Season 3: There are thou?

edited September 2008 in Sam & Max
I've just been wondering, is there any chance that Season 3 begins this year? I've read on some site that it begins in 2009, i'd like an official word on the matter. 2009 seems rather far :( And also it doesn't respect the established timeframe of the past two years:)


  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    2009 it is. We're not saying much more than that.
  • edited September 2008
    If I remember well, the team working on Sam & Max is curently working on SBCG4AP. When they will have finished it they will start on season 3. So that could give a season start beginning of 2009 (which doesn't mean January by the way).

    But there is another team working on Wallace and Gromit. I don't know when the firste episode would release though...

    Edit: Jake knows more than me though
  • edited September 2008
    I'm not sure i'm into SBCG4AP...i might look into it all someday.
  • edited September 2008
    Are The sam&max Team working on wallace and grimot
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    The Wallace & Gromit folks and the Strong Bad team are both combinations of the people who worked on Sam & Max and CSI, along with a lot of new faces (the Homestar writing team in particular has a lot of noticeable crossover with Sam & Max, which is one reason why that team is so closely associated with Sam & Max). The writing team behind W&G is Andy Hartzell and Joe Pinney (both new to Telltale, though they have done many cool things before!), while the writing team on Homestar is Mark Darin, Chuck Jordan, and Mike Stemmle (Mark programmed many of Season Two's minigames and was a designer on CSI Hard Evidence, Chuck was the lead writer on Sam & Max Season Two, and Mike is new to Telltale but you may know his name from Sam & Max of yore and other LEC titles), while Dave Grossman and Brendan Ferguson loom ominously over all Telltale projects as the studio's design directors/overseers/advice-giving types. The choreography, animation, programming, and environment modeling teams are also split fair evenly across the board between those who were working on Sam & Max, those who were working on CSI*, and new people.

    * Nearly everybody in the studio who was here during Sam & Max Season One, Season Two, and either CSI game probably worked on all of those projects, though. The team distinctions are fairly strong right now because there is a core group beating the last two Strong Bad episodes into submission while another group is working on getting Wallace & Gromit's core structure off the ground, but I'm sure that once they're both in full swing, people will start seeping over between projects again. In truth, we are very much one big group at Telltale, always moving between a zillion things at once :) There aren't two or three "teams" which are set in stone, it's a bit more fluid than that. The projects are sort of these big magnets which you stick to for a while, but then you may drift closer to another, or its force may momentarily become stronger, and you will find you're over working on it for a while, etc.
  • edited September 2008
    Just out of curiosity; have you decided what direction the season 3 plot is going to take yet? (A yes or a no will suffice)
  • JakeJake Telltale Alumni
    edited September 2008
    People are talking about all sorts of things, most of which sound pretty great to me. That's all you're gonna get, sorry! :)
  • edited September 2008
    Jake wrote: »
    People are talking about all sorts of things, most of which sound pretty great to me. That's all you're gonna get, sorry! :)

    And the smiling face boot comes down.
  • edited September 2008
    I can't wait. Maybe i'll check out the CSI games while i'm waiting to help me ease the pain of the delay.

    As for Wallace & Gromit, i have no idea what this license is about. I'm excited with this company and i see you guys know what you are doing. Any chance you guys pick up Maniac Mansion from Lucas?:P
  • edited September 2008
    OMG If you don't know what Wallace and Gromit is about, you should get the 3 shorts and the movie out on DVD and watch them :)
  • edited September 2008
    Why the "there" in the title? I thought you found something.

    Anyway, it'd be pretty inefficient to run a video game company where everyone is working on every game series. I'm confident Telltale has the resources to make 3 games at a time. Doesn't necessarily mean they are right this second, of course.
  • edited September 2008
    I'm pretty sure Telltale said Wallace & Gromit would come out later this year, course I don't rightly remember, or where I read it at.
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