: Totes not. He mah bro. He only cares about his friend because that's all he has left, and they are practically abandoned, so they only have each other. He is a good guy. I like him.
Woody: No. Not a bad guy. A confused goofball. He's sweet. Woody only does not know what to do. He's confused. Again. And it's not easy knowing you are a fallen hero, a pathetic nobody, conscious of the fact that your ex-arch enemy has more power than you. I dunno, i like him, i don't think he's a bad guy. He is, too, my bro.
Jack: Nah, he is only a, lemme just quote, "harmless smartass". He goes to extreme measures to get what he wants, though. Yeah, he's annoying, but not a bad guy. Nope. Just a thinks-he's-so-cool-and-important kinda guy. I sorta like him... Even though i don't...
Crane. He is just a pathetic liar. A coward. A loser. He fucked up. And it all started since the incident with the Headless Horseman. He is haunted by his shameful memories every day, i bet. He is selfish and wants to be respected and loved, but he is not. I pity him, in a way. And then i think again... I don't think he deserves pity anymore. He's not a bad guy, though. He only does what's best to benefit himself.
Georgie, I would decapitate him and wipe my ass with his face
Bluebeard he is a power hungry douchebag coward fuck and I'm sure he will become a pain in the ass in the upcoming episodes
Tweedle brothers... as Bigby would say the least said about them the better. Snow watching was probably the only reason I didn't rip Dum's fucking head off
Grendel no, definitely not. He is just a guy suffering because of the broken system and I was an asshole for ripping his arm off. I really regret that. He's a nice guy
Woody nope, I wouldn't call Woody a bad guy, he's nice after all, he made some mistakes yeah, but everyone does.
Jack he is just plain stupid so yeah as long as he keeps himself out of trouble he doesn't become a threat. (I mean c'mon "Crane is paying me to water his flowers" what kind of retard would fall for that?)
Crane... Crane is just a piece of shit. He feeds himself lies and is also a disturbing fuck for what he was doing with Lily, glamouring her as Snow... He probably tries to prove himself (especially to Snow) but fails terribly at that
The TweedleDipshits aren't bad people, just people trying to make money! Eventually they will get betrayed by Bloody Mary and the Crooked Man, and they will join Bigby. That's why the choice to kill Dum was so important.
Georgie: Definitely a scumbag, and he does work for The Crooked Man, albeit in a lowly and somewhat removed way, but aside from being scum, I wouldn't call him an antagonist.
Bluebeard: If we're basing this solely on his appearances in the game, he's just a violent control freak. However, my perception of him comes primarily from the Fables comics, wherein he did try to have Bigby and Snow assassinated by Goldilocks and was going to betray Prince Ambrose (Flycatcher) with Shere Khan. So, yes, definitely a villain.
The Tweedles: They're just low-rent thugs. Probably fancy themselves as having some kind of governing code of conduct, but they've shown that they won't hesitate to kill (or at least try to), so I'd say that they are bad guys.
Gren: No, I don't think he's a bad guy. He's a jerk toward Bigby and Snow, sure, but that's because he feels disenfranchised. He seems to genuinely care about Holly, so I think he's probably a decent enough guy, jerk-ish tendencies notwithstanding.
Woody: No, he's just a down-and-out low-life, but not particularly villainous. He admits to planning to rob Red Riding Hood, but that was pre-amnesty anyway.
Jack: Your typical "rogue" character. Shady and self-interested, but he's never done anything outright evil.
Crane: Weasely bureaucrat and embezzeler... a white collar criminal at worst, but his primary motivations are greed and fear. In the comics, he was willing to sell out Fabletown to the Adversary (or so he thought) when he was entrapped by Cinderella and Bigby in a "sting" operation, but even that was motivated by petty self-interest (and lust toward Cindy) rather than any allegiance to the Adversary.
Crane - embezzlement is horrible and destructive to those victimized by it. He's the typical greedy political. Yes he is bad.
Jack - maybe a hypocrite about this but he does "steal" from Crane. Assuming he was not hired to get some stuff from him, I don't think of him as a bad guy.
Grendel - he's loyal to his friend. He fights for her memory. He is not bad even if he fights Bigby. I'm sure his assessment of the sheriff's office is accurate.
Woody - he's scum and a dick. He assumed privilege over Faith to get away with not paying her, beats to her. He uses Lily's occupation to cultivate a relationship with her. That's kind of dickish. So yeah he's bad.
Dee/Dum - threatened TJ's life. Regardless of everything else, that makes them bad.
Bluebeard - considering what I know about him in the comics (from first 3 volumes) and his backstory, him as a whole is bad. In the game, not really other than the music they play around him to get the feeling that he's bad. He has not done anything that my Bigby has not.
Georgie - he's in the grey area. In one hand, he exploits women who don't have much other means to make money and keeps them broke to control them. On the other hand, they chose this route to go through. But yeah, he's bad.