Which of these is the strongest group?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead




  • i dont know why but when i saw group 3 i immedietly burst out laughing XD

  • Group 3 will win. Ben will indirectly kill both of the other groups.

  • Group 3, isn't it obvious? :D

  • edited April 2014

    Group 1.

    Though I'd love to see a throw down between group 1 and 2.

    Group 2 is basically; Dictator, Asshole, Nutjob, Rapist, Cannibal, Kidnapper.

  • Group 2. Skilled people and little moral code to hold them back. Though they may need to cut a group member or two, but I don't think that would bother them.

  • group one would win.

    Ben would probably kill his own group by accident.

  • Group one just makes me wish Lee was still alive.

  • Group 3. Ben may be the leader, but Travis's father was special forces. He knows what he's doing.

  • Lol he did know what he was doing!!

    Rock114 posted: »

    Group 3. Ben may be the leader, but Travis's father was special forces. He knows what he's doing.

  • edited April 2014

    Group 3 without a doubt.

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  • Group 1, I have a feeling group 3 would all be killed accidentally by Ben, and then he would die falling off a balcony. For some reason, I don't think Group 2 would function so well, they having a bunch of crazy mofos that all want to do something else, I'm sure they fight among themselves and if not, I've seen Nate's and the Stranger's shooting (they both aren't the greatest shooters), and I blew Danny's leg off. So, I think Lee's group would win.

  • Yeah, group two's got a lot of assholes.

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Group 1. Though I'd love to see a throw down between group 1 and 2. Group 2 is basically; Dictator, Asshole, Nutjob, Rapist, Cannibal, Kidnapper.

  • Imagine being apart of group 3 it would be devastating :)

  • edited April 2014


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  • Group 1, cuz Luke and Kenny together is a force of unstoppable power!

    edited April 2014

    On one hand, Lee is a good leader and pimp.

    But on the other hand, Ben is so buff and charismatic he can rule the world.






    Is this even a question? How will a group with 2 kids, 2 shitbirds, a 100 year old lady and a guy who wears sandals with socks kill Lee and Clemmy? Not to mention the Stache'.

    And Carver is just hot air, Lee will make him his bitch with his mighty pimp hand.

  • HEY! Doug can make a pile of junk into a landmine!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    On one hand, Lee is a good leader and pimp. But on the other hand, Ben is so buff and charismatic he can rule the world. . . .

    edited April 2014

    And Ben will find a way to accidentally blow everyone up with it.

    But hey, Travis's dad was special forces, he knows what he's doing.

    HEY! Doug can make a pile of junk into a landmine!

  • Travis's dad was special forces!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    And Ben will find a way to accidentally blow everyone up with it. But hey, Travis's dad was special forces, he knows what he's doing.

  • edited April 2014

    Grup 3 is like: do you want to be killed, enjoy !
    Group 2 is to dangerous.
    I think Group 1 is the best one ! :D

    Edit: Where's Carley in Group 1 ?

  • Alt text

    gd3232 posted: »

    Group 3 without a doubt.

  • edited April 2014

    What I think when I saw the three groups:

    The Good, the Bad and the Dorks.

  • Where the hell is my baby Lilly ?

    It's pretty obvious that the first group will survive.

  • Lol bens the leader look how concerned everyone looks

  • edited April 2014

    I agree that group one would win because well group 3....and group 2 there would be a lot of arguing and nothing would get done except fights within their own group.

  • You're Lilly's mom ? :o

    RubyMoon posted: »

    Where the hell is my baby Lilly ? It's pretty obvious that the first group will survive.

  • edited April 2014

    Group 1 is good but... may I present: TEAM CLEMENTINE!

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    The last panel is meant to represent us, for those who don't get it.

  • BigBlindMaxBigBlindMax Banned
    edited April 2014

    Group One for sure. It's very cohesive with he exception of the Luke/Kenny rivalry, which could be smoothed over with Clementine's help. All have similar objectives and all members are combat proficient, other than Clementin who is only semi-proficient (being an 11 year-old).

    Group Two is completely combat proficient and not bound by any moral scruples. but would be wracked both by mental instability and infighting caused by their completely incompatible priorities.

    Group 3 is an absolute joke. Also, shouldn't Doug be in charge? Doug at least has a sharp mind and works relatively well under pressure.

  • Juice can take group 2 blindfolded

    dqtl74 posted: »

    Group 1 is good but... may I present: TEAM CLEMENTINE! The last panel is meant to represent us, for those who don't get it.

  • Ha Ben a leader HA!!! Just look at his face does that look like the face of a leader?

  • Group 3 no question.

  • I originally thought group three because Ben would accidentally take out his opponents... but now that I think about it, he'd accidentally kill his group first, I mean he killed Duck and Doug before... he'll do it again, then that just leaves the old racist woman who won't last too long and Travis who will die first because of how close he is to Ben... and we know no one is safe around Ben, then Sarah who I think will die when asking a walker to be her friend. Then on to group 2... they'll be taken out quickly by Group 1 and 3 (3 only because of Ben's stupidity) making it to where in the end Ben will be by himself against Lee, Clementine, Kenny, Luke, Christa, and Vince... so group one wins then!

  • group 1 but why no pete >:(

  • Group 1 will survive the longest because they share pretty much the same objectives and chances of internal conflict are slim. While group 2 also has capable people the internal conflicts are inevitable, and that will surely lead to their demise.

    But in a fighting scenario scenario, I'd say group 2 takes both ones. Considering all of them have killed before and I can't find a weak link in it, except for Danny maybe.

  • edited April 2014

    Hey I was being serious about group 3. :(

    Ben would make a great leader! Just look at his face! Plus he's got genius Doug as his right hand man and his friend Travis who had a dad in the special forces so he therefore knows what he's doing. The old woman is useful too because she can knit them all a jumper in the winter and Sarah and Duck won't be any trouble. I just don't think any of them would be good with a gun though, or any weapon for that matter.

  • i knew you were joking as soon as you said ben lol :P

    ShaneWalsh posted: »

    Hey I was being serious about group 3. Ben would make a great leader! Just look at his face! Plus he's got genius Doug as his right hand

  • Hey create more groups !

  • Hey create more groups !

  • Why isn't Larry in group 2? He should be the leader of team assholes.

  • Shhh ! Let's keep this between us, 'Kay ?

    Alive_Clem posted: »

    You're Lilly's mom ?

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