I just finished Season 2. * Spoilers *

edited September 2008 in Sam & Max
Well, for starters, thank you very much Telltale for the good times and the good laughs. I had a lot of fun. Right now i have a hard time deciding wich episode in the entire series is my favorite, but it'S between the 4th episode of season 1 and chariots of the dogs that's for sure. I can't wait for season 3 to begin :) Count me in!

Also the ending made me happy, seeing the Soda Poppers get crushed like that, i really don't like them and i sure hope they are gone. ( good times )

Also, another thing that worries me.... WHAT HAPPENED TO BUSTER BLASTERS VOICE? He is one of the funniest caracter in the series as far as i go. Yeah i'm weird, but that Tic Tac .... DOOM bit really made me and my girlfriend laugh our heads off, and that 'Denied' part in S2E2 is one of the funniest individual bits i'Ve had:)

All in all you guys made my day by taking this serie back from the dead. I'd really like to see what you guys had in store as a full non-episodic game before forming TellTale. It's sad that it's probably lost to the abyss. As much as i like your episodic concept and content, i'd buy a Sam and Max: The movie, or whatever you'd want to do, and i think that's how you should end the series if EVER you are going to... I know good things don't last forever, but i fear that day already. But hey, so far so good, Season 3 is coming and you guys are seeing release on Consoles. That's good promotion for the product, and the more the better:) I'm wearing my Sam and Max cap proudly.

Take care



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