Andy St. John, he's a cannibal, but more easy-going and definitely less creepy than his brother Danny.
Larry, he can be an asshole and is a bit of a liability with his temper and heart issues, but he's not outright evil. He can even apologize for wanting to toss out Duck if you're nice enough to him. Not that it excuses him being cruel.
Carlos. He's not that bad, and he's a doctor. (or so he says...) The choice is obvious.
Vernon. Asshole, but a doctor, and is willing to make difficult decisions for the sake of his group.
I'd basically save the ones who are the least evil out of both.
Andy St.John (I hate that prick but at least he's less insane than Danny who's is just a complete psycho)
Larry (Although he was an ass to pretty much everyone and Lee specifically Carver is much worse plus Larry indeed has the charm coming outta his ass)
Carlos (I don't think I even have to explain why)
Vernon (I'm pissed off on him because he stole the boat but like I've said Carver is much worse and at least Vernon didn't kill anybody while Carver killed Walter,(Alvin) and was willing to kill Sarita or Clem if he needed to)
Neither, Larry, Carlos, neither.
If we had to? Well this is an interesting twist.
Andy st john or Danny St. John
Carver or Larry
Carlos or Stranger
Vernon or Carver
I'd basically save the ones who are the least evil out of both.
You know Danny St. John and Carver are pure evil when you're picking guys Like Andy and Vernon over them.
Andy. Larry. Carlos. Vernon.
Do people hate carlos that much ?
1) Andy.
2) Carver.
3) Carlos.
4) Carver.
I chose Carver so much because he's an interesting personality, I want to know more about him.
Danny St. John or Carver ? That's a tough one !!
I guess I'm the only one who'd save Danny over his brother. What can I say, I prefer batshit crazies over run-of-the-mill sociopaths.
i don't know... Carver?