Didn't know they spoke Simlish.

edited September 2008 in General Chat
I was bored and looked at the credits for Spore, and it turns out that Roger Jackson and Andrew Chaikin are credited as voice talents.

Those were the only two names I recognized, but knowing that Max's Episode 101 voice and Abe Linclon/Satan/Mojo Jojo is responsible for some of the jibber-jabber I hear during Space stage now gives me something to chuckle about.


  • edited September 2008
    :O That would make since :P
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    Chuck informed me that Roger Jackson plays Lincoln in Civilization Revolution as well, which is awesome. It's apparently basically Lincoln from Sam & Max., but in the Civ Rev version of Simlish.
  • edited September 2008
    That's awesome. Also, I didn't know Roger Jackson played Mojo Jojo. Nifty.
  • edited September 2008
    ShaggE wrote: »
    That's awesome. Also, I didn't know Roger Jackson played Mojo Jojo. Nifty.

    I found out from YouTube. :p
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