2nd anniversary

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

we are celebrating the 2nd anniversary of releasing the first episode of our favourite game

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let's say thanks to Telltale. (sorry for my bad English)


  • Everyday's a school day.

  • 2 years already? Seems like only yesterday

  • edited April 2014

    I still remember that night where I didn't know what to do, browsed the net and stumbled upon a video named "The Walking Dead Game Walkthrough", watched it expecting it to be some kinda lame L4D or RE wannabe.

    Then I realised it was more like a Visual Novel with zombies and survival as theme.

    Then I bought the whole damn thing and secluded myself in my room doing nothing but playing, drinking, eating. Man, I' dlike to go back to that day so I could replay this masterpiece without knowing every single line of dialogue.....

  • Yeah, I was similar. Remember seeing the first part of a playthrough (or a trailer, I forget), and I went away thinking "well, that looks like a waste of time. Last thing I want to slog through are a bunch of quicktime events. Then several months later (the fifth episode had come out within the past few weeks), I must have been bored since I watched more of a playthrough, and that got me hooked, once I really saw what the game could do to me.

    Byakuren posted: »

    I still remember that night where I didn't know what to do, browsed the net and stumbled upon a video named "The Walking Dead Game Walkthrou

  • Inspirational work, paved the way for many years to come.

  • Unlike most games, they brought the story to life.

  • edited April 2014

    Unlike most other ‘zombie’ games, The Walking Dead is not a ‘shooter’. While there will be use of weapons, and you will fight for your life against the undead (and the living), you won’t mow down shambling hordes with your high-powered machine gun with unlimited ammo.

    Unlike most games, they brought the story to life.

  • I guess mine is different i was browsin on psn and got the demo,and i was JUMPIN JESUS ON A POGO STICK THIS GAME IS GOOD.But this is when the lucky parts come ps plus gave away the first two ep.free and I grow an even more loyal fan of TTG and TWD every muthahumpin day.

  • Don't say they place a trailer online over six days that will be horibly

  • edited April 2014

    don't know if they did this last year, but i don't think this gonna happen.

    joshua007 posted: »

    Don't say they place a trailer online over six days that will be horibly

  • Cheers Telltale! We salute you for making such a memorable game.

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