Asim will get high. Rory gets shot, twice. Tyrone get's his arm cut off. Geoffrey drives away, leaving everyone else behind. Kenny and Carver face off. Walkers attack the compound. Clementine goes into stealth mode. There. I spoiled all of season 5 to you.
Lilly will return , Vernon is dead .
Rebecca will die, lilly might return,Vernon is dead they said it in 400 days
They said the lost him right?
They implied that he's dead
Asim will get high. Rory gets shot, twice. Tyrone get's his arm cut off. Geoffrey drives away, leaving everyone else behind. Kenny and Carver face off. Walkers attack the compound. Clementine goes into stealth mode. There. I spoiled all of season 5 to you.
Kenny was lost and he didn't die so vernon can still be Alive