does sarah know more than we think?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

I think sarah knows more about the apocalypse than carlos thinks. I mean did she not notice the zombies roaming around when the were heading to the ski lodge? is she blind? what do you think?


  • She obviously does. He doesn't want her experiencing the brutality of the unforgiving world

  • edited April 2014
    • I think the answer no is pretty self explanatory... Alt text
  • But in all seriousness she obviously has some grasp of what's going on. With strangers coming to their house and hearing the walker noises all the time.

  • She is still a kid. Wait until she goes through what Clem did. She won't be taking selfies anymore

    PoopBrown posted: »

    * I think the answer no is pretty self explanatory...

  • she know Carlos hurt someone in the past

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